I can't speak to the non traffic option, but on my Prius V with package AT, that's the way (XM radio + XM traffic) it came equipped...
I have Sirius on the 2005 Prius that I'm trading and am buying a IV 2010. I assume, actually hope, that I can just move that account to the new radio. Anyone know?
Assuming that you do not have a lifetime account on the '05 Prius, they will simply update the serial number that is allowed to receive the signal. IF you are a lifetime subscriber in the 2005, and it was an OEM machine, you will be unable to transfer the account with you. So in most cases, yes this is a simple non-issue, and should only take minutes for XM to make the change. (And from what several people have confirmed for me, if you unplug the old XM radio, and do not let it power up over the next few weeks, it will never get the 'terminate' signal, and should continue to get XM [[-for free??]] for as long as it remains alive.
My old radio is Sirius that I installed myself and I assume the 2010 will be XM. I'm hoping that even switching, since they are now one company, will be as easy as you say. I wrote them but haven't received a response. thanks,
Sirus XM as a company won't let you get Sirius signals on an XM tuner. You'll have to get a seperate XM account for the XM signal (at least from what I've been told when I checked with them)
I understand, they use different satellites but I have a two year Sirus account which I won’t be using since someone else will have that car so I would hope they could transfer to an XM account. If the Prius came with Sirus I would have that receiver.
I had a couple of decommissioned Skyfi's that received a signal quite a long time, but eventually they received the kill signal.
They may be one company behind the scenes, but they still represent themselves to customers as two different companies.
Then no, you are out of luck. I was a Sirius LIfetime subscriber for many years, with a second subscription as well, for a second car. When I got the Prius, and went to activate, they did not care one iota that I was a Sirius Client, and could not do anything to assist. However, if you are paying for a monthly with Sirius, and will now be paying a monthly with XM, there should be very little difference, and apart from missing a few Sirius channels (unless you are a diehard Stern fan like I am), you should be fine. In my case, I needed to reach their corporate investor services department, and really ply the pressure to allow them to get me to switch over my lifetime, and then if I did, I would have to pay money to transfer it, but would eventually lose the lifetime, as they go with the cars, and not the person - dumb! So, I ended up buying a new lifetime from XM, as it was only about $40 more than pre-paying for three years at $458. They claim that since the merger, they have not yet combined billing systems, and are still being run as two separate entities. This should change within the next year, and allow for smoother trans-entity transfers. Good Luck! Let us know how it goes.
I will let everyone know what happens. I originally installed XM on my 2005 Prius but when the receiver died I put in Sirius becuase I like NPR and have two other Sirius accounts. Guess that was a dumb move. Really looking forward to getting my 2010. Have 115,000 on my 2005.
Most of the rest of the channels (NPR included, thank goodness, as I like them too), are the same across both Sirius and XM, as that was part of their cost reduction from merging. The only real differences will be a few 'star channels', such as Howard on Sirius, and Oprah / Opie & Anthony on XM, etc. Otherwise 90% the same. In my case, I bought XM with Best of Sirius, lifetime and only paid $499. Sounds like the net difference for you will be that you will lose the cheap second SIrius sub (6.95 / per month for additional), and need to pay 13.95 for it with XM. A few bucks more if you choose to add the bext of Sirius. Look at their website to decide if the few Sirius only channels are worth it. If you wanted it for NPR, for example, you will already have that in their base XM Everything.
This may work out I have three Sirius subscriptions, two for 2 years and one month to month. I think maybe my Prius is month to month. So at most I will lose a month. If they have similiar programming I actually got better reception with XM. I think they have 3 satellites and Sirius has two.
I plan to do the lifetime at $499.99 when the trial is up, and that'll get me the NAVTraffic at $3.99 per month. I seem to recall that lifetime subs get the Premium online (listening to XM online over the web) free, versus $2.99 per month. Can anyone confirm that?
It really does not matter which of the three they cancel, as they can switch them around. If you have three, then you have three. (Just verify the Serial # of the one they will kill.
I was able to cancel my month to month plan and transfer the 2 year plan I had on the car I traded to the month to month radio. Would have cost me $75 to cancel the two year plan. Now I have to open an XM plan after I figure out what I want. BTW, got my 2010 IV with solar package today and I love it. Seems like a much more substantial car than my 2005 and the Nav system with the phone and BT interface works great with my iphone. I couldn't be happier.