<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(russcarver @ Feb 21 2007, 08:15 PM) [snapback]394363[/snapback]</div> Someone said something (hopefully in this thread) about having to power down (the Nav unit?) to reset it. See naterprius's Jan 13 11:37 post. Dave M.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ezavi8tr @ Feb 22 2007, 08:27 AM) [snapback]394451[/snapback]</div> Okay...I hope I don't sound too much like and idiot, but how do you remove power from the NAV unit and clear all it's memory?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(russcarver @ Feb 22 2007, 10:04 AM) [snapback]394474[/snapback]</div> I believe the easiest way is to simply remove the power connector from the nav unit under the seat. I don't remember right now which connector carries power, but if you removed them all, and ten minutes later replaced them all, you can be sure there was a good power-down cycle.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ezavi8tr @ Feb 22 2007, 07:25 AM) [snapback]394490[/snapback]</div> As you look at it from the front of the car, I'm pretty sure it's the one on your right. That's what I tapped into to hook up power for my CAN-View. After that, you'll have to reset the direction and region, as they get wiped when it's powered down. Depending on your original direction setting, you may not have to reset that. [attachmentid=6655] This photo above is from Norm Dick's web site for CAN-View. I trust he won't mind. The large plug on the right is to one to remove. Be certain you have the car power off completely (not even AUX power on ). I haven't tried it for the purpose of resetting after installing the new DVD. Jesse informed me that it arrived today. I expect to have it in about a week. Then I can burn the hybrid disc. Dave M.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dmckinstry @ Feb 22 2007, 03:38 PM) [snapback]394759[/snapback]</div> I just unplugged them all and it works just fine now with my old 4.2 disc. Now to make a 4.2/6.1 hybrid today.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(russcarver @ Feb 22 2007, 01:07 PM) [snapback]394786[/snapback]</div> Good. Make a report of what's on 6.1 that isn't on 4.2. Version 4.2 is what I have as well. Dave M.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dmckinstry @ Feb 22 2007, 04:22 PM) [snapback]394805[/snapback]</div> Okay, my first hybrid DVD turned out to be a brick. I hope the second one works as it was around $20 with tax for 5 blank ones (I got the Verbatim DVD+R DL). The prius simply said "could not read map data". I am using a Sony DVD+RW DW-Q58A drive. I followed the instructions precisely but I don't think I had the Nero stuff right (I am using the version 7 trial of Nero). I chose the Make Data DVD option and simply add the ISO file to burn. The options (under Expert Features) that were enabled were "Enable Disc-at-once CD overburning" and "Enable DVD overburning". The DVD simply shows one file (NAV_6_1.ISO - which is what I named it from WinImage). It doesn't show all the files like the normal NAV DVDs do. I did inject the LOADING.KWI file from the 4.2 image onto the 6.1 ISO file. But I did notice both LOADING.KWI files had the exact same file size. I will also note that WinImage did not prompt to save when done. In fact, the save option was not enable after I did the injection. Also, does the DVD volume have to have any sort of specific name? I noticed the 6.1 disk is labeled 464210-0780. Please help! I want the 6.1 data with the locker working!! Can you provide detailed instructions for WinImage (version 8.0.8000) and Nero 7? Also, How do you change the booktype to DVD-ROM?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(russcarver @ Feb 22 2007, 05:08 PM) [snapback]394930[/snapback]</div> So far, I've only had positive experience doing a straight disk copy of my 4.2 to another DVD. That copy does work in the Nav unit. Nero defaulted to DVD-ROM, and there is an option for changing that, but I can't find it right now. I did make several tries at copying the files on the original DVD to a hard drive, and burning that directly to the CD. In the Nav unit, it gave the same message you got. i.e., "Couldnt Read Map Data, see Dealer" or something like that. If your file just shows NAV_6.1.ISO, what you did is create a backup copy of the iso file on the DVD. WinImage does give you the ability to list and extract the files that are within the iso image. However, I haven't played with file replacement yet. The LOADING.KWI file has to be the same size, or WinImage won't be able to replace it. At least, that's my interpretation. The 4.2 LOADING.KWI and 5.1 version seem to be identical. That is, same length and same md5sum. Use the file menu to open the ISO file and go from there. I'm only saying this from memory, so take it with a grain of salt. Strangely the files VIRTUAL0.DAT and VIRTUAL1.DAT on the original DVD look like they're empty. AFAICT, every byte has a 0 value. I haven't figured it out yet, but will when I get my copy of 6.1 in about a week. On the name, just to be sure I'd give the new disc the same name as the original (464210-0780). Good luck. Dave M.
I wonder if this type of idea could be used for those of us with American Prii in Europe who are unable to get Toyota to provide a NAV disk with Europe on it that will work. So far they don't seem to want to respond to requests.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dmckinstry @ Feb 22 2007, 08:28 PM) [snapback]394947[/snapback]</div> Alright! Success!! I now have a hybrid 6.1 / 4.2 NAV disc working in my 2004 Prius with all the 6.1 map data and my old coastal lockpick still works!! PLUS, the Prius shows I am running NAV version 6.1 Here's the steps (some of these remain the same as the original poster's): 1) Insert 6.1 disc for a 2005 and older (not the 2006 and newer kind) into your DVD drive in windows. 2) Make an ISO image using WinImage (http://www.winimage.com/) a) I am using version 8.0.8000 B) Under the Disk menu, choose your DVD drive. For me, I choose: 'Use CD-ROM D:' c) Under the Options menu, click Settings. On the Image tab, check the box that says 'Allow updates to files in CD-ROM image (Same file size, same file name). d) Under the Disk menu, click 'Create CD-ROM ISO image...' e) When the subwindow pops up, be sure your DVD drive is selected (that has the 6.1 disc) and click Browse to go find a place to store your .iso file (give it a name too - anything is fine - something like NAV_Hybrid). f) Click Save when done. g) Click OK in the previous window (which should now show your filename and location). h) Go find something else to do as this "imaging" will take a while. i) The WinImage screen should show you the contents of the .iso file you just created (which will look just like the contents of the 6.1 disc!) 3) Now, insert the 4.2 disc (from a 2005 and older) into your DVD drive. 4) In WinImage, under the Image menu, click 'Inject'. 5) Navigate to your DVD drive (containing the 4.2 disc) and click on the file LOADING.KWI (it will have the exact same size as the same file on the 6.1 disc). 6) Click 'Open'. 7) WinImage will prompt you to inject the file, click 'Yes'. 8) WinImage will prompt you to replace the file, click 'Yes'. 9) Wait for the injection to complete. 10) Close WinImage (no saving needed - at least the "save" option was never enabled for me) 11) Download and install Nero Burning Rom 7 Ultra Edition Enhanced (trial version) from http://www.nero.com/nero7/enu/nero7-demo.php 12) Insert a new blank DVD (Verbatim DVD+R DL) into your DVD drive 13) Run Nero 7 (Choose Nero Burning ROM under the Data menu of your Nero 7 Demo menu). DO NOT start Nero via the Nero Express or Nero StartSmart shortcuts!!! 14) Once Nero is started, it should come up with a "New Compilation" window. Click Cancel to close the window. 15) From the File menu, click 'Open'. a) Navigate to where your hybrid .iso file is stored B) Click on your file then click 'Open'. c) A window called "Burn Compilation" will open for you to start the burn (another window may open first asking you to select your DVD drive) d) On the Burn tab (should be the default tab), check to box to verify the burn (this may be located somewhere else...) and click the option to 'Determine maximum speed'. e) Click 'Burn' f) Go find something else to do as this will take a REALLY LONG time! 16) Once the burn and verify are done, just pop the new disc into your Prius! This burn was performed on a Dell Inspiron E1505 laptop with a Sony DVD+RW DW-Q58A DVD burner.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(russcarver @ Feb 26 2007, 07:07 PM) [snapback]397028[/snapback]</div> Thanks for the thorough update. I expect (according to UPS tracking) my disc to arrive on Wednesday. I suspect it doesn't matter what burner you use as long as it'll handle dual layer. My burner is a Sony DVD RW DRU-820A. For that matter, I've been using Memorex Double Layer DVD+R discs, and the copy I made that was a direct copy of 4.2 is still working in my Nav Unit. Maybe I'll have the hybrid disc in the car Thursday a.m. Dave M.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(russcarver @ Feb 26 2007, 07:07 PM) [snapback]397028[/snapback]</div> Are you using a registered version of WinImage, or should the trial version work? Every time I've tried to create an iso image, it would stop at a file size of only 317,824 KB. If it takes the registered version, I'll go ahead and order it, but I want to be certain that I'm not doing anything else wrong. Dave M.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dmckinstry @ Feb 27 2007, 12:59 PM) [snapback]397290[/snapback]</div> No, I am not using the registered version. --Russ
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(russcarver @ Feb 27 2007, 11:22 AM) [snapback]397351[/snapback]</div> OK. Thanks. I'll try again and see if I can figure out what I'm doing wrong. Dave M.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(russcarver @ Feb 27 2007, 11:22 AM) [snapback]397351[/snapback]</div> Russ, I tried repeatedly to make an iso with WinImage, but had no luck. It would always hang at about 325,451,776 bytes. No problem though, since I could make an image using Nero (I have the paid for version of of Nero). It was an .ngr rather than .iso file, but WinImage could load it okay. I was able to insert a replacement for the VERSION.TXT file with an edited version number. My version 4.2 dvd now displays 6.1 when I select MAP DVD from the Menu. So, I know I can make it work tomorrow when I get the actual 6.1 DVD, and insert the old LOADING.KWI file. Thanks. Dave M.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(russcarver @ Feb 27 2007, 11:22 AM) [snapback]397351[/snapback]</div> OK. Got the new hybrid DVD burned and install yesterday afternoon. Here's a photo of the Version screen. [attachmentid=6737];[attachmentid=6738] Sorry about the quality, but I couldn't get a focused image without the jitter, or a stable image in focus. I should have taken out the tripod. And yes, the version number is just a joke. (Edited and inserted VERSION.TXT). But I won't be ordering a new upgrade until at least 8.1 comes out. There are still locations in my local area that aren't updated. A grocery store within a half mile of my house doesn't show up as a POI, and it's been there at least two or three years since it's name was changed. It'll be quite a while before I can figure out what changes have occurred. Dave M.
When you put in the 4.2, or 5.1 .kwi file in, does the hybrid disc say 6.1 in the navigation menu, or 4.2/5.1? Is the only difference in the hybrid disc from the 6.1 just the override feature? I'm not going to lose any nwe features, or icons, or anything, right?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mywhitenoise @ Apr 10 2007, 11:27 AM) [snapback]420921[/snapback]</div> The version number is in its own file, not in the LOADING.KWI file. As far as I know, all the features and information are intact. In spite of what someone else said earlier about may just a bit of difference between the two loading files, there are about 13 million unsigned integers that are different. Actually, only a fourth of that. I was counting bytes, rather than unsigned integers. Dave M.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ilusnforc @ Apr 16 2007, 09:57 AM) [snapback]424039[/snapback]</div> I don't know anything about the '06-'07 disc myself. However, if you have the current version of the 6.1 disc you could copy the LOADING.KWI file to your hard disc and do an md5sum on it. If it's the same as that for the '04-'05 disc, you could probably use the LOADING.KWI file from 4.2 or 5.1 for the '05 to create a hybrid disc. The md5sum for the 6.1 disc for the '04-'05 LOADING.KWI file is 9faf44973e659cb3b763c5de60f29a84 Dave M.