I am pro-choice but agree with Dr. Fusco that if you're going to do it, do it early. I also agree with what others have posted that the decision should not be taken lightly and hopefully the same woman isn't in the position where she has to make it often. Having said that, I oppose state or federal law that harrasses the woman, tries to make her feel guilty, or sets unreasonable conditions on her. Unfortunately, any politician in my state that takes a pro-choice stance is unelectable.
For what it's worth, I'll add my opinion. Keeping in mind it's only my opinion, and if a woman wants an abortion, she'll get one, with or without laws, morals, and medical facilities. I'm against it. If a woman is a victim of rape or incest, if the baby isn't viable or poses a threat to the mother's health, then, yes, abort. But if it's just a form of after the fact birth control, then, no. Abortions in India are routine if the baby is a girl, which doesn't seem at all right to me. "Choice" champions women's rights, but ignores the choice of the other life involved, and seems to ignore the choice made while getting pregnant. If any of this upsets you, refer back to the opening statement... And keep in mind the possibility that this recent flurry of morality questions is just Squid playing with our emotions for his own amusement. <_<