You mean he's been "holding it" for the last 3,000 miles I think Iowa55 (I'll assume a he) is comparing his mileage to what the computer is telling him.
Steady interstate at 65mph with 60s-70s should net you close to 50mpg. If you're averaging under 40mpg (according to the MFD and to the gas tank fill up calculations, you very likely have something wrong. Especially since your old Prius got mid-40s, your new one should do better.
My '08 was getting 42.5 in the cold of Feb. and Mar. Now it is finally getting warmer and I am getting 45-48 depending on how I drive it. Most of my commute is highway. I do probably 6 miles in town on a 42 mile round trip. I still haven't seen 50+ but heck, at 45mpg I am still getting nearly double from my last car, an '04 Stratus, which got 24 mpg at best. I only have 3800 miles on the car so far, and I think it is getting broken in which helps and the warmer temps probably help as well.
another my 1st oil change and used Mobil1 full syn 5w30, 500miles later i still avg 42mpg, i tot it was suppose to get higher than that?
Consumer Reports road tested the Touring Edition this month. Here are some of the Touring test scores versus the Standard Prius: MPG: 42 mpg vs. 44 mpg Dry 60 - 0 Stopping Distance: 133 ft vs 143 ft Wet 60 - 0 Stopping Distance: 140 ft vs 152 ft See this thread:
There are many factors affecting your gas mileage and touring vs std is the least of them. My wife averages between 46 to 50 MPG and I average between 48 to 53 MPG. Look elsewhere besides Prius model type for your low mileage because Touring models get just as good as the standard Prii model.
wow i did not know that, id take the mpg hit since i gain about 10ft-12ft stopping distances...thank you
I would too. The Standard Prius' braking distances are subpar, while the Touring Prius' braking distances are very good. Standard Prius owners can probably achieve at least the same results by getting wider tread tires (Touring's 195mm vs Standard's 185mm) and/or better gripping tires. I threw out my Standard Prius' OEM 185/65/15 tires and got Goodyear Assurance TripleTred 195/60/15 tires. My next mod (if $200 were to hit me in the face lol) to improve braking even more will be to switch to performance ceramic front disc pads.
Emergency braking distances on modern cars with good 4-wheel ABS are nearly 100% dictated by how sticky your tires are. The touring Prius stops faster simply because it has the slightly stickier tires. That's also likely the same reason it gets slightly worse fuel economy, too. While ceramic pads may make change the pedal feel some, it's not likely to significantly affect braking distances since the stock pads are already more than sufficient to lock up the wheels on dry pavement.
the stiffer susp and wider tires accounts for the stopping distance for sure 10-12ft can mean a lot in an emergency stopping situation
Two weeks old and now 900+ miles on my 08 touring Prius. The weather is not the best up here in Maine, cool. I still managed 47 and 59 MPG respectively with my first two tank fills. Mixed highway (local and 200+ miles). I also take the backroads to work at times (35 miles). So far so good.
I just got my 08 aligned and my mileage jumped from 42 to 51 50/50 city-hwy. Tire pressure does not seem to matter.
I just filled up for the third time since owning my 08 Touring and have gone from 41.1 to 47.8 to 50.9 MPG with 80% highway driving.
I also have a 2008 Prius when I fist got it I got 45 on the road and 48 in the city winter time in Naples fl with 75 to 85 temp's summer with 92 and humid I got 43 but now my millage has gone down to 40 on the read and 40 to 43 in the city . I was wondering if the switch that turns on the electric motor was not working right and causing my millage to go down by 10 %