In spite of considerable cold days, I have never seen the yellow snowflake. Would it help if I pee'd on the snow?
My '09 does it too. This morning, our temps dropped to 35 overnight. I went out to go get some Duncan Donuts coffee for the wife and I and I noticed the propmpt, but mine would drop down and say 'Temperature 35 Degrees' of course. I installed an aftermarket autodimming mirror on one of my other cars and when the temp drops below 40F, the display will alternate from the temperature to the word 'ICE' about once a minute. Same reason: a warning to the driver that you may enounter ice on the road. Too bad Toyota didn't make the prompt read something like, "Caution: ICE - Outside Temp 35F"
Dear Tony, Thank you for clarifying this concerning the temp display at 37 degrees, I thought my car was going nuts in addition to the ultimate crappy gas mileage of 38 MPG I achieved on my 100 mile trip to my parent's house Christmas Eve. p.s. You might be nuttier than squirrel poop, Magnetic Gray is the superior color in my most humble opini...decree. What the heck is Tideland color anywho? p.p.s I prayed and asked God to forgive you...He said He'll think about it. Have a great weekend!
Our hyper-attractive Prius was spotted in Olympia today... during this trip, the two-dimensional static monster appeared repeatedly on my MFD, telling me that it was the dreaded 37 degrees. It was a Twilight Zone episode. About two-dimensional creatures. They looked JUST LIKE the warning thingy on the Prius. P.S. It could have been an Outer Limits episode... "Behold, Eck!", 1964
Hmmm....i have to go outside at midnight tonight and start the Prius just to see this warning thing cause rarely does it get to 37 in San Diego but tonight, its supposed to
I have seen this warning light at 4 degrees Celsius on a few occasions when driving to work at 6AM in winter when it has been a clear night. Sometimes we get frosts!!