Oh Usle will find someone I am sure. Funny thing is, I hear lots of people stating "facts" which then turn out to be incorrect. These people never seem to own up to there mistakes. Usle, all I can say is, time will tell.
With other cars coming up to the market from Hyundai Nissan and Kia within the 35-40 thousand-dollar range Tesla had to do something quickly. Because I got to get a competition. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
This is posted here as a hit piece on Tesla. To put this into perspective, here is the whole story: Side Underride Crashes Kill 200 People a Year. Will Congress Act?
The problem is anytime there's a Tesla crash it makes news but let me tell you I work 4 television news station. And I see plenty of ice car crashes. With people haven't survived. So Tesla is one of the best rated cars for crash survivability. That's what that's from the highway safety people. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Tesla Model 3 gets perfect 5-star safety rating in every category from NHTSA [Videos] - Electrek Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
It's not a hit piece. It's a report of an accident involving this car with assistive technology. What is it about the car that it tends to ignore objects of a largely solid color, like a crash barrier or the side of a trailer? Could it be that's it's detection systems are fooled by smooth surfaces? You don't know a thing about me, so keep your discriminatory remarks to yourself.
My neighbor died last year. It has not been ruled out that he was killed by KGB agents. Must be a Russian invasion!! What is it about people that they tend to ignore objects of a largely solid color crossing their path?
Could be that giant I-Pad screen causing distractions for some, as to non-Tesla drivers, it could be texting, phone calls, DUI, who knows! And we have someone who wants to make our highways into Autobahns.....they need to make driving tests much harder before this can ever happen...scary thought!
George I'm sorry you took this the wrong way. I'm not saying you were wrong or it's a headpiece I was just bringing out that's a lot of FOB going out. I was just stating my opinion. It just seems like every time there's an accident with a Tesla fire or accident it makes the news. But there are a lot of people out there getting an accident another cars. I'm holding back my judgment to find out if it was the autopilot or the guy was just not paying attention. We don't know until the investigation is over. Sorry if you took it the wrong way but I'm not getting on you for reporting this. I wish it was just an opinion. That's my father says that's why they make vanilla and chocolate ice cream... also the biggest point is someone lost their life and I'm sorry that had happened. Again I apologize if you thought I was getting on you. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
For 35k it has little to no features. I prefer realibility and higher resale value. for now, Tesla doesn't have that .... for now Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Yeah my lease is up in 2020 so hopefully they will update a lot. I miss going to have apple play but it won't have Google Auto. I listen to a lot of satellite radio and I don't think they have that ability. But it's basically a tech car. It's just like right now I probably get the one that's 325 miles and that's good for what I need. I can go long distance driving but if I need to I can just use my ice other ice car. I just wished they improve the Prius Prime battery follow up with long-distance and updateTSS 2. I believe it's just a software thing that's the problem they have the cameras in the front to use. Because it is in the same cameras that use for lane diversion. It just keeps you in the lane. I just think maybe they have no way of upgrading the software in the car. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
put another way, "what is it that lets ignorant drivers think their car is now a chauffeur... after they sign documents stating otherwise" ... or "what is it that enables readers to think it's meaningless when ignorant drivers lives are saved dozens of times more than they deserve - but when their ignorance finally isn't able to be overcome by a smart car ..... that it's suddenly the car's fault". Yea - thank you for your thoughtful editorial. N.H.T.S.A.? party of one?
https://electrek-co.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/electrek.co/2019/03/02/tesla-cut-employee-compensation-layoff/amp/?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Felectrek.co%2F2019%2F03%2F02%2Ftesla-cut-employee-compensation-layoff%2F Let not just talk about the hardware. You all want to support a company that does this to their employees?
you're not doing enough. You should go offer them all jobs - at YOUR company. On a lighter note - isn't it curious how freaked the nay sayers get, at the notion of their adversaries success ... attempting to offset good news with bad ..... like this fatality? or a financial decision that keeps a company profitable? Funny how non-business owners like to be arm chair quarterbacks - but never show how they can do a better job. .
So you agree that Tesla is laying off employees then. It’s not being done to try to market in a new uncharted way! Tesla is in survival mode.
I'll keep my "discriminatory" remarks to myself if you keep your snarky remarks to yourself. Show me any car that could avoid this kind of accident. Tesla has fewer of these kind of accidents than other makes of cars. But because it is a "Tesla" it is headline "news." Many people think that "autopilot" is Full Self Driving. It is not and Tesla says it is not. The driver is responsible to be fully engaged with their car while on "autopilot". Anyone who claims otherwise is not familiar with how "autopilot" works. I have used "autopilot" on a daily basis for 2+ months now. It is fantastic and I would never have another car without it. BUT I use "autopilot" knowing what its limitations are. In my opinion, this tragic accident was caused by either a medical issue or the driver being distracted by something else (perhaps a cel phone). A fully engaged driver would never fail to brake if there is a truck in the middle of the road!