Separate names with a comma.
Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by hyo silver, Oct 22, 2008.
Ambarawa, Indonesia (see if we can keep the 'a's going for a while more)
Arran (Scotland)
Nusa Dua, Indonesia
East Timor
Rano Pani, Indonesia
Atapupa (i trying to just use Indonesian names today)
Allamuchy Lake, NY (is the name a comment on the lake bottom?)
Eman Latu
United Kingdom
Marathon (Ontario)
Nabnasset (MA)
Tiperrary (a long way)
Yellow Lake (NY) (another name which may give more info than we need)
Esher (UK)
Rushcutters Bay, NSW
Y (Alaska)
Nuneaton (UK)