Rhino, my package II came without bluetooth so no-frills versions are available. You just have to be patient and not bite at cars that come through with stuff you don't need. I too was looking for a "simple, economical car." I really hope my mileage improves substantially over the what the gas gauge is telling me for the first 210 miles of mixed, conservative driving (used half a tank). Allowing for break-in and variations in tank filing that would suggest that my Prius does hardly any better - and perhaps worse - than a Yaris for about $11,000 less over the life of the car (purchase price, tax, registration, insurance). Yaris is rated for about 34 mpg in automatic but since the revised EPA test is heavily biased against small engines many if not most Yaris owners report 40mpg or better. Hopefully my first week is very atypical. If not, I may actually trade my slightly used Prius for a slightly used Yaris in these, as you say, tough times.
Consider putting in a very nice aftermarket radio with bluetooth and ipod built into it for half the price of a 'toyota upgrade'
I hear you and you have valid points. I needed the Prius for getting on the HOV lane when commuting to and from work. Otherwise, a Yaris is very tempting. The Prius also comes in handy if I have to see a client because it is a medium sized car, and it is "green" and all. For the prices my company is charging our customers, they would feel better if I show up in a slightly bigger car. (Disclaimer here - that's the price we charge the customer, it is not related to my salary. Things are tight for me.). So the Prius is a more respectable car. You may consider this since you already have a Prius. There is probably some cost involved in trading your car - meaning the middleman is going to get a cut of your money. The Prius is bigger and may be more useful for business - and you already have it.
I'll see how my mileage shakes out over the next month or so. In the SF Bay Area,the Prius is an extremely popular car with 2 month waits so resale value is high. Yarises (Yarii?) are much less sought after so it would all depend on what I could wrangle. Based on EPA estimates I assumed a gas usage differential which, assuming current gas prices and 150,000 miles of car use would have returned me $4,500 in gas savings plus a slight boost on trade in. For that net, I was willing to buy a somewhat nicer car. Also, past generations of Prius earned slightly higher reliability ratings than Yaris. So - again - I'll see. I don't drive business associates around much at all and when I do I can always rent something. This is the same reason I don't own a truck although I have occasional use for one.
I got Prius III instead of II. Satellite radio was absolutely a must for me because I like it. To have package II satellite radio-ready, the dealer was charging $400 at that time, so I'm not sure if it is still the same deal. So, I was paying $600 for a better sound system and integrated BT. Just the sound components by itself without installation could easily cost at least $500... So in the end of the day I thought it was worth paying the extra 1k, but I thought a lot about getting just package II. My sales guy told me up-front that, in his opinion, package III is by far the best value for the 2010 Prius and he thinks Toyota made poor choices bundling the packages... just for the record.
Dealer charged me $1300 for katzkin leather upgrade and a pioneer avic z130bt cost me 750( after rebate) and an addition $250( dash kit, harness, backup camera, etc). Now my Prius feels like a Prius iv w/ navi package for only $21500+ $2300=$24500 that's $6000 in savings!! No complains at all!! Plus aftermarket navigation have A LOT more features