Apparently you've also become one of those old fogeys who jump to conclusions...the OP stated that she was a teen buying the car for herself. (Although others have questioned whether or not she's being serious.)
I took it driver test back when I was 15 & 1/2. So I know how to drive. My grandma had the gen 2 and she gave it to me because she missed having a jeep so she got the escape hybrid. So driving a prius is easy for me. Yes I'm a teen and yes I have the money for a car. I have $50,000 to spend on a car. Yes ask how I have that well here it is. My grandma and grandpa got devirced when my mom was a little girl. And my grandpa fills guilty for not being around his kid's kids. He gave my mom money to buy are cars when we go off to college. He gave us $40,000 each. I got the other $10,000 buy working and saving the $30.00 I get a week for haveing all my chores complete. Insurance! My grandma and grandpa (my dads parents) pay for it. And the way it works cause my grandparents have progressive. If I keep my grades to a 4.0 and up; my grandparents get charged as if I was an adult. Plus since I drive a hybrid it's another discount. So yea the first question I asked was is a gen 3 prius iv a good first car. I ment like do you think first car for me to buy as a teen?
Save that money for a college education. Based on your spelling you really need it. By the way, that's 333 weeks of saving your $30, or 6.5 years
Yea I recently was on the waiting list and asked questions about it and stuff. But I also didn't get it cause it was sold. The dealer sold it to some one else. But lots of people at school that the prius was crap. So now I'm back on to find out your guys oppinion.
College is paid for by another savings. And I'm typing from my iPod touch. And it's changes words up. And fyi I'm very smart I think I graduated high school early. Now I just go back to help out.
And I already had the 40,000 I added 10,000 buy saveing that and WORKING. $8.50hr times 8hrs times 5days times 4weeks times 12 = $16,320 a year. Yea I would have more than $50,000 but baught me computers and a phone and other things.
Yes, if the teen can afford to pay for it, keep up with the insurance premiums, buy the gasoline, and pay for the maintenance. A new car is an adult responsibility. If the teen has this sense of responsibility within himself/herself already, he/she will know whether or not a new car is in his/her best interest - and will be able to handle it. Most teens, however, are not ready to take on a new car - and with all of the costs and activities involved, the new car can just take away from the time the teen should be spending in preparing to become a college student or in getting prepared for some other adult endeavor.
Your skills with grammar certainly don't indicate someone with a 4 point GPA. I suggest that you work on those skills now, before you go to college. Otherwise you are going to be on an up hill path once you get there. All college courses require EXCELLENT capabilities in both oral and written communications. So instead of going back to your high school to "help out", go back and build up your skills so that when you do enter a college or university, you will be prepared. Good luck.
HelpSaveMotherEarth: I have an I Pod Touch Second generation. The auto-correction features are identical to those of your I Phone, and I can assure you they do not turn your posts into the pathethic excuse for a paragraph that you cynically call a "post." For instance, the I Phone will never turn the word "bought" into "baught," because that word doesn't exist! And yet you used it... I am 22, and I consider myself a part of the current young generation. I absolutely abhor people like you. Thanks to dimwits like yourself (to say the least), a lot of older adults look down on us young adults. You permeate the image of the current young generation with your ridiculouosly ignorant, yet cynical demeanor. You are in the same category, at least in my book, as those people I remember from high school who were too busy being "cool" by having sex or taking the latest drug to actually pay a bit of attention in school. They were ignorant, yet cynical and abominably conceited--much like yourself. I am going to ask you a huge favor. This forum is meant to be not only informational, but also a form of entertainment. People share their passion about the latest gadget, the latest vehicle, and all of its features. Then, someone like you comes in here with despicable spelling and grammar, which barely compares to that of an elementary school kid, and you expect and demand respect? Really? Unless you can properly structure a sentence with decent spelling, don't expect anybody to take you seriously.
Save that money and buy a 10 year old civic. $50K is a nice down payment on a house. I didn't buy a brand new car until my first home was PAID OFF, and I'm 26. Money management can get you whatever you want, if you're just a tiny bit patient. And no teen should be driving a brand new anything as a first car, even if they can pay for it. It just shows poor judgement to spend your reserves that way when you are earning $30... a week.
Yea so I use my iPod. Hum sounds to me like it's not a poor excuse. And another thing if all your doing on here is trying to be better than me. Go ahead cause you guys are playing a game that I want no part of.
Ok for one I using an iPod. Not the iPhone. My phone is a blackberry bold. Ok. Yes there similar but put you iPod in the washer then dryer and see how it works. An I'm not demanding respect ok. And who cares if grammer is crap it's called using a handheld device wich makes it crappy. Like I tell slot of people since I still like to have fun I only make grammer and stuff actually be correct when I'm in school and or filling out things that are important.
Ok. I'm not buying a crappy old civic for one two I also work notjust 30 bucks a week three I live at home and plan to untill I get married. I live in toluka lake in la california and our house is huge. And this is called prius chat. Not argue wtb me chat. Ok. If you want to argue go be a lawyer. One again DONT CARE IF GRAMMER IS BAD!!!!!
Ok this might be my last reply cause most of you are just being childish about this worrying more about the way I type then the actual topic. So like I said before I have owned and drivvin a gen 2 prius touring fully loaded for about 2 1/2 years now and there is only one scratch on it and that was because of the neighbors cat. Other than that wich you can't really see cause it's where the tire is; you would think that it's brand new. It's been tooking to the dealer ship where Grandma baught it to get any and everything fixed even when I had a flat tire. So judge me if you want. I don't care. It ain't go na btoher me. Thank you to those of you who actually answerd my question. Boo to those of you who just tried to fight with me cause you where board.
Okay, first of all, I'm not really all that old. Secondly I did jump to conclusions. I was responding to the first original post but yes, I did jump to some conclusions. I misread the first post, or misinterpreted it, as a parent asking if a Prius was a good choice for a teen, not a teen asking if it was a good choice for herself. Yes, it was a mistaken conclusion, but reading the first post how often would you think a teen themselves would have upwards of 30,000 to spend on a car? So the framework inwhich I placed my opinions was misguided. It doesn't however change my feelings about those opinions.