AAA/Toyota Dealer clash over dealers refusal of Price Guarantee

Discussion in 'Dealers & Pricing' started by mark54321, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. bretaz

    bretaz Member

    Dec 3, 2010
    Surprise, Arizona
    2010 Prius
    Re: thoughts

    While you cannot currently offer discounts as you have in the past, you are still a great source for people who are looking for a specific car, with specific options, in a specific color, and who are looking for good service with no surprises. You probably won't get that at other dealerships right now.

    Most of the money these days is not made in the front of a dealership. The last 10 Toyotas, except for this Prius, have been bought through fleet at invoice minus rebates. I see this as fair for the dealership, and fair for me. Because of the demand for the Prius, I did not think I would ever own another one. I was just not willing to wait in a line to pay too much for a car. However, in December when there were thousands of Prius on the lot, I took advantage of the situation and picked one up with no problem back of invoice. Now, the situation is a little different. If I had to buy a new car today, it unfortunately would not be a Prius. I simply could not afford it.

    In time the market will right itself, it just may take some time. From what I understand, Toyota upped production last year anticipating a greater demand that just didn't happen. Not sure if its true, but I heard that this year they had reduced production by 10%. That, in conjunction with world events, has really caused some quite remarkable situations that nobody could have possibly imagined.
  2. DianneWhitmire

    DianneWhitmire High PRIUStess

    Oct 23, 2007
    Laguna Niguel, CA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium

    Bretaz, good common sense. :)
  3. mark54321

    mark54321 Junior Member

    Mar 1, 2011
    Nutley, NJ
    2011 Prius
    Looks like the deal is going to happen....

    Car: 2011 Prius lll Blue Ribbon gray extras.

    Dealer: Wanted MSRP $25,010

    ZAG guaranteed no hassle price: $23,660

    Invoice : $23,687 approx. Didn't see invoice yet..but I expected it to be lower. I called and got the # on the phone. I'll see the
    paperwork Fri.

    Dealer: No way it can do ZAG price.

    ZAG: Offered me $300 off MRSP...says dealer won't budge and ZAG
    is putting in it's referral fee ($300) from Toyota to help offset

    Me: No....Offer is very clear and was confirmed that day. I'll consider splitting the difference.

    ZAG: Ok, $600 off MRSP...and about halfway between Invoice
    and MSRP.

    Me: OK....

    Dealer: OK...they still get MSRP. I believe all $ put in was from ZAG
    I'll check when I see the dealer.

    The dealer is in NY and I'm in Nutley it's not easy for me to get there....I'll go on Fri to do paperwork and check out the car....should have the car late next week.

    I feel very fortunate to have found the car I really wanted at the price I did. Even MSRP right now is not a bad deal. Dealer and ZAG supervisor were both very nice. Everyone wanted a favorable resolution. I looked all over for either Silver w/ dark gray interior and just couldn't find it. This dealer had it. Went for the Silver but was derailed by the blue when I saw it. Never had a blue car...This one really looks sharp.

    I had a deal worked out in NJ for a 2010 Prius lll w/ tax, lic...all fees out the door for 25k w/ $1000 rebate in addition.....but wanted to see if I could have them swap for a color combination I really wanted. This was just as the earthquake hit....two days later they told me they had sold the few remaining 2010's and other dealers were holding on to gone.....but I'm much happier paying a little more for a car that I really want. The dealer could have asked much more I think. I'll post a quick note when I have the car. Thank you for all your posts. This forum is the best thing. You're never alone.

    1 person likes this.
  4. basicallyevolve

    basicallyevolve New Member

    Nov 25, 2010
    SO cal
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Sorry you had to go through that. I myself will be buying a prius soon too and will not jump the gun.

    I will buy the car cash and will go with the dealership that offers the best price. These Dealerships are all crooks and are garbage. They want nothing more than to squeeze every penny out of you to make the purchase the same day. If gas goes to $5 a gallon they will increase and start selling cars for over MSRP.


    If electricity prices go down does that mean Tv's will get more expensive? Are computer parts going to become more expensive? IF electricity becomes insanely expensive will electronic components decrease in price? Hell no. They make it and set a price and sell it at the price with their cost put into it.

    Now if metal prices goes up i understand that. But if metal were to go up in price dealerships would increase pricing on all their cars and not just the new ones received in stocks.

    overall i hate dealing with dealerships and i hate buying cars because of all these damn crooks. They are snakes. Nothing anyone says or points out will change my mind about them because i have experienced it many times. I only had one good dealership experience and it was from a dealership that was hungry.

    Hungry dealerships will work with you to get a good price so they can keep their heads above water. Dealerships that are selling cars will jack prices up and spit on customers who want to haggle to give it to joe down the block who did no research and walked in to purchase.

    They would rather spit on you and pray they sell it the next day rather then get a sale the same day.

    I truly feel your pain and hope you get the new deal. I myself will be going to hooman toyota and no other toyota cause all other toyota dealerships i have talked to here in socal are crooks and snakes.
  5. rebenson

    rebenson Member

    Apr 12, 2008
    Suburb of Chicago
    2010 Prius
    I went to dealer to have an oil change early this month. Spoke to salesman and he indicated that most of the sales in dealership were larger cars / suv's. Indicated he had lots of Prius but weren't letting them go under invoice which is what people were offering (price of gas has been going up by then to 3.50). This was before the Earthquake in Japan.

    I guess they made a wise decision...

    Glad I got my car when i did last year.