There's been a deal running since September 6 at a few dealerships both south and east Maine, with $3,125 off the retail price when I got mine. That was (yet another) reason that I traded in my four-year-old c and indulged on the best hybrid that I could afford. The sticker on mine was $33,100, but the line for cash-delivered price said $33,999. (I'm not sure which of the "price you paid" ones you want since there are so many figures on the yellow page, due to warranty/protection plans, trade-in, tax, etc. not sure which line you want)
Hey, all. Just an update to my earlier post about flying from Michigan to New Jersy to pick up my Prime advanced in Magnetic Gray. It worked out fine, though my Delta flight in Newark was delayed by an hour. Took an Uber to the Crestmont Toyota dealership in Pompton Plains. I got the $3,500 East coast rebate at closing. Otherwise sticker. Way better than Michigan where I had an order in. They had it all ready, fully charged and gassed. Stayed overnight nearby then drove nine hours home. Quite an adjustment from my 2006 diesel Jetta, but got about 57 mpg on the trip home, through lots of rain. Doing even better since. Love the car. Still trying to figure out all the technology.
Congrats and enjoy. It can be a bit of info overload. I use the PDF manuals which are nicely searchable. I've utilized a lot of short trips to check out something different each time. Then I go to the next item and keep checking stuff off my list.
Looking to buy one in California from Dallas Texas but must have California address to get special lease deal from Toyota.
There is no eligibility requirement based on timing. All that's needed is greater liability than the amount you are claiming. My wife and I each bought a Prime this year. Our liability (if I remember last year's info correctly) will be somewhere around $27,000 with our joint filing. That's way more than the $9,000 credit we'll be getting. So, no big deal.
I know you like to do a lot of logging/calculations...just wanted to mention that with my Prime the new metric I've been focusing on with each fill-up (which is not very often anymore)...I reset one of the trip odometers AND note the EV Percentage. There's a lack of good data on EV stuff that I'd like to figure out but this figure is starting to make sense, taken with the 'tank's' mileage and so on.