Yes, browsing history is convenient too. What I like about the saved for later list is that Amazon automatically updates the current lowest price for the item in the list for me and notify the price change either increased or decreased. When I am doing comparison shopping and waiting for a better price, this list saves me time and money. There are some third-party apps and extensions that does comparison shopping easier, but so far I have not found the safe and truly money-saving one yet.
OP again....after all that drama about losing my list of illuminated toggle switches, I ended up at a rural hardware store today about an hour from home and after "getting what I came for," I looked at their toggle switches and they had both ivory and white illuminated and I purchased one of each at $7.99 each. What is it that those switches are so impossible to find nowadays...
I avoid Amazon when possible, although I think when Jeff first started it as a bookstore, it was an interesting concept. Had to "rescue" an Amazon driver that managed to get stuck in a ditch near my house a couple of weeks ago. The UPS and FEDEx people know the local roads....if you can call them roads. Since they went wacky with using the alternative delivery services, I have been having any Amazon orders sent to a locker in "town." kris
i now see the delight in amazon after being forced to use them. it's like Christmas morning every day on the front porch.