Sometime soon you'll get it pegged at 99.9 for a double-digit distance. My best - on the very first tank - was 97.x mpg for 11.8 miles, from a dead cold start. The return trip a few hours later knocked it down to 66, with a 400 foot elevation gain. I have a picture of 75.0 mpg at 34.7 miles, also from a cold start. Was tempted to post this to VW TDI Tank Wars, were it beats all the valid TDI entries, and even all but one entry exiled to the Penalty Box. But that would likely cause the Prius-TDI sniping to erupt into outright warfare. I followed all the rules, save one -- using a TDI. Finally performed my very first fillup today - 57.1 mpg on display, 55.4 computed, over 427 miles. Not knowing how or where the dealership filled the tank, or how much fuel they burned before resetting the trip meter as they turned it over to me, this discrepancy is well within expected refilling variations.
Hello, I'm a 1st time owner of a 2010 Prius, package 2 as of June 26th. I've been driving it in 'Normal mode' and just filled up the gas tank. I got 52mpg on my 1st tank. I drive highway, country back roads and alittle city driving. I guess I'll try driving in 'econ' mode for this next tank of gas. One question for you folks, Should I get my new car rust proof and undercoated? Not sure which way to go...I do drive in bad winters where they salt the roads.
I picked up my Prius V last Friday night, and drove my normal commute to work every day since. 22.1 miles to work. 22.9 miles home from work. Mostly back roads. Speed limits between 15 and 55 with lots of hills. I've been averaging ~65 MPG every day. I expected great mileage but I didn't expect this, at least not right away.
First post here (great forum). First time hybrid owner with a 2010 Prius II. The first tank included 20 miles on a 75mph freeway with hills, which was hard to get good mileage on while driving home from the dealer. The rest of my driving is almost all non-freeway, rural roads 55mph-60mph max, parts of which are 1 mile grids with 4 way stops at each mile intersection. Also town driving 25-35mph. Terrain is almost all flat, with some hills near our house, but min to max elevation is no more than maybe 300 vertical feet difference. The first tank (3/4 of a tank really) was 57.25 MPG computed. After we got it home though (after the freeway drive from the dealer), I set the trip meter and we've averaged 57-59 MPG since then. It's currently sitting at 59.9 covering everything from then until now. About half the time we have the A/C on. I was pretty jazzed after my first drive in to work (25 miles) when I averaged around 61 MPG. I was expecting maybe 50-55. Needless to say, we're very happy with the Prius. Based on our experience so far, I think we would have to try pretty hard to get less than 50MPG. My wife really likes it and now she wants it (or another one). I hadn't considered that in the plan! Reading some of the driving tips on priuschat while we were waiting for the car to get to the dealer has been a big help in learning to drive it efficiently.
I filled up my Prius for the first time last Thursday; 34,7 liters for 746 kilometers for an average of 4,65 l/100km (Corresponding to 50.59 MPG) My best : 4.3 l/100 km on a 251 km stretch (54.7 MPG) I than reset the Trip statistic and for now, I have 3,7 l/100 km for the first 32 kilometers of the second tank (63.57 MPG)!
Nothing fantastic to report... with 800 miles on my 2010 driven with lots of hills exactly as I used to drive my 2002... highest mpg so far... 51.7, average over the 800 miles... 50.7. In my hilly driving situation this is at least 5 mpg better than was typical in the 2002. In my 2002 my highest average over a long distance flat highway driving was 56.something. I intend to study the forums to see how I should be driving the 2010 differently to take better advantage of the improved technology. How did I drive the 2002... cruise control 90% of the time and use of "B" rather than applying brakes to decrease speed or maintain speed on downgrades. The 2010 disengages the cruise when going to "B" whereas on the 2002 cruise was not interrupted by selecting "B". At first I didn't like getting cruise disengaged, but already now prefer it that way. I found in all but the steepest downgrades, it is not necessary in the 2010 to engage "B" to avoid use of brakes. I traded the 2002 for the 2010 at 80,500 miles (did not trust the 2002 hybrid drive enough to be out of warranty) and still plenty of wear left on the brakes at that mileage. I try to minimize all operating costs rather than focusing just on conserving gasoline.
thanks for the info. i think its very important to get feedback from people who experience all kinds of driving conditions. i am shocked at the minimal increase especially from a first gen Pri to a 2010. but the severe conditions do flatten out any improvements. curious to see how things progress as you learn your car. also as you have alluded, B mode is not the way to go. granted on severe hills, holding your foot lightly on the brake (not hard enough to engage friction brakes) can be tedious and cause overcharging as well. how often do you see a full battery? keep us posted
Leave it to me to be the black sheep of the Prius family! I have had my new silver 2010 for 2 weeks. It is the first hybrid I have driven. My first fill up calculated at 38 MPG. I did not think that the tank was full from the dealer though, And who knows how the 10 miles it had on it was driven! I have noticed an average trip mpg to be around 44 on the screen. I thought that it was because I spent most of the time with it sitting in idle showing it off to everyone! LOL Still, seeing these posts, i want to do better. I have always had a lead foot and being in CA, I have been using the A/C constantly. I have not been using the Econo button, but I will now! It sure has the WOW factor down, that's for sure!
I have rarely seen the battery showing completely full. It is usually about 2 or 3 bars from the top. But in a short drive today I noticed that it showed 2 bars from the bottom. What should I be seeing most of the time? I would guess full, but the Prius does tend to operate in ways that are not what I'd expect.
i dont know that i can really say where the battery level should be. on the classics, the battery wanted to stay at 6 bars and that is where it settled in normal driving. with the 2010, its really all over the place especially at street speeds of 45 mph and under.
the gen three has a wider range of battery state without killing mpgs as compared to the gen 1 (I didn't have a gen 2). In the gen 1, the SOC was full or half, basically, and when it was half, mpg sucked until it flipped back to full, end even then still for a little bit. The gen 3 appears to be able to be "cool" with three bars, four bars, etc and be patient with waiting for a recharge opportunity without killing the mpgs, and it also appears to charge much faster.
on both classics i had, i rarely saw 2 bars remaining unless i was parked somewhere and not moving. with the 2010, i see it EVERY time i drive extended periods at 30 mph or less. at speeds that low, its hard to stay out of EV mode. the battery will drain down to two bars before it charges back up.
Yes, I did see that the battery indicator went from about 2 bars to almost the top in just a few miles, once the computer (I guess) decided to charge the battery. Update on mpg: Just returned from 300 mi. trip including all types of driving... rolling hills, flat terrain, wreck on freeway where we crawled on EV mode for several miles (love that!), and heavy city traffic. The average for the 300 mile trip was 55.7 mpg and is still slowly climbing. Speed wherever it was possible.... 57 mph (I use the truck lane on the freeways).
We took delivery of our 2010 Prius (III) on June 22 then took a trip from Buffalo, NY to North Carolina. Under typical driving conditions (basically ignoring the gauges), we did 56.4 mpg on the leg to Durham, NC. The total trip (1,700 + miles) included driving to Asheville, NC, multiple trips around town and then a drive home through the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Total trip mpg was 53.1. During a 36 mile commute to work today (one way), I got 62.6 mpg with an average speed of 46 mph. Granted, much of the trip was downhill. But still... A very happy 2010 owner
I am hoping for some input and recommendations on the fact that I am only getting an average of 40 mpg. I posted earlier that I have had my Model III with Solar roof / nav package for 2 weeks. I am in S. CA so use A/C all of the time and tips would be appreciated.
2010 Prius II Black - purchased 6/11 1300 miles so far (49.8 - 486 miles) (52.8 - 500 miles) ( 54.7 - 350 ish) the car rocks ..... well beyond what i expected for tampa bay driving
This car is so cool. It is my first Prius, although I drove my previous car for mileage and have for several years. I haven't even gone thru my first tank but took my first trip of any distance today and reset the trip odo before we left. 2 adults, 2 kids, Eco mode, A/C on the entire trip set to 76, around 80 outside, about 22 miles of 70 mph fwy and the rest mostly between 35 & 55 back roads: 114 miles total, Avg speed of 41 mph and display reads 59.3 at the end of the trip.