Other countries in the region have offered to send in troops for specific duties. I think either Egypt or Saudi Arabia has offered to send in troops but ONLY to patrol the border between Syria and Iraq. Bush said no. France and Germany have offered to take upwards of a few thousand police recruits and take them out of Iraq and train them in France or Germany. Then send them back. Bush said no. Frankly, I think GW can be very stubborn. It's his way or the highway. This may play well on TV, but it does not work in the real world. He needs to learn how to compromise. But he just won't. I wonder what would have happened if he were President during the Cuban missile crisis. We now know that most of Kennedy's advisers were recommending bombing Cuba and sinking the Soviet fleet that was approaching. Just think what GW would have done. Personally, I think if the USA were to stay in Iraq for 5 more years, and then leave, there will be chaos in Iraq and Iraq will probably turn into an Islamic state like Iran. But if the USA were to stay in Iraq for 5 more minutes, and then leave, there will be chaos in Iraq and Iraq will probably turn into an Islamic state like Iran. In other words, if things had been done differently, Iraq might have the possibility of turning into a country like Turkey. That would have been a miracle but it was possible. Now, I think it's too late for anything even close to that. And right now, I think the presence of the American Army is doing more to DESTABILIZE Iraq, than to stabilize it. I always supported the overthrow of Saddam, but I always felt the way GW did it would never work. And now the numbers joining Al Qaeda is skyrocketing, and we are spending so much money in Iraq, we can't afford to buy all the container sized geiger counters that we need to protect our ports. This President has made us extremely less safe. Extremely. And my saying this does not mean I hate America. But whatever I think about Iraq, what I think about GW is more telling. I think that what the USA does about Iraq in the next year will have more to do with getting Republicans into congress in 2006, then any strategic factor.
The fixation with Iraq gained momentum in late summer 2002 as a diversionary tactic from the failing economy in advance of the midterm election. It worked. Once the snow ball started rolling, it became unstoppable.
Leading up to the firsst Gulf war, GW Bush (senior) purposefully made sure that the vote on that Gulf war waited until after the November elections that year. Why? He didn't want the vote to "play politics". GW junior, purposefully made sure that the vote giving him the authority to attack Iraq was done PRIOR to the 2002 elections. Why? Read IsrAmericaPrius's post above. Read Paul O'Neil's book. This current adminstration plays politics with 100% of the decisions they make. 100%. It's always about the next election. Everything is about the next election.
Hey Prius...It was not the Love Canal..although Gore again myteriously made a statement that could easily be mis-interpreted and then made no attempt to clarify it until questioned bout it...you don't want me to cut and paste that too do you, it is right there in your quote again! Glad to hear you boycott Walmart..Let me see now free trade laws..you mean the Chinese are actually going to do something we ask !? China knows how to play all those games. Personally that country will be our foe someday, their logic is to destroy us from within. No matter what side is running things. China will only do what is best for their own purposes, period, who do you think made Walmart give 2 weeks notice before inspections?? Free trade laws mean free trade laws, that country belongs to China, and their objective is to sell here, if progressives were in charge.. well you had progressives in charge for 8 years, and it only got worse not better, and not only that we gave China Satellite technogy for their weaponry among other things (after generous political contributions). I like the approach that we need to just not buy the stuff. But how do you do that in a free market economy, NAFTA,CATA, WTO and the UN... whose only goals seem to be to "de throne" this country from the point where it is now. While progressives were running things (congress had the country for 40 years), I saw increases of the undesirable things occuring, GW just has not done anything either, but a lot did not happen on his watch. In fact foreign governments have received more from a progressive USA then a conservative USA. I love hearing all this stuff, especially by the Politicians when it is close to election time, then after that it just "dis appears". OK one of your great wisdoms is to "export free trade laws" how do you do that...like to China ????? When China says go sit on it, or lies to you, or tricks you, or manipulates currency detrimental to the dollar, or just simply refuses to knowing the product is mostly from them and we won't do without it ??? Would a progressive govt here be brave enough to start telling the public to do without ?????
Oh yes let's look at Gore's statement on Love Canal to students (with press coverage): He SAYS: "I looked around the country for other sites like that. I found a little place in upstate New York called Love Canal. I had the first hearing on that issue" He then PAUSED AND THEN SAID : "and Toone, Tennessee, that was the one that you didn't hear of. But that was the one that started it all." JUST SAW A VIDEO CLIP OF IT.... so what was he saying ? You all judge.. The Connecticut caper, is when AL Gore as Vice President was pushing for water conservation. He was part of a bill push to mandate 1.6 GPF (Gallons per flush) on toilets (old toilet tanks used to hold 2.0 gallons). Gore decided to do a shoot for TV on the Connecticut river in upstate Connecticut. 2 weeks before the shoot, he was advised that the canoe he planned to use was to big, and the river needed 6-12" more rise, and that a dry spell that year had not yielded high enough river levels. Gore got mad, and said, we.ve planned this just do it, open the damm dam up there and just give me a little water dammit it's only 6"!! The staff gave the necessary orders and flood gates were opened releasing water to the Connecticut river, and raising the level about 6-8". It took about 8 days to accomplish this, and the water wasted to the ocean was the equivalent of 300 million toilet flushes at 2.0 gal/flush for the next 10 years. What a way to save water..we all loved Al Gore!
It could only be misinterpreted if that were your goal. Remember, if tour goal is truth you come to one conclusion. If your goal is spin, another. The rpgressives have not been in charge since the 1970s. Clinton was not a progressive, and he had a Congress from the other party for most of his term. So he was not in charge like Bush is in charge. The WTO is almost exclusuvely a pro American organization. You can't get more pro American. And the UN is mostly meaningless without the USA. Yes, there is some anti USA retoric in the UN, but that's all it is --words. And of course you can have an affect on China. Call it protectionist if you want, but if the Gov says you can't import from China, then you can't import from China. Finished. They say it about Cuba, and it sticks. Yes, it will be hard to enforce, but not impossible. And then you only do business if they are more open with their factories. But in any case, NAFTA and CAFTA are about trade in North Ameerica and in Central America, not China. Yet there are not any allowances in either NAFTA or CAFTA for the exportation of workers rights in those bills. The net affect of that is that it encourages a "race to the bottom". And when American workers are forced to race to the bottom, not only do those workers suffer, the nation suffers. But even if China DOES import tons to America, it still does not mean that we need to be in a race to the bottom with them. A race that all Americans will then lose. Indeed, look at what happened in Japan and South Korea and Taiwan. Those countries were decimated, or peasant like 50 years ago, and the populace worked for a pittance. Now, thru aggressive free trade, those societies now have vibrant middle classes. And they moved UP from the bottom, not down. Why would China be different? The key to America thriving in the global economy is R&D and more kids going to college. More masters degrees and PhDs. That is the key to American survival. To survive in the future marketplace, we need more talented and educated people.
Oh and politics and decisions on things, only Bush ever does that...Clinton NEVER DID IT...remember the aspirin factory...come on, don't be naive they ALL DO IT., that is the nature of politics man.
So the defense of Bush is that Clinton did it? Wow. What a great defense. And I'm not here to defend Gore, but three lies were written about him in an earlier post, and I didn't want those lies to just sit out there. And I'm also not a Democrat lover. But like I said earlier, when democrats do things that hurt regular people, it's done by mistake, or maybe stupidity.. When Republicans do things that hurt regular people, it's by design. It was the plan from the beginning.
Again, another distortion of the truth, although this story certainly sounds like something a politician would do, it didn't happen they way you laid it out. According to the Rolling Stone "In retrospect, the most notable thing about the whole story was just how murky the facts were. Nobody from the Gore campaign asked for the water to be released. (Concerned about security, the Secret Service did.) As for the amount of water released, it was 500 million gallons, not 4 billion - a fact that Sammon reported a week later, long after other media ran with the original story. And the local utility company that operates the dam was already dumping millions of gallons of water into the parched Connecticut River every day. The routine release had simply been moved up a couple of hours to accommodate Gore's trip. The $7 million figure turned out to be completely inaccurate, since the water was not wasted. Instead, it passed through hydroelectric turbines and generated power that the utility company sold to other utilities. So again, when truth is your goal you find one set of facts. When spin is your goal, you find quite another.
when democrats do things that hurt regular people, it's done by mistake, or maybe stupidity.. When Republicans do things that hurt regular people, it's by design. It was the plan from the beginning. See now I can take that idiot statement of yours that you have made and call that a personal attack, just like you tell us that telling someone who is not a Bush supporter is not patriotic. I don't offer defense on anything, cause I do not have to defend Bush or Clinton. At least by your statement you are acknowledging Clinton did it too. I got school inservices tomorrow and got to get ready for 150 kids, do you have the fun, but certainly as upset as you are at us, you can see we can get upset with you and this anti republican and BUSH thing, did they EVER do anything right in your mind ??? ps now don't get mad and don't take it personal, but I THINK you would be a perfect fit the the Quebec region of Canada
oH THE connecticut thing from the ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE... a totally free and open minded press source. The release totally CONTRADICTED his plans to promote WATER CONSERVATION. It was like when he held a Global Warming Conference in New York in the worst and coldest blizzard in NY history. Seems like Gore had a nack for picking out bad things, and lecturing in misleading ways..but no he could'nt..and if he did it don't count. Only when Bushies do it does it count. I'm chuckling...Of course you also got an explanation for that one too.
Sorry, I can't see how this is an attack on you. Are you a decision maker in the Republican hierachy? If you are, then I don't like the decisions you make. "I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as a cause for withdrawing from a friend." - Thomas Jefferson
Actually, your version of the story came from the Washington Times. The Faux News of print media. And I found this story a bit interesting so I did some more research. The true version, as laid out by Rolling Stone is all over the internet on numerous reputable news sites.. Your version is only on pro right wing sites. It's been removed from media sites, probably because it's been shown to be false. As for giving a global waming speech in the middle of a blizzard. It is certainly ironic, but does not discredit the science. You see, it is central to the understanding of Global Warming that we will have weather extremes. This is what every climatologist that is not on the right wing payroll will tell you. Excessive cold and blizzards is PART OF the phenomenon, and not contradicting to it.
Actually, I think the evidence is overwhelming that what he said was MUCH closer to being accurate and truthful than the versions that the right wing has spun. Gore seems to have a less than perfect command of the English language, particularly when he talks off the cuff. The right wing has spun this into his being liar. I think that the spin is the story, and the spin deserves contempt. It has mine, and I think it deserves yours.
P.S. Gore has not had any political clout since the election was stolen from him almost five years ago. Bush is the issue now. Is that why the right wing die hards are attempting to divert the discussion away from Bush' failures, lies and deceits?
IsrA, thanks for the help but please note that IA referred to my statement as idiotic, not me. It's an important distinction. He is welcome to call my statements, opinions, ideas, concepts whatever he wants. It's when he calls ME an idiot that he has crossed the line. He used to do that kind of thing, but he seems to have learned how to debate more honorably. Personally, I think the line ... When Democrats make law that hurts regular people, it's done by mistake or stupidity, when Republicans pass law that hurst regular people, it's by design. Too bad I can't get it on a bumper sticker.
IsrAmerPrius: here's the complete text for you and the moderators: (p.s. I do watch what I say would not want to be insulting without being insuleted first) "when democrats do things that hurt regular people, it's done by mistake, or maybe stupidity.. When Republicans do things that hurt regular people, it's by design. It was the plan from the beginning." "See now I can take that idiot statement of yours that you have made and call that a personal attack, just like you tell us that telling someone who is not a Bush supporter is not patriotic. " Prius 04 is saying republicans purposefuly hurt regular people by design and on purpose and that it has been their plan from the beginning. As a Republican, just as you claim to be called unpatriotric when dis-agreeing with current policy insults you, I CLAIM THIS INSULTS ME. OH moderators the two want it again.., if you like I will PM both. Your statement (Prius 04) are just as hurtfull, insulting, demeaning and threatening and dishonest to me and most other republicans out there. When either or both are stopped, then I stop.