Oh, plu-eez... I'm an older lady and I can't stand the new Prius ads either. Looks like a kindergarten play -- granted, a very high-production kindergarten play. And it's a car for little munchkins. No wonder many guys wouldn't be caught dead in a Prius.
Off hand I'll argue that *you* are the minority view that Toyota can ignore, in order to appeal to a very large group of people who are happy to be green so long as it has no penalty of cost or convenience. I cannot think of any Toyota message of "smugness"; I can think of messages suggesting that Prius owners should be proud that they chose a car that is about something other than *me*. You, my friend, are projecting your own emotional baggage on to Toyota.
I agree that all cars make a statement about their owners -- partly because of how they're advertised and partly because of who they appeal to, how they look, etc. I'm not criticizing the Prius for that. I'm simply saying that, in addition to advertising this car as a greenmobile, it would be smart for Toyota to *also* advertise it in ways that appeal to other demographics. As far as the Prius eliciting guilt of owners of other vehicle types or conveying smugness: This is due to the attitudes of some of its visible & vocal supporters (think Hollywood actors, certain politicians pushing hybrids, and the numerous politically motivated bumper stickers commonly adorning this model of car). BTW: I've owned two Priuses (a 2003 and a 2005) in the past, so I have nothing against the cars. I like them. But, I think they suffer from an image problem, just like Hummers do. If GM came out with a Hummer tomorrow that got 25mpg, people would still look at it on the road and think things like "macho", "off road", "durable", and "gas guzzler". As a result, it would still only sell to a narrow demographic. Prius, like Hummer, is a niche car in the minds of customers.
To my mind, this is exactly the point that the new ad campaign is missing. The Prius can appeal to more than the stereotypical tree hugger and the campaign is doing nothing to change the perception. I had generally favorable thoughts about the Prius regarding mileage and reliability. BUT I ruled it out because I thought of it as typical small, cramped, OK only to get from point A to point B car and I do long drives multiple times a year. The new ad campaign does nothing to change this preconception. A Toyota salesman listened to my requirements pointed me to the Prius. I was amazed at the effective roominess and the storage space for its size. Yes, the mileage and reliability were big pluses in making a decision to buy one, but until he walked me through it, I wouldn't have considered a Prius at all. That would have been a missed opportunity for Toyota to get me to buy a car and I wonder how many others it's missing. I think it's unfortunate that the ad campaign perpetuates the narrow stereotype.
Why yes Rush rocks :rockon: LOL. I'm also a practical geek. Luv them gadgets plus Toyotas legendary reliability and useability. Hey I'm a Honda owner and the new Insight Dash looks like a kids etch-a-sketch buts it's more traditionally located. Still the Pri is my top choice. The less gas we use the more we can get away from those Nazi Oil gougers in the ME. Can't wait until the 10th Gen Prius NCC-1701.
To your point of the Prius as a "niche car" consider this: * The Prius passed the 1 million worldwide sales figure in May of 2008. * In April of this year 8,385 Prius were sold in the US...good enough for 22nd on the months tally of ALL vehicles sold in the US including non-hybrids, hybrids, trucks, etc....ALL vehicles! Do you think the Toyota Tacoma is a "niche" vehicle? How about the Jeep Wrangler? They both slightly out-sold the Prius in April of this year. The Prius is hardly a "niche car"...a "niche car" does not rank just behind a best selling truck and off-road vehicle in the Toyota/Jeep lineup. The market has changed, dramatically, and hybrids will creep their way into the marketplace until they are the majority of vehicles on the road. And, with the release of the 2010 Prius you can ADD the Prius to top 20 list of models sold in the US in June, July, August, etc, etc, etc.
please tell me you're kidding. i talk to a wide variety folks with different educational backgrounds and ages. almost everyone believes that driving this car brings with you an image which has a *negative* connotations.
They should have a commercial of a Prius driver and a full-size SUV driver at the gas station, standing in line to put a $10 bill in the machine (like ARCO), then they go to their cars and fill up, then as the Prius is driving away, the SUV driver goes back to the machine and puts a $20 bill in, then goes back a third time, then goes back a fourth time but his wallet is empty when he opens it. Another person pulls into the gas station in a Prius, smiling, and the SUV driver is frowning, while looking back and forth between his wallet, the SUV, and the Prius. This Prius driver walks up to the machine and puts a $5 bill in and walks back to his Prius. Haha. (end of commercial)
I drive my prius all week long and average 50+ mpg. I drive my mustang on the weekend and average about 13mpg. Either I have a severe split personality disorder, or what you drive really doesn't say all that much about who you are, lol.
I agree with you there. I also wish they would do something a little more (green) subtle and the new ads are just way too cutesy IMO. There are all kinds of other features of the Prius they could highlight - I think most folks realize the Prius is a high mileage hybrid by now, or they will never care.
Nope. Which part did you disagree with? I am curious about the view from The People's Republic of Berkeley...
dollar index @ 78 and dropping daily. Experts think by mid 2010 the dollar will be in the mid 50's value wise. And inflation will be rampant. I don't see any cars moving off lots like in the past, people just aren't buying stuff right now.
Do you make up surveys for a living ? Can you think of a car that does *not* have stereotyped negative connotations ? Let me start you off ... BMW/Merc: pretentious Cooper, Subaru: "gay" Ford: boring, mundane, lousy quality GM: lol Volvo: boring, suburban Truck: small penis In my family my daughter and I think the cooper is the coolest car by looks; my wife loves her Subaru, and all of us think the Prius is fantastic. Luckily, our egos can handle the silly stereotypes.
I think maybe you're oversimplifying, but some of the ones mentioned are stereotypes about quality not the individual driving the car. (I've not heard the "gay" thing with the Sub and Mini). However I have never heard as many comments about a car and it's owner than I have with the Pious errr, Prius. People absolutely associate this car with RADICAL TreeHuggers and totally miss the fact that it's an ECONOMY car besides being green. It's the only car I know where people HATE it or LOVE it because of who drives it. People hate or love Fords and Chevy's because of Nascar, family ownership and normal redneck issues, but the Prius Love/Hate affair is completely different. It was a factor in keeping me from considering this car. I never had the issue with the Camry Hybrid or the Highlander Hybrid. Bottom line is I decided I will start my own program to make this car mainstream, at least with my immediate friends that will initially laugh at me.
Wow what a discussion...one thing I bet all can agree on is "time will tell." It seems hard for us to get out of our boxes. This forum is made up of very sincere supporters (for the most part) of Prii and with, I might add, very good reason. One thing most of us (PC members) seem to agree on is the commercials We already know the green aspects and so does most everyone else who really cares. The Prius is a lot more car than a GREEN one. Right now Toyota seems to be appealing to us (the committed ones) to reup and replace, which might work initially. Later on they must reach out to the larger car market with all the features that make the Prius a complete and desirable automobile in order to grow the ownership base. I believe auto sales will continue relatively flat for many months and that includes Prius sales. I believe the Prius will weather that slow sales period and will eventually grow in the market...eventually.
for me, i guess i thought they would come out with a fully optioned car, but i can't get it. so i wait. maybe next year? why can't i get the solar/moonroof with the tech package plus the 17" rims???? why?
see the people i've thanked in this thread whose comments disagree with yours/agree with mine. and SageBrush, yeah, Cooper/Subaru = gay? learn something new every day i guess... and the people's republic of berkeley? seriously, lay off. that's exactly the kind of problem i'm talking about with the prius.
On the opposing side the car also comes with a positive connotation by those who understand environmental issues (taking local transportation infrastructure into account) and those who aware of the economical benefits (when considering buying a new non-econo box vehicle). I get a ton of positive feedback regarding my car and the usual negative comments come from those who are what i would consider knuckledraggers or those who are so tightly wrapped up in their political beliefs that they cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction.