He was just cruising along and suddenly decided to accelerate?? That's weird. Did he have a medical issue? Or was it distraction? Glad to hear everyone's ok. Edit: Ohh I see. You slowed down because of that Kia in front and the driver in the F-150 didn't realise you slowed down.
Actually the Street Guardian does have quite a bit of glare for the fraction of a second that the car is facing straight backwards, but then you spin a little more to the right before coming to a stop.
It wasn't immediately obvious due to the constraints of watching a video instead of seeing it in real life, but on review there seemed to be a very significant congestion slowdown forming ahead of that Kia.
Same here. First viewing "What? Did that pickup truck just ram the Prius on purpose?" Second viewing "Oh, the Prius speed drops from 65 to 45 just before he is hit. Wonder why he slowed down?" Third viewing "Oh, the Kia slowed down in front of him, that's why he slowed down" Fourth viewing "Oh, there is congestion in front of the Kia" Fifth viewing "Is that a person over there behind the grassy knoll?
The autobody shop that works for my insurance company estimated us at around $25,000 dollars worth of damage. That was based off of the damage they could observe from the exterior of the vehicle only. They didnt even look into the interior mechanical of the car. So they will be calling it a total. My insurance will let me know on either monday or tuesday. I'l keep ya posted!
Sorta thought that it would be. Sorry to hear that. Does your insurance have a "new for old" provision? Mine, if it's a write-off within the first 2 years, you get a brand spanking new one instead - they keep the wreck.
I forgot to mention. An interesting thing to note is that our auto insurance will also have to cover the cost of the guardrail. Because the other driver decided to call CHP and there was a report written. From talking to the insurance agent, it almost sounded like if CHP was not called, then the insurance would not have to cover the guardrail? I just thought it was interesting to mention. But it is good that insurance should cover the cost of the guardrail. In turn the other driver will be paying for it and not the public.
Yes, I think that would be normal, I've heard that happen here. I had a work"mate", he was about 19-20yo in late '70s spent the evening in the pub (I think he did it often). Then drove home. Wet night, spun out, and totalled the High School Principal's posh new Fairlane which was parked - pushing it into a power pole with a transformer on it, I think 11,000 volt plus 3 phase as well as telecoms like this one (which is outside my house), snapping it off at the base, and ripping cables from the surrounding poles. At 11pm. Being well over the drink drive limit, his insurance was void - so he got a bill for the Principal's car, lost his own car - but they were minor compared with the massive bill from Energex - their bill for the pole - including overtime rates. He had a massive amount to pay, on top of the loan he still had for his own broken car. (Oh, and a massive fine, and he had to walk for a year as he lost his licence.)
Glad you are OK! I made my son and wife watch the video. Making your insurance cough up for the guardrail is normal since you hit it.
The accident happened on public highway. I think you are required by law to report the accident to police. In any case, it is clear from the video who is at fault here. I would make sure everything is paid from the insurance of the driver in the truck. You should not have to pay a penny out of your pocket, nor subjected to any increase of your future premium.
California is different, no need to report to police if there is no injury and the parties don't have insurance disagreements. BTDT. (I did call 911, they gave me a choice.) Not sure if there is a dollar damage threshold. In my state, said report is a requirement if damage exceeds some threshold well under a totaled ordinary car. When I got hit at the head of a chain reaction, my rear end damage was quite minor, and total damage to all three vehicles was less than a single totaled vehicle, but the responding officer conveniently provided everyone a computer printed list of all names / contacts / insurance info of all involved parties.
Didn't know that. Strange CA laws boggles my mind, like the one requiring cancer warning on a cup of coffee.
Wow, wow, wow!! Glad you're OK. We got tagged by a guy in a Jeep doing sixty plus as we sat at a red traffic light one night. That hurts!! With all the traffic in your situation, that could have been a real disaster. I could imagine you getting t-boned by another texter as you spun around. Still, not exactly a picnic. He mentions them in post #19 if that's what you're looking for, Mendel.
Lots of states have similar things, just worded differently. For example in CO they have what's called "Accident Alert". Basically any time they want to, the po-po say that the area is in "Accident Alert" and then you don't call the cops unless there is personal injury. Usually happens when it snows, but in Colorado that's half the year. My sister had an accident during one of those storms, not her fault, garbage truck jackknifed going up the mountain, all the downhill vehicles then smashed into it. Cops were called, refused to come. When people made some commotion the police said they come but give everyone tickets for dangerous driving if they showed up... I've seen an "Accident Alert" called on a day where it was just a high wind advisory. Bright sunny day with high wind which isn't uncommon. Police don't want to come. Glad everyone is OK in the OP's video. It could have ended much worse, looks like the other vehicles saw something was going down as they stopped a good distance behind where you spun over and into their lane. Good on them for paying attention and not making it a secondary t-bone at highway speeds.
Yeah - I read that coffee warning thing the same day someone sent me yet another newspaper clipping about COFFEE being good for you!! Like the article on CHOCOLATE with this headline: I didn't read the article in case there were provisos - I just bought more chocolate. Back to accident reporting, here it has to be reported if someone is injured, if there is a dispute - or if the vehicle needs towing - ie can't be LEGALLY driven - ie if the lights are damaged though little panel damage, it probably fits that category.
Sounds like they do it up right, on your side of the pond!.......I have absolutely ZERO sympathy/tolerance for people who drink & drive..