Agreed my car specs e15 and it’s up to $0.15 a gallon less than standard 87 Personally I would like to see the us bump minimum octane one point to regular being 88 octane as it makes higher compression engines more feasible and it would level the rediculous price increase for a couple octane points at the pump and maybe even increase efficiency
The Casino pricing is more in line with the rest of the country. I regularly travel all up and down the East coast and through the mid-west and live in Florida. I do not remember EVER seeing mid-grade priced more than about 40 cents higher than "regular". Certainly never more than a dollar higher.
Curious. At least here in Northern California (both SF Bay Area and Sacramento), the price differential between the grades is a consistent $0.10/gal, such as $3.56/$3.66/$3.76. Maybe because it is so high to begin with. Part of the reason for the high prices (in addition to taxes) is that we are required to use a specific low-pollution blend that is produced only in California. Recall that there are a lot more brands of gasoline than there are brands of refineries. Gasoline from the same refinery becomes Chevron or Shell or Arco or whatever gasoline by mixing in the proprietary additives when it is loaded on the tanker for delivery to the service stations.
We have roughly 10 cents (CDN) per liter difference, which would equate to about 30 cents (US) per gallon. A buck (US) per gallon definitely seems out of line.
Prices today at the closest station to us (RaceTrac) Regular $2.07 Midgrade $2.39 Premium $2.69 Diesel $2.72 E85 $2.29 So, premium is 62 cents (29%) more than regular. Nearby Shell station: Regular $2.17 Midgrade $2.59 Premium $2.89 Diesel $2.97 Premium is 33% more than regular. Best prices are at Sam's Club Regular is $1.96 Premium is $2.26 Premium is 15% more than regular. Seems like, around here, the higher the regular price, the bigger the spread for the higher grades.
Google maps and Gas Buddy apps can easily prove price differences. Jess sayin' Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
They were Gas Buddy numbers, although I did actually see the regular and diesel prices for RaceTrac today with my own eyes as I drove by.
On the plus side, I found a station that sells E0 gas nearby, Octane 90. On the negative side, the E0 cost 60 cents more per gallon than E10 Octane 87.
And the high price of Northwest E10 dropped some more, with Costco leading the plunge. Think Costco had a high of $2.85 or $2.89 outside the Seattle area. Then, it dropped to $2.749, while my "vaunted" ethanol-free E0 gas station even raised E0 to $3.15 (much higher at all other E0 stations). Now Costco is having a mini gas war in Burlington, Washington, with Costco E10 dropping to $2.50. Driving home from Burlington, I passed several back-country stations selling E10 for $1+ per gallon more than Costco.
I got gas in Burnaby BC Chevron yesterday evening for $1.35 CDN per liter. About the cheapest it's been in a while. More typical is around $1.45~1.50. Translated, that's around $3.75 US per US Gallon.
OUCH!!! You folks are saving a ton of money compared to your SUV driving compatriates. Yesterday, my wife saw regular E10 at Sam's Club for $1.96. Gas Buddy shows several cut-rate stations under $2 near us. But crude oil jumped almost 8% yesterday, so that might not last.
Yeah. Besides fuel efficiency (not PIP league but meh), we're just not driving much. And that works with any vehicle.
In truth Costco did undercut the competition. Costco customers get a yearly 3% rebate for gasoline sales in the previous year.
No refinery makes a midgrade octane. They make regular and premium, and everything between is a blend of those two. Updated stations do the mixing right at the pump, otherwise the mixing is done from the delivery truck in the station's tank. The 89 AKI in the US is a 2 to 10 mix of 93 to 87. The pump price for midgrade is likely a rip off. The price of premium depends on the markets for to the compounds used to increase the octane. Many of them are valuable on their own. It is 4% now that they switched to Citi from Amex.