The factory puts it on. The dealer only installs the wheel covers (among other things non-wheel related)
well, this is perplexing. pretty sure it was danny who posted the 2 eco specs, as handed down from toyota on high.
Here is the tire (I had to flip the picture upside down) TwoECOtireOEM by fsu23phd posted Jan 23, 2016 at 9:11 PM .
Has anyone else been told they'll have a 3 month wait to get their Prius? As I previously posted, my salesman says the only way to get the Convenience AND the Tech. package is to special order.
That's what we were told. Moreover, we got spec sheets from two dealers (!) with the identical VIN number. Whe we asked about that we were told by one that we would have to pay extra for them to get that car. What the heck? Why did you block out the dealer's name? If those dealers who are gouging people by doing this are outed they may think twice about it. Is this console applicque package avaialbe as a dealer option, or must it come from Japan like that? How much $?
Mmm... you're right, the Eco US should have been fitted with the Dunlop Enasave and i guess the summer tire version [edit: no, the Enasave are M+S] : one of the citation about it: Toyota Prius Reviews - Toyota Prius Price, Photos, and Specs - Car and Driver Here we have the Ecopia EP422 plus, for sure they are some indefined bit less LRR than the Enasave. It is apparent that the Toyota US asked to vary the spec, if is not an unlikely idea of the dealer. If those Dunlop are troublesome for wet performance, as someone as pointed out (but beeing a US only tire, americans should know better), it could make sense. I think is a good idea if other owners of Two Eco and Two (simple), double check their tires and report. If both version have the same Ecopia 422 Plus, the ECO will still give the same amount of increased FE they declare on EPA tests? The Ecopia 422 plus is the same line of the 17" in US, as reported. In Japan they use instead, for the 17", a kind of version of the Nanoenergy 2, called Nanoenergy R41, never seen before the Prius 2016 on the market: from enlarged pictures i see the same thread of the Nanoenergy 2 (that i own on my Auris), so they should be the same but who knows, it could be some difference in the rubber composition....
In 2010, I wanted a somewhat "hard to obtain" Prius, which was the Prius V (not the wagon) with the ATP. It took me just under 3 months before I took possession. Please remember that this isn't an "order process" like you are probably use to seeing with many of the other auto companies. You don't put in an order and they build it. They build cars and when one happens to come out that matches your config, they will fulfill the dealer allocation request.
If not too much to ask, can you take a screenshot of daily calculated MPG daily average of you Two Eco model, can't wait to see mine soon. Thanks
Here you go. It arrived with 2 miles on it, and I didn't notice the MPG. I drove it hard home, as I was in a hurry. Today we went to lunch, and we are only up to 24 miles. I'm guessing that there will be much improvement to come.
i wonder if can decline/removed the carpet floor mat option co'z every 2016 i looked at, carpet floor mats are automatically added already, I'm leaning towards all-weather floor mats instead.
First Long Distance "Glimpse". Admitttedly this isn't much. But was driving past a local Toyota dealership and saw a new Prius parked out front. Unfortunately, side profile, and I want to take a closer look front and rear view. But.... My first long distance impression was that the vehicle looked real sharp. Very sporty. BUT... Maybe because of all the creases and etc, seemed to make the Prius "look" smaller. I know this is illusion. But looking more "mainstream" seemed to take away some from the Prius's magical illusion of looking larger than it actually is.... Just my first quick impression, but when I first glanced, I thought "There's a sporty looking "Little" hatchback. That's not necessarily a bad first impression, but it's a different feel from either Gen 2 or Gen 3.
I did, my dealer told me it couldn't be done. I said, ok, take 400 off msrp. He did, and another 70 for a wires package. I still expected them to be there when u got the car, but they were not... so they can be decoupled. I see that the Prius chat site sells a $130 2016 carpeted floormats set. Does anyone know if it includes matt for all seats and trunk? Just front? Thanks
I just purchased the first 2016 sold by Westboro (Massachusetts) Toyota. 4 Touring White pearl Appliqué Convenience Group (not cheap!) More car than I had anticipated buying but this dealer had a set non- negotiable pricing which was $1580 below sticker. Got hit with a doc fee of $395 but I was ok with that. The dealership also has a policy to give a free extension of the manufacturer's powertrain warranty up to 100k miles, as well as extend no-charge maintenence for an addition year. They do that for all thier new car sales. I can't wait to pick it up later this week.
Actually, the salesman said that Toyota never builds them with both of those packages together unless special ordered. Sounds weird, doesn't it?