Lunabelgium, :welcome: Always nice to see a new player. Hyo, I wish it was a holiday - it has been all work, work, work. Just checked - for the first 5 months of this year, I have spent a total of 4 weeks at home. Now, on with the game... Iron Knob, South Australia
Welcome, Luis. It's always good to have more players. But, Yemen has already been played. Each place name in this game can only be used once. If you use the 'search this thread' function - which is pretty much essential after this many posts - you'll see Yemen was used back in October. Have you got another 'Y' place that's new?
I can replace that "Y", we have small town near Swedish border it is called Ylitornio... I just think that to be only player from Scandinavian it's like cheating to play. We have lot of strange name places.
Sure, to keep the game going, we can go with Ylitornio (It sounds vaguely Italian) Sorry, Luis. And I guess Luna gets to use Namur again some time. I'll follow with Ogoki (Canada) I think most countries have some strangely named places.
Lapland (means northern Fennoscandia) (Fennoscandia is Scandinavian Peninsula, the Kola Peninsula, Karelia and Finland)
Uusikaupunki (Town in Finland where they build THINK electric cars) Hyo, you know these African places or just take them from Google maps?
Iki (Japan) I ran out of places I know at least a thousand posts ago. But I'm learning lots of new ones.
Inari (Small village and municipality in north of Finland) Hyo, Ok, I was thinking that I am talking to huge globetrotter.