Gray: Easy to keep clean. Hard to spot in the rain/fog. Geezer color. Blue: Younger looking color. Much easier to see imperfections. Looks 'cheaper'. Me? I'm older than you are, but I don't consider myself a geezer. I don't care what looks "cheap." Visibility trumps ease of cleaning. I'd pick Blue......well.....unless some form of Red or Lemon Yellow were offered instead. YMMV
I say gray - always go for classy rather than trendy (says the guy who bought his wife an Absolutely Red C )
I'm partial to the Blue, but I would also recommend you take a look at a Summer Rain in person before deciding on. When I bought my car I insisted on a Blue, but if I had seen a Summer Rain, I would have "settled" for that color if Blue wasn't available.
I wanted yellow - no joy - not imported. I looked at orange. I eventually ordered Summer Rain cause they didn't have anything other than orange, and white by the end of the first day of sales here (February 2012). I would have gotten the blue but my wife's Fit is almost the exact same color and it would have been too weird. I did consider the gray but a couple hours later when I went back it was gone too. PS: I'm a geezer...err...what were we talking 'bout?
Some things people sometimes don't think of, or notice only after purchase. The rear signal/brakelight units are quite large, and particularly stand out against dark colors. If you don't like the effect, choose a lighter color. My C is silver, and the units are more or less blended right in (not that I thought of it at the time, either!).
Thanks. Those who don't know are the first to tell us what to know. The best measure of acceleratuion is 30 to 70 mph. not a 1/4 mile drag race start. You will find the Prius C is slow by any comparison. Don't use car mag data, they do things drag racing they wouldn't do to their cars. Consult Consumer Reports for true accel data. When entering an interstate with a 70 mph speed limit and usual acceleration lane choose your entry carefully. We measured our Prius C and found that accelerating from 30 to 70 takes nearly nearly 3 football fields, over 800 feet, and thats longer than most accel lanes so matching interstate traffic speed before merging isn't an option. so you must carefully find a space that has enough room to the next car back doesn't run you down or has to panic brake because they were texting. The C is at the back end of cars that merge well onto interstates but is entirely acceptable with its mpg. And if you want to make up for its lackluster handling so you can at least get by on the next rwisty part its completely understandable. Increasing acceleration in a curve certainly helps when HP and torque are lacking. Round here most of our 2 and 4 lane roads have enough curves that passing the beheamoths is not as diificult if you have the car handling as it should. No, you won't outcorner Camaros and Mustangs, even if you might one that slow, but passing momma's SUV or minivan is much easier.
I'm leaning more toward the Blue. My car right now is black and I am in my mid-twenties, so I think a fun color is appropriate for me. I can always get a Gray car when I'm a "geezer" Looking forward to being part of the Prius gang in January!!!
So apparently I'm a geezer. (This said I'm thinking this doesn't mean quite the same thing in US English as it does in UK English). Prius gang? Think that calls for a reposting of this oldie:
Note to Casual Mafia: Revolvers do not eject a shell casing after you fire them. You're right about geezer thing though. I'd forgotten that people who drive on the wrong side of the road look at the word geezer a little differently than we do. PC has a world audience. My apologies. Like most Yanks, I'm a little ego-centric.
We in the United States stole English from the English fair and square. "Geezer" can mean whatever we want it to mean!
Strange, I thought I was the only Mustang convert! I had a 98 Mustang GT for 10 years before I got my Prius C2 this year. I was actually surprised how fast it was in initial acceleration compared to my mustang. Over time I have noticed that I have become a much different driver. In my mustang I was always in the left lane trying to pass and go fast. Now you will find me chillin' in the right lane. (It's amazing how a different vehicle can change your mindset. BMW drivers tend to be a nuisance because they think they have the ultimate driving machine and we are in their way.) I can see drastic gas savings in my wallet. The car is almost paying for itself right away. Be open to a new way of thinking about driving. I now feel sad for all the speed demons. What's the point? Leave a little earlier. Good luck.
Slower vehicles should be warned that lighter colors, especially yellow and oange, are seen by eyes much quicker than blues and grays; At twilight than can be a lifesaver. If you do have a faded color you can help the visibility problem by striping your carwithreflective tape. They are available in most colors and particularly ones that complement darker colors. You will find a wide range of colors and wifdths.
Okay, so over the weekend I drove down to our capital city of Canberra and back, most of the way on the freeway at the limit of 110 km/h / 68 mph (well, 113 km/h on the dash) and I couldn't help but be reminded of my earlier comment in this thread (as quoted above). I have come to the personal conclusion that anyone who calls this car dangerous on the freeway has either (a) not driven one on a freeway or (b) is deliberately making a false claim or (c) is a heinously dangerous driver themselves if they honestly believe it. Now that I no longer try so hard to watch my fuel economy, it was plainly obvious that the car has zero problem maintaining the limit speed even up steep grades with slow vehicle lanes and not only that, if necessary - and I had a couple of occasions where I decided it was - it can still jump up easily to get around something and out of the fast lane. I refulled at my local service station before and after the trip, recording 643.0 km at 4.7 l/100km (399.5 miles at 50.0 MPG)... this is why I no longer worry about watching my economy. I just drive it how I want to drive it.
I agree, Yes it can drive to the limit and can reach and maintain (and even exceed) the speed limit with ease.
The problem with any low powered car - the VW bug comes instantly to mind - is the less able it is to exceed comfortable speeds and most driver capabilities compared to those with heavy feet and intent to be 'first'. Being a long time racer and high performance driving instructor I can attest to the attitudes of many drivers who curse the C just because its often in the way just as the Bug was in its day. The Prius C is not as hazardous as the Bug by a long shot but still its we C drivers responsibility to avoid confrontation by keeping a close eye on rear view mirrors and making sure we aren't driving below the traffic speed, both of which are signs of a poor driver. These 2 observations come from a decade or more of driving the slowest cars in a mixed class of racers and driving the fastest. While racers quickly learn to accomodate slower classes street drivers rarely do. Its one of the first habits of introductory students to high performance driving that must be addressed. As you might guess Vette and BMW pilots are the first in line. DO YOUR PART - keep up, and manage whats coming. Prius C pilots have no more right to get in the way than Vettes etc have the right to be in front. When your insistance on 'economical driving' gets in the way of competence, switch to competence. PS if ypou think thre C is slow, wrangle a trip in a 65 VW bug. Thats slow.
If memory serves me correctly, first gear in a 65 bug would take you to about 10 mph. So you could outrun anything for about a second. Could be less, my memory is fading. It has been a long time since I drove a 60's bug. And I am thankful for that.
I owned a Geo Metro XFi once, and it was even slower than the trial-sized Prius both in Vt and 0-60 tests. Handling was probably about the same (both are nothing short of abysmal!) The thing is? It was actually pretty fun to drive! That's because I could (quickly!) explore the outer limits of the handling envelope and I could use the accelerator like an on-off switch. Of course the Metro had a clutch and you actually received (just a little) feedback from the steering column instead of the Xbox-360 electric steering that Toyota favors. The "C" model isn't a total loss even if it's been gelded under the hood. Since it's dimensionally smaller and lighter than the adult-sized Prius it should be fun to flick around in suburban traffic, and the buzz-kill car company actually put a proper hand brake in this car instead of a foot pedal. Edmunds said: The 2012 Toyota Prius C won't astound anyone with sports-car handling, but there are a few surprises. Though the Prius liftback is typically thought to be lifeless and uninspiring when it comes to handling, the Prius C delivers a significantly better experience. The steering, though a bit numb, is fairly quick and accurate, while the suspension keeps the little hatchback well planted and confidently nimble. Better still, this added road holding does not come at the expense of ride comfort. Which is just about what I've seen in the real world. So.... Will acceleration be a problem? It shouldn't be. You know what's more boring than driving a 423BHP, rear-wheel drive, very track capable sports car in city traffic or on the interstate? Right! Not very much!!! Anybody who NEEDS more acceleration that the Priussy can provide should probably consider getting the C-model and then getting a proper sports car (or a motorcycle! ) for weekend driving. YMMV!