Dam I should have not said anything, wanted the user to comeback and reply he has no out let to plug into after hundred dollars for part and labor install. I remember the fella who everyone said for him to buy a particular battery jump startee and he replied that he bought and had no where to plug it in because he parks at apartment parking lot. Not enough info reminder.
Yeah apartments are bad: parking stalls rarely have ANY electrical outlet. Dirty secret of new condo construction too, is the insanely tight stalls and narrow through ways; builders wow customers with glitz in their places, totally cheap out in the parking garage... First time around, at time of purchase of our (new) 2010, we had the block heater installed by dealership: $400 CDN please. The connection right at the block heater fritzed out at around the 9 year mark (it got a lot of use, year 'round), and I replaced myself, $90 CDN for the part IIRC. Access was a royal pain.
In priuschat, we re in a utopia. We all have mechanic tools, live in houses with garage but must be talked into DIYs
And gratis monthly Techstream subscriptions, for the purpose-built laptop that came in the upper glove box.