I had to type solar roof in a message/details box. Since I haven't bought the car yet, I sent you a private message with the info.
i've been obsessed shopping and researching any prius 2 with leather upgrade . i am trading in my 4runner 2007. ive gotten a consistent quote here in DFW texas for the 2 of about $25K, with the leather plus TTL.. should i bite? the more i read in here, the more i have the knowledge to know whats being offered out there. im thinking of counter offering at $23.5K and go from there...how much is a leather upgrade invoice anyway? im targeting a blizzard pearl with either bisque or misty gray leather upgrade. i could use any help guys. thanks in advance
I'm having trouble getting the price I want. Prius Four, no options. MSRP is $29245. Internet prices for dealers in my area are low $25111-25289 without freight and processing fees, tax and tags. I live in DC and we don't have to pay sales tax on hybrid vehicles. Best out the door price I can manage is $26686. I believe that's a good price, but I really don't want to pay more than $26K. Am I being too greedy?
Maybe. That would an awesome otd price in California. What are the "freight and processing fees"? Perhaps there is some fat there you can get cut.
Processing ranges from $465-499 depending on the dealer and freight is $810. Talked with two sales managers at different dealers and they show me the $28XXX invoice price and try to make me feel bad for asking For more off, but I don't. I figure if they can go that low that they can go a bit lower for me. Another dealer a little further away might have a slightly lower number, waiting on an email back.
Just some thoughts: Have you tried carwoo for any of the pricing? Maybe that could get you a little lower. They do give you the out the door number with the offers too. Plus some people are getting their local dealer to match other (farther) dealerships offers.
The dealer profit fee is capped by law in MD. $200 I think. Something to remind another DC area dealer. And Toyota dealers are the only dealers I've worked with that would quote a price but not include freight/destination.
What is a dealer profit fee? I'm doing all my searching in VA because I work in Fairfax and its more convenient. Also the close dealers in MD don't seem to have a lot of Priuses in stock.
I was being sarcastic in regards to the "processing fee" or whatever they are calling it. They are charging a fee to do a standard business practice when you sell cars. Ask if you'll get hit with an electricity fee too for keeping the lights on. And just because you aren't shopping MD doesn't mean you can't use it as a negotiating tactic. The dealer doesn't know that. The dealer will likely counter that they have to charge the same few to everyone for some compliance issue (heard it a couple times). Doesn't mean they can't make it up elsewhere.
Oh sorry, missed the sarcasm! Yeah, one dealership said they could take the $499 processing fee out of the price but that it "had to be on their as a line item." Pfff. None of the dealers seem to want to budge on the $810 freight though. This other dealer (about 30 miles away instead of 22 or 15 miles) is giving me a price of $25776 without tags. Last year when we bought our Two the tag fee was $127 and there was a "Dealer's Business License Tax" of $40.65. That seems like another BS fee. Anyway, if those two things are the same, that brings me to $25943 which is under my threshold. Minor problem is this one is Misty Gray interior instead of Dark Gray which I like better. Decisions.
Supergls have u tried dealers near Baltimore. I know a little further away but I tried Carwoo and Truecar. The best dealers were Jim Coleman and russel Toyota. I ended up buying a certified 2010 from Carmax in Laurel instead of new. Truecar will give you dealers that have a preset price and Carwoo will let you negotiate by email.
Just bought Prius 4 Last week, no options MSRP $30,092 (includes windows tint and carpet).... Bought it for $24,233 with OTD of $24871. It was a great price here in SC. Need to drive 100 miles to get it. Its definitely doable.
The way to even the field when shopping at multiple dealers is to ask for 'out the door' pricing, all fees and taxes included. Let each dealer figure out how their 'required' fees need to be shown on the bill of sale. As long as you get the out the door to where you want, what does it matter to you?
I'll check some of the dealers between here and Baltimore today. Is there a typo there in the numbers? jhinsc, seems like dealers here aren't interested in providing OTD pricing without having a conversation.
Visited another dealer this morning. They don't have the particular car in stock (Prius Four, Metallic Gray, Dark Gray interior, no sunroof) but said they could get it. $26598 OTD. Saleswoman tried to tell me they usually charge more to get a car they don't have on the lot. I told her I'd be happy to drive whatever car they were going to trade to the other dealer and drive my new car back to save them some money if she could get it to $26000 OTD. She wasn't buying that of course, hah. Definitely discovered that I can't do the Misty Gray interior, it's just not for me. That means the dealer with the $25943 price is out, too bad too. I tried to like it today when I sat in it, but I just can't do it. The dealer I bought the Prius Two from last year has come down from $26686 OTD to $26342 OTD after I told them I thought $686 off wasn't asking much for a returning customer. They want to go half. (I hope that this isn't just spamming and that some people, particular in the Northern VA area, will find this helpful. If a moderator feels another way just let me know please.)
Yeah, seems to me there has to be a typo in that post. EDIT- Well my wife tells me I'm an idiot making a big fuss over $342 so I told the dealer that I'm in for that price. Going to go pick it up shortly.