Strange. I have a Gen III package II w/ Yokohama tires and I don't have road noise at all (on standard roads.) In fact, I have less road noise that I did in my 2006 Infiniti G35 that I traded for the Prius. If you're noticing significant road noise, take it back to the dealer and have a service tech ride with you in the car. He'll be able to better identify the source of the noice. (I did this when I bought a 2006 Nissan Pathfinder.) Turns out, I had a bad bearing in my steering column that was causing just enough vibration noise to notice while driving. They replaced the bearings and just like more noise. Good luck!
No, no buyer's remorse here... OK, maybe remotely in that it would have been cool to go for the trim level III rather than the II that I ended up with; not sure if that counts or not.
The Prius that I test drove (that I did not get) had considerable road noise. Both the dealer (who was in the back seat) and my dad (in the passenger side) commented on it. The Prius that I bought (a dealer trade from another county) does not have road noise that I can hear. Not sure if that makes any sense at all, but I wonder if it varies from car to car or what kind of road you are driving on?
You can try having the car undercoated. That will help some with the noise. I personally don't think its too bad.
I think I have the dealer installed undercoating. I don't notice any road noise (I'm coming from a 2006 Landrover LR3). In fact, I turned off my radio on the interstate today at 65mph and it was dead silent. It was actually quite weird.
I hope by now you changed your tire pressure. If I remember correctly, front is 35 and rear is 33 or 34. Mine was like over 40 and it made huge difference. For tire choice, I highly recommend I've been buying all my tires from there since 1994. Ship them to my home and take them to Walmart tire center where it's only like $10 a piece to mount and balance. Tirerack has really nice review system and sales person can easily find the tire that will fit your need.
No remorse here. We sold this to get our Prius IV with Solar Panel The Prius is superior in everything except acceleration. The Prius is even getting 20 mpg more. :rockon:
An interesting question; thanks for asking it. After nearly 20 years of driving mid-80's Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedans, we CFC traded for a 2010 V off the showroom floor. We found the cabin comfortable, the ride reasonable given the shorter wheelbase, and the build-quality quite good (equal to the Mercedes and better than our 2001 VW Passat AWD). The Prius handles quite well with the 17" wheels and although I'm sure the ride is a bit softer with the smaller wheel/tire combination, the better handling more than makes up for the extra firmness. Although we have driven German cars the past decade, we bought and drove 6 Toyotas over the preceeding 22 years. Even when something goes wrong, which is very rare, Toyota stands behind its products better than anyone else in our experience. All 6 new Toyotas were purchased from Metro Toyota of Kalamazoo, MI (Jeff DeNooyer is the owner), and they have been excellent to deal with. As for the specific road noise issue mentioned in the original post, the Prius is not going to be as quiet as an Accura, but it is not excessively noisy. I agree with the earlier post that tires are the biggest factor in most road noise issues. So, no buyer's remorse here. The Prius is a heck of a car and I was getting tired of the challenges of using a 24-year old vehicle as a daily driver. Moving from EPA 13.1 mpg (premium) to 52 mpg was certainly a factor. The Prius is no Mercedes, but then the Mercedes was no Prius.
Re: No remorse here. People may think you are comparing apples to oranges. If that is your thing, motorcycles are not cheap. I am happy that you got rid of the motorcycle. I'm presently an owner of a Prius II and have had it for four great years of ownership. I will be getting a Prius III very soon. If it wasn't good, I sure wouldn't consider getting the same vehicle again. Buyer's remorse? You might have it if you don't purchase a Prius.
The E gets better than the 18mpg estimate for the C4C, how on earth did you get the Prius of rthe E with the C4C?
Never mind I just saw that you traded in your clunker AND the E for the Prius. Duh, my bad...need sleep badly.
Very glad I bought it overall. I have wondered as I have the undercoating too - my ride is very quiet. It drives so smoothly that I enjoy it more then the Avalon I had a few years ago (though preferred the wider size). I have to admit I don't know what the dealer inflated the Bridgestone tires to when I left northern ID; need to check. I have not driven the car much since getting home since I still have my CRV under lease. I had remorse about not getting lumbar and leather but LOVE the seats without lumbar (6 hour trip home) and will swap out for better leather at a lower price soon. So now no regrets that I went with a III. Do have a tinge of remorse about the color. Its beautiful but as much work to care for as my black CRV so for low maint, wish I had gotten silver. I think the real "bit" of remorse will occur next year when my CRV lease is done. I will miss the large back storage area - if I see a bench for the patio - it gets tossed in. Probably will fit in the P, but will take a lot more finesse due to the size (if don't want to take a chunk of car on the way in or out). Also, when it snows - not often here - but like to head to mountains too occasionally. I will let friends drive as I would not be comfortable driving the P without AWD (having grown up in FL).
I don't have a 2010 Prius, but mine is a 2009. I have noticed sometimes the interior noise, at 65 mph, is fairly quiet. Other times, at 65 mph, the noise seems more pronounced. I think the above may have to do with either driving into the wind (more noise) or having a tailwind (less noise). Road surface affects noise levels a lot too. Smoother surface means quieter interior. My Prius is not able to have low noise under all conditions, but overall it is pretty good, to me. ---------------------------- I've been driving my 2009 for almost a year now ... longer than anyone has been driving a 2010 ... hehehe. I look forward to driving it everytime. It's an interesting car, and to me, engaging. I spend a good deal of time looking at cars ahead, behind, upcoming lights to drive smoothly. I like the average fuel economy indicator ... a lot. I like to know how I'm doing on economy. I still really like how the gas engine shuts off most of the time when stopped. I prefer the gas engine off and I'd really like it to be off all the time .. hehe. --------------------- The things I like less about this 2009 are the rare occasion when I've got to climb a very steep grade over 50 mph. I'll get used to slowing down a bit as I don't like to push the car really hard. I'd like the car to last a really long time. ------------------ The best thing? The fuel economy, bar none. It still hasn't quite 'sunk in' that I drive a 4 door small-mid size hatchback that averages better fuel economy than any 600cc motorcycle I've ever owned. --------------- Worst aspect of the car? The total cost of about $30,300 OTD for the car, bought during peak demand. As other's have said, best thing to do is keep the car and drive it through its full life. Only reason to sell it is if there was something I truly could not tolerate about it, but that's certainly not the case. I fix problems as they arise (or as I fail to detect them up front, argh).
Re: No remorse here. That was my "unstated" point. We all are selling or trading in other vehicles to get the Prius, and the Prius is DIFFERENT. Unless you left another hybrid for a Prius,you are comparing apples to oranges.
I traded my 2006 Prius in for the 2010. I'm contemplating seeing how much financial pain it will cost for me to swap for a hybrid Camry. I'm 6'3" and with the silly, inconvenient console I just don't have a place to put my right leg when driving. Even with cruise on I can't really get comfortable after about 10 minutes of driving. Had I test drove the car for more than 5 minutes I wouldn't have bought it. This is a really major issue for me that I just don't see a good solution for. That said, it's quieter than my 2006 was, accelerates better and definitely handles highway speeds better. The BT audio streaming is nice except it resets to the beginning of the section everytime I turn it off. I suspect the BT software will get updated because enough folks are complaining. The mileage, particularly on the highway, is a bit better. I don't like the NAV as much; loading CDs is a pain. There's no convenient place to put remotes, etc. The delay when answering my phone with the BT is just bad design and implementation. They had it right before but cheapened it in this version. It's clearly a better car than Gen II but the value engineering may have gone too far.
Glad you enjoy your 2010. It should be a much better car than the GenII(cross fingers reliability). What's not to like about it, more room and more power. BT electronics probably comes from China. J/K. Maybe?
No real remorse here, but I have to admit that I like the amenities on our Gen II much better than the Gen III. I can't understand some of the minor changes they made on the Gen III, as door storage areas, center console storage, even glove compartment design, plus hard to figure options (even after two months) on mileage information. Mileage on the Gen III is better than the Gen II, but still...
Haven't purchased one yet but I am concerned about the Prius. Maybe it's not for everybody but the impacts to the environment, the price as compared to a non-hybrid model, numerous complaints about taller drivers not being able to fit in the car, etc is making me dobut that the Prius is for me. The engineering seems to be solid but I asked the dealer if the car will run if the hybrid battery fails and he said yes!! I said, well let's unplug the battery and take a test drive and they refused. Stupid salesman had egg all over his face..