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A Perfect Storm of Doubt

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by The Electric Me, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid

    You think I am or have labeled me as a "Troll" so nothing I'm going to post or say is going to change your mind.

    But I'll give it a try...once....

    First of all the whole "Perfect Storm" framework of my original post was simply an attempt to be creative. Since it presented doubts or "problems" with the Prius in an escalating manner that seemed to upset some people. I was just trying to be creative and present problems that I heard about The Prius, that I did find troubling, in sort of chronological way. If you read my post, I define the first two problems as very minor....I come out of the gate saying the Cargo Net issue was minor and that Toyota and Owners seemed to be heading towards a resolution...I'm never disengenious about that. My reason for concern with the Cargo Net "issue" isn't so much about the issue itself as it is about perhaps being demonstrative of a bigger problem with quality control. I really don't understand how a problem like that slips past Toyota and reaches the consumer. Owners seemed to instantly recognize the vertical cargo net was pulling the side panels. Nobody at Toyota during development noticed this? IMO Toyota dropped the ball. But YES, it's not a big problem, even when it was happening and HTML Spinner and others were looking for a solution I never said, nor thought it was earth shattering or permanent. I think this is reflected in my post.

    As far as floormats go? If you read through this whole thread, you'll find I did concede that I blew it on this issue to the extent that I thought the recall included the 2010. It did not. Toyota only asked for 2004-2009. There was a call to remove All-Weather Mats and a stop sale on those, which I thought included all model years including the 2010...I'm still unclear about that.

    So throw that one out if you wish. Again, I'm illuminating a trend or process with some of this not necessarily the issue itself. This hasn't been Toyota's best PR year. I personally think maybe in general Toyota has to tighten up on quality control.

    All the other issues? As I have said, I simply wanted feedback. More general feedback. And many posters and owners have been nice enough to give it to me. The fact that other threads exist on these issues is inmaterial. I've seen most of those threads, that's how I came to this point. I didn't want to go into a specific thread where people were complaining about Dash Board squeaks and say, "Hey do you have Dash Board Squeaks?" because I'd mostly be talking to people that of course had the problem and of course were upset, otherwise they wouldn't be posting in the thread to start with. I wanted to present it as my own personal "doubt" and get some general feedback from the entire community.

    As a whole most people seem to be telling me that the squeaks, the grabbing brakes, and the brakes period aren't huge problems. I've been happy to hear that feedback.

    Now you can think I'm a troll, and I can't do a thing about it. But I would say IMO a troll is connected to motivation and intent. Trolls don't post with the intent of really gaining information, or even getting real feedback...usually the intent is just to upset or rile, and get volume response. That's my definition of Troll.

    All I can say, is that was never my motivation nor my intent. I honestly have had Prius #1 on my list as next car for the past 8+ months as I waited and watched and evaluated the 2010 release. I waited because it seemed a good time to wait. 8 months ago I wanted to see what the 2010 would be, I also honestly wanted to see how the Insight would pan out...I was interested in the Insight.

    I don't know what the future will hold. I still like Prius. I'm going to try and get my Honda to hold out through winter, mostly because I don't like the idea of subjecting my new car immediately to winter conditions and driving risks. The Honda actually isn't bad, but she's reached a point where she needs a lot of "little" things repaired almost all the time. You start to add up Head Gasket, Timing Belt, Brakes...and pretty soon it just doesn't make good sense.

    Anyway, that's my 1 attempt to explain myself. I won't again. Believe what you want to believe.
  2. jdcollins5

    jdcollins5 Senior Member

    Aug 30, 2009
    Wilmington, NC
    2010 Prius

    I read this entire thread with interest.

    For feedback, I am one of the many 2010 Prius owners that have had no problems with their cars since purchase. I did have one experience with the grabby reverse brakes when new. I rode the brakes down the driveway and by the time I got to the street the grabbiness was gone. I have not had this problem since.

    There was a poll done several weeks ago where over 85% of the responders either loved their Prius or liked it a lot. Of course the number of responders was very small compared to the number of vehicles sold, so this may not be very good statistical data. Nonetheless, I do not know of many other first year upgrade vehicles that could garner an 85% approval level.

    I hope this feedback helps with your decision process.

  3. codybigdog123

    codybigdog123 Got Mad and Left in a Tizzy

    Sep 17, 2009
    Chicago, Il
    2010 Prius

    Exactly. She needs attention.
  4. deltron3030

    deltron3030 New Member

    Sep 25, 2009
    Lakewood, CA
    2010 Prius
    well i guess my response to that would be your own words as follows:

    "So anyway, I'm sorry if my "doubts" make you feel bad about your purchase, or YOU infer that I think you should, but that's not the point of my post."

    how is this constructive or in any way informative? its baiting. no one here feels bad about anything, nor are would many of us be apologetic about flaws in the design of our 22k+ investments. weve all filed complaints here. but the underlying understanding is that we know what we're talking about because we've actually experienced it, or at the very least read official statements from toyota informing us that our 2010's are NOT part of a recall...aka: there was a design flaw that had zero zilch nada to do with our cars. criticism of quality control should be evidence enough that not only do you not want a prius, you don't want a toyota.

    we'd happily agree with you and discuss if it weren't for your trolling. read your definition of what you think trolling is, and take another look at the thread. congrats, successful troll is successful.
  5. Fstr911

    Fstr911 Member

    Oct 2, 2009
    2012 Prius v wagon
    The Electric Me, your last post is a little more reasonable.

    Keep in mind that first impressions are…well first impressions. When you started out with the “storm clouds are brewing” type stuff - based on hearsay- what do you expect?

    So now that you’ve heard both (several) sides, my suggestion…sell that old car of yours… and buy a Prius. Just do it.

    Somehow I think you’ll be a good contributor here and better yet…there will be no storm clouds.
  6. 924danimal

    924danimal New Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    College Park, MD
    2010 Prius
    I agree.

    And I don't fear or regret buying a 2010 Prius one bit.

    I've seen the brake issue but it's minor. After reading about it and then experiencing it firsthand, it was no surprise when it happened underbraking over three manhole covers. It only happens when braking on rough pavement or pavement transitions. This is easily remedied by allowing a little more stopping distance and braking before the bumps.

    Anyway, go buy Prius already! And start enjoying driving by gas stations! :car:
  7. royrose

    royrose Senior Member

    Mar 21, 2009
    Foot of Pikes Peak
    Other Hybrid
    I have been an active member of this forum in recent months. I am convinced that Electric Me is not a troll. He has made quite a few usefull and informative posts.

    If you are an expert on trolls, you should know not to "feed" a troll by arguing and derailing a thread. Let it go!

    As far as what to do, Electric Me, if you are going to make it until spring, you should try to make it until Toyota announces changes/prices for the 2011 models. They might make some small changes in response to feedback. If not, maybe you can get somewhat of a deal on a 2010 as the 2011's are about to arrive.
  8. codybigdog123

    codybigdog123 Got Mad and Left in a Tizzy

    Sep 17, 2009
    Chicago, Il
    2010 Prius
    Really? Name one where she/he has provided useful information. Not trying to be belligerent, just would love to know what posts you are referring to?

    If not a troll, then one hellava insecure person who needs some kind of attention and reassurance (by her/his own admission). :eek:

    As I have said multiple times - If she/he is, in fact, seeking information regarding issues on the G3, she/he need only read what's already been posted - many, many times over - on the very issues/questions she/he (supposedly) seeks answers to. It's right there for the taking. It's so simple that even a caveman could do it?! :cool: That is, if she/he is really seeking the truth, rather than simply trolling, or seeking affirmation and attention to satisfy some kind of personal insecurities. :eek:

    At the very least, it's all rather bizzzzzar.
  9. deltron3030

    deltron3030 New Member

    Sep 25, 2009
    Lakewood, CA
    2010 Prius
    [QOUTE=RoyRose]If you are an expert on trolls, you should know not to "feed" a troll by arguing and derailing a thread. Let it go![/QUOTE]

    what? And take away one of the few pleasures I have while I'm at work? Never!
  10. spwolf

    spwolf Senior Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    Eastern Europe

    what i found interesting was that you are doubting some minor issues for Prius while neglecting major reliability issues that Jetta TDI has, which you claim it is your alternative. On Page 6 you have informative post about TDI issues (and many of them are applicable to other TDI's, not just VW's), which are far more complex and expensive than cargo net issue with Prius, yet you continue on your quest ;-). Let me see - Cargo Net vs Multiple Engine issues...

    Forget even those serious issues.. thinking about Jetta being without niggles? Did you even went over Jetta forums to check on the issues? If you were serious about decision making between Jetta and Prius, and went over the forums, you would have already bought the Prius :cheer2:
  11. 3PriusMike

    3PriusMike Prius owner since 2000, Tesla M3 2018

    Jun 21, 2009
    Silicon Valley
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Let me discuss the Prius brakes a little bit.

    But, first, it should be noted that this is my 3rd Prius (one of each gen). The brakes are a little bit different than a conventional car because they blend regenerative braking and conventional disc brakes.

    My Gen III is 6+ months old and I've experienced the grabbiness 2 times...not a big deal at all. But now an important braking story.

    On Christmas I was headed to a friend's house on the freeway, going ~62 mph, with cruise control in the right lane. I was 8-10 car lengths behind another care for a couple of miles. The next sequence of events happened in 1-2 seconds. A large SUV was along side on the left and pulled ahead, signaled and moved into my lane a reasonable distance ahead of me. The car that was far ahead moved to the left a lane. The SUV suddenly stopped its merge into my lane and pulled back to the left...revealing a large van in my lane that was going ~ 5 mph with no brake lights and no hazard lights.

    I was driving under the speed limit...I was leaving ample space for safety, or so I thought. But the two other cars, unknowingly conspired to block my view of the hazard and both pulled away safely in the nick of time, trapping me behind an essentially stopped vehicle. All I could see in my mind was a replay of the dealer's demo of deploying an air bag that I saw a few months ago. Anyway, I'm going ~90 ft/sec, I smashed the brake pedal, the ABS brakes fully engaged and I came to a stop 5-10 ft behind the van as it continued along at ~ 5mph.

    Yeah, the Prius brakes work well.

    1 person likes this.
  12. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I'm not ignoring major issues concerning The Jetta TDI, as I have said The Prius has been #1 on my list for over the past 8+ months. It still is, I have just recently heard some good things about the Jetta TDI sportswagen, but admittedly haven't researched nearly as much because ultimately it's still in a distant, distant second place. (maybe 3rd, I think I'd go with a Honda Fit 2nd) I've never owned a Hybrid, I've never owned a diesel, I tend to think I'd rather have the hybrid, better emissions, and runs on regular gas. I live in the suburbs and urban area, and while diesel is available, it's not at every gas station. The idea of running low on gas and having to hunt around for a station that sells diesel, doesn't appeal to me. Plus Diesel is taxed at a higher rate, and locally the price is usually at least 10 cents more a gallon than regular, which isn't too bad, but I've seen it spike inexplicably much higher.

    I have spent some time in the UK. I know some people love their diesels. Diesel supporters are every bit as rabid as Prius supporters. But it seems to me, Europe is just much more diesel orientated and supportive where as the US is more supportive of Hybrids.

    The Jetta Sportswagen has gotten some good buzz lately. I think it's an interesting alternative. I don't think it's the direction I wish to go in, and that's pretty much the only reason I haven't researched it in greater depth.
  13. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    wow...sometimes its amazing the direction taken by a questionable interpretation of the written word. to accuse Electric Me of anything other than a concerned member of this forum is just as bad as actually being a troll. well, enough about that.

    i think we can all agree that the floor mat thing is not a flawed design. its stupid people performing stupid tricks and that issue does not apply to the 2010 anyway.

    as far as the braking goes. can we all agree that the issue only happens on transition from regen to friction braking? granted, the newer design employs much more regen braking. no longer does regen cut off at speeds below EIGHT MILES AN HOUR like the Gen 2's did. this is good. i much rather recapture as much power as i possibly can without damage to the inverter or the battery pack right??

    so, this talk about brake hesitation possibly increasing stopping distance by an foot? like ok, fine, an extra foot. like so what? at single digit speeds, is it gonna be an issue?? there is nearly a ½ Gen 3 owners out there with millions of miles driven... lets start a list of who has been in an accident due to "brake failure"
    ok... lets not. (already started a few threads that no one wants to participate in... my ego is pretty bruised over that)

    i am not going to dispute valid concerns by anyone here over any subject. each one of us must determine our own comfort level. granted this "drive a bigger car than anyone else and i wont get hurt in an accident" theory is not as popular as it once was, but wouldnt it be easier to not hit anyone??

    but if there is a concern over an issue, be it not being able to reach over the center console to pick up the donut that slid off the passenger seat or what have you, its still a valid concern. ok, that is fine. this is not a perfect car!! never will be.

    i wish i could experience this braking thing just to be there. its like a roller coaster ride. i can look at one and pretty guess what its gonna be like. and no, i dont have this goal of only riding one if its the best ride i have ever been on. one half as tall at half the speed is fine.

    but, i strongly suspect i have experienced this braking issue. i slid sideways on a manhole cover in the middle of a roundabout and thought for sure i was going to hit the curb and cause $1500 in alignment repairs. at least i did for a fraction of a second, but i was unrealistic. i was going 10 mph and slid on a manhole cover that was 3 feet in diameter. sure accidents can be a matter of incehs, but i am not gonna lose sleep over inches or even 3 feet
  14. Darwood

    Darwood Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    2010 Prius
    Interesting how you keep going back to pushing VW's in multiple threads.

    Das bias!
    1 person likes this.
  15. wvgasguy

    wvgasguy New Member

    May 6, 2009
    2010 Prius
    comment deleted
  16. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Ich Bin Nacht Bias!

    Did you read my whole response? Yes, actually to anyone who hasn't purchased I'd recommend at least looking at VW TDI's. Why Not? I haven't test drove one, and I don't think I want to deal with diesel for many reasons....but it is an interesting alternative. I think it could be viable for many people.

    To EVERYONE....many posters have suggested I'm looking for perfection...no I'm not. I'm not expecting The Prius, The Honda Fit and/or The Volkswagen TDI to be a perfect thing. I was looking for information...not perfection.

    My philosophy is that a man made machine is never going to be perfect. The generation 2 Prius had years to work out bugs and was/is a very tested automobile but is it "perfect" of course not. Even in 2009, you still had people who did not like the seats, had trouble with the HID headlights and from time to time the gas bladder and guess gauge were troubling.

    What ever car I choose I'm not holding it up to a standard of perfection...however consistent, safe braking ability is something I'd like and I think people have a right to expect. The feedback is that this exists in The Prius 2010, or at least that is what I'm hearing from most of the posters.

    Bias? Well I don't think I'll be purchasing a diesel for many reasons, the most obvious one being that I've become more alert to which gas stations sell diesel in the suburbs, and it's seems about 1-4, 1-3. I don't like the idea of having to hunt around for a station that is selling diesel everytime I want to refill.

    Perfection? Despite Toyota's sugary sweet advertising, suggesting the Prius awakens a folk singing world of happy nature sprites, I've somehow always known that a Prius won't put me in harmony with nature. Oh it might help, but I don't expect Daisy's to be running at me, or The Hedge to suddenly start singing as I drive off...
    Perfection is not the standard I hold...but for an automaker...I'd say perfection should be the goal for which they reach. The closer they come, the better the product and on our end? The happier the consumer.
  17. bottomfeeder

    bottomfeeder New Member

    Aug 31, 2009
    2010 Prius
    There's a term for this: analytical paralysis.
  18. LRKingII

    LRKingII New Member

    May 31, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Yup 2 gun threads have been pulled that i know of.
    Kinda sux that we all don't fit the mold of those that got it / had it pulled. :rolleyes:
  19. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    LOL! Sure, but if everyone thought like you, we'd never have the flying car that runs on Flubber. That's what I'm REALLY holding out for....
  20. pakitt

    pakitt Senior Member

    Aug 10, 2009
    2021 Prius Prime
    You haven't seen my posts then.....;)