The car's charger is rated 3.3kW. Level 2 charge points are often able to supply 6.6kW but some like the Florida Power and Light free charge point I found supplied "5kW shared" between two vehicles so it delivered at a little less than 2.5kW. Level 2 charging costs don't make sense for most people, and decision to install a Level 2 EVSE at home is purely convenience in most cases and influenced by how many EV miles are usually driven. My average EV day has worked out to 24 miles at an average 4.3 mi/kWh meaning I need roughly 5.6kWh put into the battery, which the provided 120v EVSE/CCID will replace in 5 hours.
I had to adjust the charging speed in mine. I live in an older condo but do have a garage, When I'd charge my Tesla I always needed to turn off my air conditioning or I'd trip the breaker and lose power inside. After getting the Prime I noticed the same so I went into the cars settings and adjusted the charging speed down. Now I can charge and run the AC at the same time. Yes it takes a lot longer to charge but it's not a big deal to me.
I was sitting first waiting at an always very long traffic light, biding the time talking with my wife, in "drive" with my foot on the brake of course, watching for the light to turn green, when suddenly the car sounded a loud horn-like alarm scaring me so bad I think I hit the roof liner. A woman selling fruit in bags had walked across the lane directly in front of our car. I'm lucky the scare didn't cause my foot to slip off the brake.
I would occasionally get something similar in my G4 when making sharp turns. The alarm sounded as if I was going to get hit from the side. It would scare the bejesus out of me.
So I gotta say, I have a bit of a problem. I have spent a fair amount of time watching the various YouTube reviews of the new Prius Prime, and I am not even a Prius zealot, other than the fact that I bought one. And, this review is perhaps my favorite, really fun after a few glasses of wine. It could be the Canadian touch, but I found it really entertaining. And accurate.
Omg…I could have used this when an Uber food delivery person ran out in front of me while on her phone. Thanks for the warning! Is this a Prius or Prime. Will probably scare pedestrians to death too or is it just inside the cabin.
Haha - I had a similar feeling. Its probably the attidue as well: "Not so nice... well, doesnt matter much". These big channels are generally much better in any case, as they can be more independent and dont have to sugar coat everything to make sure they get invited as well. There are small independent,high quality channels that get a loaner or similar but its less common.
I enjoyed this one too. It felt more like a review by a friend who had been living with the car for a bit. More relaxed and authentic.
Looking forward to Prime mileage range posted in the dead of winter - when temp's might be around -20°f. Once these summer / winter temps are averaged together? voilà !! You'll truly have 'average' range. One quick & easy way to piss off new owners is to get them to think they're going to get more range than what they call 'average' It would be as ridiculous as showing off a nice moderate temperatures' tankfull of electrons on a Chevy Volt - posted during moderate temps .... ..... but then neglect to post some of its zero temperatures? where that 'average' then may dip down to only 30 miles of range? Put the two high and low together and you get mid 50s range. Low and behold that's roughly what the EPA says you'd get. Sure it's fun to show off what you 'might' be be able to do, but somewhat disingenuous to have people expect nothing but highs. Over the decades of ownership if you read back on PC - some owners here will post their 10 miles of downhill. Not great to get people's range expectations the stratosphere. .
If you live in socal, no worries my pip still gets 80% of summer miles, but there’s no heat. Heat pump should help, how many people live where 20 below is the norm?
There are several big cities where it gets that frosty off & on; .... even if it's 20 to 30° warmer - it's still the same range reducing impact. .
Oh Canada!!! That frozen country will put the Prime's range to the test this winter! Prepare for much screeching about range reduction.