Glad your OK! Did the accident report state an estimated speed for the driver who hit you? My Dad and Brother are retired CHP officers, (Capt. and Sgt.), they should have photographed, and measured the skid marks, it would give them an estimated speed. (Did they issue a citation to the other driver? Did they show him to be fully at fault?) I would bet the other car was speeding from the damage you have, especially if you heard a l-o-n-g skid before impact! If your passenger doors will not open, it is for sure totaled, as it is way more than just localized damage, but crumpled the uni-body through to the forward passenger door. How many miles were on it? It just seems wrong if you had a one year old car, with not a lot of miles on it, that they should not give you enough money to easily replace what you had, at least! (If not enough money to get a newer, replacement of what you had!!!)
Every Toyota dealer in the area has some ploy to get me into the showroom. Seems like a good time to be shopping for a red v. Start with a Truecar or AAA quote. Best wishes for finding exactly what you want quickly.
I agree with the True Car . com idea! We got a real good quote from their web site, took the quote to a different, closer Toyota dealer, and they matched it, no hassle, no haggling, just more than $3k off MSRP!!!
Since we assume you're OK, that says it best. What a waste of a beautiful red Prius v. Good luck in getting things sorted out.
Glad U R OK. You said you heard there tires ABS on there car??? or there brakes not working properly. Like everybody else said get yourself checked out, so everything is documented. Complications do not show up at first, I know this from experience unfortunately. When you go to the Doc. let them know why you want to be checked out (from an accident). Get a little book and document any changes you may feel, hopefully the only change is for the better. When you feel better, enjoy the search for a replacement car.
Here is SC, I guess they don't document as much on accidents like they do in CA (used to live there). But the other driver was ticketed and assigned 100% fault for the accident. Until the other driver's insurance company kicks into gear, I'm going through my company so I can get a rental car. That's how I bought this one - TrueCar is great! I will look at all options again before deciding.
Again, glad you're OK. Could have been much worse. Remember that a crumpled and totalled car is a car that did its job perfectly. The energy went into the body of the car crumpling it and slowing down the impact so it wasn't as harsh on the human. As to the battery acid, that is the 12v battery. It is a little lead acid battery like every car has, but it is in the rear hatch. The impact broke it completely, so the "wet" part of the wet lead acid battery (acid) leaked out. Contained by the little triangle cover and good Toyota design. Do you have GAP coverage?
at least with USAA once they start the claim process and incur costs, the have not handed it off to the other insurance company. They say it just causes more problems. They'd rather just send them one big bill. Which I would imagine, means the your insurance company probably makes a bit of coin on the subrugation process.
My history with USAA... over the last 20 years was all good until I moved to Virginia.. golf ball size hail storm...nearly totaled wifes Saturn Vue Green Line, and did a number on our house (alum siding) and roof 4 totaled cars with USAA in the last 6 years. 1 Chevy Tracker LT other car turned left into on coming traffic(me) without stopping at his stop sign. basically 45mph head on collision...did not even have time to get scared Air bags deploy 2 Chevy HHR other car pulled out from a stop sign after stopping saw me and panicked (stopped dear in headlights) intersection was at a two lane road with a bridge with guardrails all I could do was put both feet on the brakes and wait for it Other driver did not have a DL and was driving fiances minivan with temp tags still on it(oopsie).. Air bag deploy 3 Chevy HHR other driver changed lanes running me off the road, after we hit I went across a 6" curb at 40 took out a road sign and just missed a tree...front end folded under. 4 Prius. Nature gets its revenge...when a tree falls on it while I'm stopped at a traffic light.. in each case other drivers were cited and I filed claims with both insurance companies. Mine(usaa) and the other... I have never been disappointed by USAA. Yes they have tried to play down the car value, but they always came through with a fair settlement and I always recovered my deductible. But Yes I think if you use Your own insurance company for a claim when the other party was at fault. Your insurance will probably get some reimbursement above and beyond the actual claim amount in the form of "claims management" But I was never able to get any "Pain/suffering" out of my own insurance company. To go that route you'd need prove some sort of actual damage or get a lawyer... Our rates have never gone up as a result of any of this....If you can get USAA it....
My claims handler said they do it all the time. She said keep them informed about my rental car that I'm picking up today, and the body shop the car is at so they can pick up from where my company started. That's why I'm consulting an attorney in my case and keeping the other driver's company informed about the accident and what I'm doing about my car and rental. I don't have a problem for insurance companies getting some reimbursement for their part in handling the claim, when they shouldn't have had to do it in the first place. The other insurance company needs to compensate for work others did on their behalf.
Love USAA.... Could I find some discount service and get better pricing...Yes, but customer service is key. I hope you get all you are owed...Sounds like you are on the right tack... Just check you vehicle valuation from CCCone...they do make mistakes..
Hi fellow South Carolinian! Glad you're okay from the accident. If you haven't done so I would go to see your doctor ASAP and/or a chiropractor. Tell them you're there for a check up after a car accident and they will document that in your chart. Anything you pay up front (co-pay if you have insurance or full price if you don't) can be fully reimbursed from the at fault driver's insurance company. They may not even charge you and just seek reimbursement from the insurance company directly. I recommend a chiropractor since your back is involved. My sister was in the back seat of a car that got rear ended at 45/50 MPH and a few days after the accident she started noticing pain that sent her to the doctor and chiropractor to find out she has a bulging disk. Also, don't jump the gun and settle until you feel comfortable doing so. That way you won't settle and then 6 months from now need surgery or something.
UPDATE: Got the news yesterday that my v is totaled. Over $21k in damages from what they could see, possibly more when they dig into it. The value they're coming up, including sales tax, is 89% of what I paid, including taxes. I'm refraining from saying too much at my attorney's request. Based on initial research online last night, I am inclined to accept the offer, but they did extend my rental car for 15 days so I am not so pressed to make a quick decision on a new car. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated!
if the car was only a few months old and purchased new I think you could argue for a higher value. but the car is last years model...with some miles on it. so its a used car... So we all know that when you buy a new car you take a huge hit in depriciations when you drive it off the lot. I guess the big question is......with the money they are offering you, could you find another one and be out of pocket zero dollars. Most insurance policies are based on the car's actual cash value. not replacement. If you are dealing with the the other company you should be able to push for replacement value. a quick search shows 2013's with 5 package withing 500 miles of DC going from 29-21K depends on mileage and location...
I am dealing with the other insurance company and their offer is well within the range you quoted. If I can get them to shift the value, my best guess it will be in the hundred's, not thousand's of $'s. I know the depreciation hit but 11% is actually pretty good for just over a year and the mileage I have. I'm going to stop my Toyota dealer and talk to them, plus drive the Camry Hybrid again.
the key is to try to minimize your out of pocket expense if you decide to purchase the exact same car again....
Update: You'll note that I deleted the pic of my v in my avatar because it went to the big graveyard in the sky. I waiting on the final word from the insurance company. The first adjuster didn't have authority to make determination on value due to the dollar value of the damages, so his supervisor had to do a verification, which happened yesterday. I asked a friend to stop by and take off what's left of my license plate and was told the supervisor was there inspecting my v. Hopefully I'll hear something today or tomorrow. In the meantime, I get to start looking for another car - yea. (not!) Typically I get excited about new car shopping, but this time not so much. Don't like it when I'm forced to make a decision like this when I wasn't planning to do it for at least another 4-5 years. But I'll try to make the best of it!