Prius. It's everything you expect in a hybrid. It's everything you want in a car." -------------------------------- Tideland - You'd better move quickly to register your slogan - Doug may "borrow" it. Then allow Toyota USA to use it and negotiate for a few Prii. Although it does sound a bit familiar (perhaps a variation used for a consumer product) - I like it. haha I should, eh? That's not gonna happen. Not a US Resident. Would be nice if all of you could back Prius Team up and convince TMS lol. Well I was aiming for a mainstream ad. ------------------------------------------------------ Tideland - you could always become an illegal immigrant down here. eh? I think we have a few of them around.
"The Prius world is made out of PEOPLE!!!...It's PEOPLE!!!!" I lol when I read this post on youtube by nickmiller85 God, I love that movie . . . and the Prius commercial
I guess I had to see the behind-the-scenes before I picked up on the "world" being people in various poses and syncronized motions. Very cool.
One things for sure, in a time when most car companies have reduced their advertising and budgets are dropping, this spot was at least $1.5 million to produce, not counting the media buy. Unfortunately they chose New Zealand to produce it, much cheaper there, but at least they really believe in throwing the marketing dollars in that direction. By far my favorite Prius spot is this one: Boards >> Screening Room >> Toyota Prius - Power To Move Forward Dir: Tarsem (Losing my Religion, REM)
I am not liking it very much. Why does the car look so tiny? Why can't they show the car properly, it's new techy features and how much it is fun to drive? Why are the flowers singing? Because they are getting high on the emissions from the Prius?
We spotted the 2nd Prius Harmony commercial tonight while watching "24". It's better than the first one. It mentioned the 50 MPG fuel efficiency. It even inspired my husband to say he wished we could see it on a bigger screen.
We caught it as well on a different channel. Prius was towing the sun like a balloon. The commercial talked about fewer smog forming emissions. I'm looking forward to finding it in HD as well. I had to explain to the Mrs. Spinnr that the "items" in the background were all people before she truly appreciated it.
Boy, they must have had it on every channel and show last night. I saw it a couple of times (do I watch too much TV?). I liked this one better for some reason. The visuals were more enticing this time. They used the fewer smog emissions phrase again and also touted 50 MPG, then ended with the stupid slogan. My wife liked it too, whereas she totally ignored the first one. I had to point out the people to her. Like others here, she didn't see them at first. I also saw the new insight commercial. I think I'll buy that car instead, since it will apparently make me young and carefree, and be cheap, cheap, cheap! Still don't see how the Prius ad sells to the mainstream or why the mainstream would know "3rd generation" refers to a new model, but hey, what do I know. And for a bit of trivia I don't remember seeing here, I ran across this tidbit about the music: 2010 Toyota Prius Harmony "Let Your Love Flow" cover TV Commercial Music - Adtunes Forums The cover of "Let Your Love Flow" is by Petra Haden. She sings it acapella...every sound you hear, even the "instruments" are her. the official site of petra haden
Harmony Commercial was on ESPN2's Mike & Mike in the Morning. Wouldn't have figured that was a big target demographic...but they're hitting everything.
This is the reason that the dealers (and a few of us begrudgingly) pay the advertising fees to Toyota. Those commercials and that ad space, and not cheap. I watched Survivor on Sunday night, and that commercial lookied awesome on a 52' wide-screen.
Since the Apple IPOD has so effectively used (at least in the beginning) second generation, third generation, etc. to convince everyone that they need the latest generation, it is probably a more effective marketing approach now than it might have been before the IPOD dominated the world.
The first commercial (Harmony) has a way of growing on you. In my experience, after the first few viewings-which are overpowering in the colorful graphics, one tends to pick out specifics and....Wow! Nice appetizer for more ads probably showing more of the car itself. BTW that song is very catchy... Toyota should program the sound system to softly play the tune during initial Prius power-up. :music: And eventually a menu option to choose your 'power-up' tune, ala Windows... Does anyone have a link to Commercial #2? Haven't seen it.
New (I think) commercial from Japan - Superman!!!! Just imagine what WE'D say here if this aired in the U.S.? [ame=""]YouTube - TOYOTA PRIUS CM6[/ame]
I'd love to see something like this in the US. Notice it had north-american type license plates on it?