Oakland (Cessna 150) and Hayward (Cessna 180 - once it's airworthy). Currently building an 80% replica DH Tiger Moth kit by Fisher - also looking at Staggerwings for sale (my avatar) & if I take the plunge will sell the 180 so the Beech can have its hangar. But this being the Prius chatline we should take this sort of discussion offline. Mark Baird Alameda CA
At least you guys are seeing them. Only place I have ever seen one here in Kansas is at the dealership. Am expecting to get quite a bit of attention in parking lots once I get mine. We're always a little bit behind the times here.
haha, all way radio. how funny would that be. guy just buying his prius: 'was that someone talking in my new car?' salesguy: 'oh, that's the all way prius driver radio feature. you'll never miss an oncoming prius again.'
Here in San Diego/La Mesa we run into each other all the time. I especially like the Grossmont 24 Hour Fitness where my salsa is often seen parked right next to another salsa, then sometimes it is the white one or other days it is the blue one...... Not many black ones in this area. I am good with Battery, Pride, both great descriptive terms.
Toyota says the plural of Prius is Prius, but I favor Prii ( pronounced pree-ee, two sylables). It's gotta be a Pride of Prii.
Being a former Artilleryman I have to go with a Battery of Prii. Now the question is "How many Prii make a battery?".
Whilst traveling down the ventura freeway some time ago when it was still pretty rare to spot another prius on the road, I realized my black prius was being flanked by two white models -- Darth Vader and his storm trooper escort!
If you lived in the right country, you could own a Brazilian prius's? Don't ask me how much is a "brazilian"... I'm not sure.. but its close to a bazillian.
Glad the pols are out of the site..somewhat and more lighter topics and more on the car, less on issues.. The car is great and delivers performance is all I can say. In Texas it is still rare for the Prii's., except Austin.. And by the way all you schemeers trying to sell out and cash in on that Tax Break....it is meant for getting people to look at and BUY for the first time a Green and Economical car...in lieu of the polluting and gas guzzlers cars out there. I got a 2005 in June, and I am not trying to sell and get more money from Uncle Sam., I am letting that break go to the NEWBYS to spread this good thing to all. Are you all not wanting less pollution, less gas consumption etc..by the U.S. ?? and as for the complaining about the Federal Government, you complained when there was no Tax Break, then complained about an Anemic Tax Break, and now you complain because you feel you are getting burned by the new tax break...Will anything (non political) ever please you??
Well, those that are selling their slightly used Prii and buying a new one...they are allowing those that might not be able to own a new Prius the opportunity to buy a used one. This opens up a whole new market. Someone who wouldn't dream of buying one new can afford to buy a used one. It's not like the used Prius is going in a land fill. It is still on the road, saving gas for a new owner. It still expands Prius ownership.