Fine if you live week-to-week. If I buy a new Prius, drive it for 5 years and sell it for a decent price, I like those numbers better.
Not me, lease two cars all the time no Maint cost, and nice new car very 3 years. Do not have to worry about deprecation the minute I walk out of the dealer!
I don't worry about depreciation either, because I expect to keep my cars. And since I keep my cars, I do not worry about scrapes or bumps and can therefore self-insure other than liability. Your choices are costing you hundreds of dollars a month. Every month, of every year you choose to be a lease slave. For your sake I hope you are not up to your eyeballs in debt in order to satisfy your also-used-but-newer car craze.
long as you can keep the miles under what ? 12k ? I tend to keep cars until I have to push them so buying > leasing for me anyway providing I don't care about shiny new... I will say though that with improvements expected and comp driving down prices this may not be such a bad idea right now
I plan to sell my PIP in a few years. The thought of repairs after the warranty expires gives me the willies.
You call it a craze I call it the cost of living, I'm retired and have two homes, only debt I have is in mortgage, to which my homes are both worth double the mortgages. So you skimp and I'll live!
Do as you like, but please use some restraint posting how you waste money on cars when you do not work and still have debt, as if it is a good thing.
Why when it's only paper debt, and the mortgages are less than the taxes that I would have to pay any way. And it's not that I don't work I'm RETIRED. Worked for one compy. 42 years.