I drive the speed limit ALL the time and am honked at BECAUSE I'm a prius driving the speed limit. One time, I was following a chevy, using ACC, that was following the speed limit too in the right hand lane. I was a good 1000-1500 feet behind him. Douchebag ran around me, honked of course, got in front of me, and not 10 seconds later, went around the chevy NOT honking. This is why I Want to install a train air horn. Normal honking doesn't get noticed, then a train horn at 50 ft will. Especially when it causes you to lose bowel control.
Even though the video did reveal some people creating driving infractions ( bad driving ) , as I watched the video my frustration with the person recording the video was all I felt. As stated I think "self righteous" aggressive overtaking and "my horn sounds righteous" laying on of the horn, can be IMO much more dangerous than some of the infractions shown. You're going to cause an accident with that type of behavior. I NEVER honk at pedestrians in a MARKED walkway. My understanding is that legally they ALWAYS have the right of way. I take it that this person creates a repeated "Bad Drivers" segment on youtube? So maybe the problem is they are aggressively looking for problems. If you look for them, you're going to find them. Sorry can't have too much sympathy for the recorder of this segment. The infractions revealed might be real, but the horn honking and self righteous "land shark" driving from the recorder was in many cases IMO worse than the infraction being committed.
This probably varies by state. Where I am, at signalized intersections, they should not initiate crossing against a Don't Walk single. Police can cite them for jaywalking, which Seattle police historically have done at much higher rates than they cite drivers for failure to yield to pedestrians, never mind the excessive pedestrian deaths from the later. But these jaywalkers are still protected vulnerable road users, so drivers are still required to yield to them. Also, the video shows a traffic light turning green before prior cross traffic has cleared. Laws laws under which I was trained, forbid entering under that green until that cross traffic has exited. But no, the cameraman illegally enters and starts blasting the blocking left-over vehicle. Illegally crossing a gore point ... more frequent lane changes than allowed under our aggressive driving ('road rage') rules ... if he really wanted to highlight other people's bad driving, he should have at least edited out his own.
Yeah I recall reading something similar up here: if a car in oncoming traffic is half-way through a left turn in front of you, you are supposed to slow, stop if needed, allow them to complete their turn. It's funny that you should need to stipulate this, my 2 cents.
You should have pulled over to the side as asrdogman said before; your blocking traffic while following the speed limit