UPDATE: 353100 Thanks for the upload. Still running strong. Both batteries are still original. Hopefully I could reach 430000.
I don't doubt it! To be honest even if the HV battery died tomorrow it would be totally worth replacing, knowing you'd get up to 700,000+ on it!
That's gotta be one record right there - 353K miles on the original 12V battery! Shows it's the age (and probably number of system on/off cycles) more than just miles that matters, at least for lead-acid.
UPDATE: 360000 Still going strong with both batteries. Nothing to complain about. Im thinking about changing the water pump, however i was told there is more than one pump, I think it is three not sure, any suggestions, and what would be the price, Thanks.
^^ I presume you are talking about the two coolant pumps. They use SLLC, not water. One cools the inverter, the other pump cools the engine. Do you want to DIY, or take the car to the dealer ? Part cost online is about $90 for the inverter pump, and $30 for the engine pump. The SLLC is about $20 a gallon if I remember correctly, and I think about 4 gallons are used total. The coolant can be bought at any Toyota dealership. I plan to also put in a new thermostat when the engine pump is replaced, and I suggest you replace the serpentine belt if it is original. These last two parts are $35 online. The slightly tricky part to DIY is getting the air out of the system. Look for Pat Wong's threads to learn how to get it done. As for when replacement should be done: you can probably just check the car for pink fluid leak around the engine pump pulley or no turbulence in the inverter circuit reservoir and replace when either has a problem. However, Toyota *does* recommend fluid exchange, and given the cost of SLLC I personally just plan to do the work at the same time.
There is a third coolant pump that pumps engine coolant in and out of the heat recovery tank on startup and shutdown.
and a fourth, that pumps engine coolant through the heater core. Not that you need to run the heat in FL The hallmark of the inverter pump failure is no turbulence in the reservoir when the car is in Ready. The hallmark of the engine water pump failure, if not a puddle of coolant on the passenger side, is crusty pink gunk stuck to the engine block behind the water pump pulley. Engine water pump catastrophic failure is rare, so leave that one be until you see signs of the pink crusties.
I just wanted to put in my 2 cents here. I've been an independent courier for about 15 years, have probably logged about a million miles in that time. I drove a Jetta TDI for 315K, and it was a nightmare every month. Maintenance costs killed me, but after putting all those miles on a car I'd paid $10 for used, I sold it for $5700. People love a TDI, an they'll pay out the nice person for them. My current car is a Honda Fit. Bought it with 16K miles on it for $14.5K. Did a clutch at about 150K miles ($1400. Ouch), AC condenser and compressor at 240K miles (about a grand. ouch.), but other than that I just changd the oil and cleaned out the K&N air filter like a good boy. Very good car. It now has 288K miles on it, and I've got people beating down my inbox to throw $6K at me for it. The reason I'm selling is I found a 2004 Prius, original owner, 155K miles, package 5 plus navigation, for $6500. Very reasonable price considering the state of the used car market inventory these days. 2 fas 4 u - Man. You gotta give up the idea of buying new cars, as well as financing, if you're driving that much. I do about 90K a year, and I feel like I got really lucky with that Fit. At any point, I could've had an accident and been out thousands of dollars. In your case, You'd buy a $30K car, put 100K on it, and if you totalled it, you'd just be out $15k. That's what happened to me in the 90s. I bought a Hyundai Accent new for $10K, totalled it 6 months later, got a check for $5k, rolled the note into a credit card, and screwed myself for a decade. Anyway, I'm hoping for good luck with the Prius, but the luck doesn't need to be THAT good, because I'm paying cash for a car that is worth $6500 parted out.
UPDATE: 364000 Still running good, battery is still showing up with green bars. I have experimented with just about every gas company out there, I tried 93 89 87 and I can say that sunoco 89 hands down get better gas mileage, and gives better performance in my opinion. It cost me 10 - 15 cents per gallon more but I make it up being I drive alot. Just want to know if any body else feels the same.
I am really surprised that 89 would return better gas mileage than 87. I've always heard (and believed) that the octane additive doesn't add any energy to gas. From what I've read, higher octane is used only to slow-down the combustion process so that high-compression ICEs would not experience preignition (or detonation, I forget which). In answer to your question, we've never experimented with higher octanes; but we do an 832 mile drive four times a year so it would be easy to use a higher octane gas and compare results. I'll try to remember to post results for the next trip. One question: Have you noticed any decrease in MPG as the miles have racked up? I.e., any evidence that the ICE is running more and more or the battery is losing capacity? BTW, I think this is the best thread evar! Thanks for keeping us posted on your remarkable adventure.
To be honest I have NOT noticed any decrease in mpg at all. THis prius has not changed from the first day I got it. In response to octane, In using 93 I have not noticed any increase in mpg on the highway. Dont know why 89 is the way it is, but for me definitely worth the extra 70 or 80 cents. Would not go back to 87. In ORDER of my preference. 1. Sunoco 2. Bp 3. Raceway 4. shell 5. All others. If u are wondering how I drive I use the hypermile technique alot, To give u an idea drive speed limit and ease off gas slightly and try to keep ur mpg between 60 and 99. THIS i would not recommend all the times but trucks, buses and rv campers up close and personal, provide an air free ride If u know what I mean. Just look out for those truck tires (alligators).
Thanks for the update. You've become the time-travelling test pilot to those of us who look to the future and wonder how our mileage will be affected over time. (Plus we can hold up your example to the know-nothing naysayers who claim that the Prius is worn out after 100k miles.) BTW, did you drive your other cars this many miles before you had the Prius? What's the most miles you've put on one car?
for the record I bought my prius with 80k and it feels like it was JUST broken in.... and I still currently drive a 1995 Acura Legend that is mint (completely rust free with very shiny glossy white paint) that has a mere 160k on her...still runs like a champ (I guess it doesn't hurt that I rebuilt EVERYTHING from the ground up at some point) if you maintain ANY car, they will last well beyond 100k, its just the cost vs use factor...does it pay to you to keep the car past 100k? (to me it paid because the legend is the last car I ever plan on driving)
The company I am with based out of Tampa,Fl has business in many states, I've worked with them since 2002 originally im from NY(bronx/yonkers). 2002 - 2007 (NY) 2003 dodge caravan 356,000 2007-present (FL) 2004 dodge caravan 200,000 2009 prius 365,000.
For the last 1870 miles, my average was 56.6 MPG, so I went to costco with half a tank and poured 93 octane on top of 87 octane, and for the last 107 miles,with the same routes, my average is 60.5 MPG with A/C on. At some point I had 63.7MPG. My wife drove about half of the miles. I will have to calculate if it's worth to pay more on gas.