1st tank, 48.8 2nd, 47.9 3rd, 49.1 4th, 50.1 5th, 49.8 6th, 52.1 This is where I learned to watch the LCD more than ever. I am very pleased.
I'm new to this type of ECO driving (but loving it) and the engine is not yet broken in. I have 75 miles on the car and after careful throttle use in city traffic can report best mileage at 51.2 over an 8 mile trip. Avg speed was something like 30mph.
Went from Warrenton Oregon to Poulsbo Washington. Filled up at Costco at Warrenton, reg. gas / 2.559 / gal/ does contain 10% Ethanol. Arrived back to Warrenton and filled up at Costco. Miles, 355.8 / gal's pumped/ stop at first click at slow speed 6.188 gal/ Indicated computer mileage / 61.5 mpg / actual 57.49 MPG's. Not too bad. alfon
My 9th tank and best mpg to date. I was shooting for 70 mpg but my schedule the rest of this week would have killed that attempt so I fueled up early. This is probably my last best mpg for this year since it's getting colder and the winter formulation crappy gas is coming. I thought this was pretty dang good. Tank 9: 344.9 miles MFD 69.3 mpg Calc'd 65.23 mpg Avg speed 27 mph Lifetime avg. 58.7
280.2 miles / 5.537 gal's / 50.60 calculated / 53.4 MFD Gas is Costco regular / 10% Ethanol / driving conditions / my wife driving who does not drive for mpg's. The new Michelin Energy Tires work, normally she would get about 47-48 driving the way she does. alfon
Last tank 613.7 @ 52.72 pump (62.8 MFD) 4.55 CPM, 23 MPH, stats posted. some background. last bar started blinking early last week. gas fillup was 28 cents per gallon cheaper than previous fillup. first "winter formula" gas tank, so next posting will show reduced mileage.
Colder weather is here and so is the winter formulated gas. Tank 10: 574.7 miles MFD 62.1 mpg Calc'd 58.3 mpg Avg speed 24 mph Lifetime avg. 58.6 (down from 58.7)
First 350 miles - approx 47 mpg I've heard that break in periods have lower mpg, so I'm pretty happy about getting approx 47 mpg (manual measurement) over the first 350 miles. No unusual driving, mostly highway. Hopefully, after the break in period, and after I've learned more about hypermiling I'll get better numbers.
Cannot break the 50mpg barrier! At 3480 miles on the odometer, my overall average is 46.20 mpg. About 2000 miles of this is my daily driving, which involves short distancies, hills, stop signs, and traffic lights, for which I am getting around 44mpg average. However, my most recent fill-ups were for a long 1400-mile highway round trip. I had the cruise control on most of the time at or around the speed limits, unless there was traffic. Speed limits were between 55 and 70. I drove at around 70mph for a while, but was usually under that speed limit. For the last 100 miles or so it was raining and traffic varied between 30 and 65mph. Although my trip A odometer, which I reset for each fill-up, shows 50+, my actually calculated mileage is still under 50mpg ! Miles...Gallons....MID Mpg.....Calc Mpg 435....... 8.93.........50.0.........48.71 406....... 8.37.........51.1.........48.51 429....... 8.93.........50.6.........48.04 312....... 6.26.........52.5.........49.84 I felt for sure I'd be able to get 50mpg on the last tank...but no... While I sometimes get the the 32mpg for city driving, I'm not even getting the Consumer Reports 55mpg for highway driving!!
I have the same problem. I have noticed that if I maintain my speed at /or below 35MPH, I will see the numbers jump above 50MPG. As soon as I get out of the 25-35MPH speed zone, I fall into low 40's or upper 30's.
Re: Cannot break the 50mpg barrier! did you notice what the MFD was reporting your tank mileage before during and after the bolded section of your trip? varying your speed to that extreme on the freeway will completely crush your tank average if you were required to touch your brake more than once every 5 minutes. so you are either a master at anticipation or your following distance had enough room to park Delaware in the there. i can only guess at your situation, but stop and go (or speed up, slow down) bumper to bumper traffic even if on the freeway is just as bad for your mileage as being in downtown rush hour traffic. on the more than once every 5 minutes. rule, think about what your car needs to do to regain the speed lost during braking. it gets 7-15 mpg during your acceleration. if you accelerate for 20 seconds, level out average 55 mpg for the remainder of that minute, you are averaging about 41 mpg for a minute this assumes a rough average of say 15 mpg during acceleration sequence. so basically if braking ONLY ONCE EVERY 5 MINUTES, you will average 50-52 mph (obviously all the time at 70 mph will hurt, but in actuality it probably helped u and i will explain that later) i am gonna guess that you actually hit the brake much more than once every 5 minutes which would lower your mpg average even more. average twice every 5 minutes =49 mpg 3 times = 46 mpg. it goes on. btw, around my area when traffic is bad on the freeway, its easy to average hitting the brakes every 20-40 seconds. as for me, i choose the "Delaware" following method. i also have dozens of cars cutting in and out in front me in the futile attempts to get ahead of me. in these situations, i track a car, usually start with one that is a few car lengths behind me. in 80% of cases, when the traffic straightens out, the car i am tracking is either still behind me, or just ahead of me, but not out of sight. now, why would 70 mph be better than that 30 mph on the freeway. at a steady 70 mph, you will probably notice that you are getting 45-50 mpg. as you have already noticed, this is better than what you will see in heavy freeway traffic. so keep in mind, you can try to push your way thru heavy traffic or just leave 5 minutes earlier, kick back, set a very comfortable following distance, crank up the tunes and think about the gas bill you dont have to pay
Re: Could break the 50mpg barrier finally!!! My average MPG has finally hit 50.00 today at almost 5000 miles. Even though many of you are already getting much more than this, I am thrilled to see that since it took me almost a month to get to this from 49!
This is with 2000 miles on the car. I am rather disapointed. The only thing that I can think of is that the guys that are getting in the 50's are in the midwest where there is no hills. But it is still saving me about $100 a month over the 17MPG Mazda Tribute. Hopefully the milage will improve though. I would hate it if the Ford Fusion Hybred got better MPG. Miles...Gallons....MID Mpg.....Calc Mpg 453....... 9.5.........50.5.........47.7 416....... 8.95........48.0........46.4
I'm sure it will improve for you over time. Depending on the driving style and speed it may take slower to go up for some people like me as it took me a month to go up from 49 to 50 but as you know it's also possible to increase the MPG faster for others who mostly don't have to drive over 30-40 mph?
Wow, today after I filled up my V and reset the trip and everything to 0 (something I've never tried before) and drove to work for about 30 miles and it got 60.1 MPG and 59MPH! Just amazing!
That's probably what I was getting at the beginning. But over the time I've learned how to slow down to glide and coast a lot from one light to another instead of braking and stopping quickly. And watching the real time MPG going up and down constantly helps me know when I'm getting better MPG and when not. Also, I could be wrong but using Power mode always instead of ECO/ Normal mode seems to be helping me accelerate faster and coast afterwards for a while which results to a better MPG. But I'm sure you'll get to this soon enough. It took me almost 5000 miles to get to 50 MPG in average just because this is my first Toyota and hybrid vehicle I've ever driven. Good luck and have fun!
Tank 11 (top off before road trip): 163 miles MFD 63.7 mpg Calc'd 60.1 mpg Avg speed 24 mph Tank 12: 532 miles MFD 51.3 mpg Calc'd 48.4 mpg . . . . (my worst to date) Avg speed 53 mph Tank 12 was a gorgeous fall foliage road trip in NE Oklahoma and the NW Arkansas mountains, 46 degrees, drizzle, and 20 - 30 mph head winds, 3/4 ths of the trip was @ 70 mph.
~5,500 miles so far Overall MFD = 50.3, down from 51+ since my oil change last week 4-5 tanks prior to oil change 53-54 MFD, 1st tank after oild change ~48 MFD Calc'd = ~2-3 mpg less than MFD each tank