I don't believe the "Touring gets worse mileage" line. A good friend bought her base package 2 car the same time as I got my Touring package 3 & I consistently get better mileage than she does - right now I'm getting 56 mpg & she is in the high 40's. We are both retired & drive short trips, but I have my tires at 44 psi, I use a block heater (she has one but doesn't use it religiously), and I monitor the MFD, try to maximize pulse & glide, and NEVER speed. The car is a tool, and you have to use it wisely.
Gotta agree with Judy here. My 08 Touring Pkg 3 is just 2 months old and my current tank is averaging about 60MPG (the Prius is loving the warm weather we've been having). Mind you, I adjusted my commute to maximize mileage and can typically cruise around 40-45 MPH while getting around 70MPG on the MFD (enough acronyms in that sentence for you?). As Judy says, changing your driving habits and really learning about the car can do wonders for your mileage. Good luck and good driving. David
Wow, there really is a lot of variation in the mileage folks get. Still trying to learn all the factors at play. Haven't made any mods yet (e.g. increasing tire pressure or blocking the grill). Just purchased my car a month ago. Put 90+ miles/day on it, mostly small highway with some in town driving. Average 45-50 mph. Temps were in 40's then but are now in mid 70's. Initial mileage was 49.3 mpg but have been around 56 the last 2 weeks. Yay for spring! Didn't think I'd be getting such good numbers this early on, especially since where I live is at a higher elevation than where I work, and there are a lot of little hills in between. It seems that there are enough downhill segments, in both directions, for me to get some good coasting in. My coworker has just as long a commute but his 2007 Prius has only been getting between 35 and 40 mpg. He's on interstate the whole way though. Hehe...btw, been trying like heck to 'glide' but except for occasional moments I've been unsuccessful. Gotta read some more of the tips you all have posted. I've sorta stopped trying in the meantime because it feels like it takes too much of my attention away from the road. So....this may be a stupid question but I was thinking about this on my way home today....could the neutral gear be used to 'glide', instead of trying to work the pedal? Would occasional shifting between Neutral and Drive hurt the car?
Being in Neutral is illegal in some states. For the Prius, there are those who know better than I, but you don't want to be in Neutral if you are travelling above a certain speed (60+ mph?) as it can damage the motor. Try a search using the keyword "neutral" and see what it yields. I think to get the same effect, you let off the gas pedal and then gently press the gas pedal again and the car will go into a coasting/neutral mode.
Thanks, I figured there was some reason it wasn't a good idea, as there'd be more talk about it *chuckle*. I did try to use the Search function tonight but it wasn't working (no matter what I typed kept getting an error message), so figured I'd throw the question out there. I'll stick to using the pedal then!
a silly comment, but i've seen this happen in more than one occassion.....do NOT put your left foot over the brake pedal, sometimes you will push the brakes, causing a drag in the system. as other more experienced owners here have told me, accelerate briskly, then let off, and get into the GLIDE mode, you dont want to drive the prius like a gas car. hope this helps you, i envy you because i really wanted a touring model when i bought my prius......i got the regular, #6 . i didn't buy it because i listened to the dealer when they told me that i couldn't tell the difference. take care of it and good luck, hopefully, these tips might help you
frist post:first: 08 package 2 frist tank 42 , had to learn how to drive "again" second tank 48 third was all hwy with cruise on 75mph and a 25mph tail wind i got 47 forth throu six is about 48. strange i let my wife drive once for 1 hr at speeds around 90 fuel screen said 41 all strieght from the factory.
Have an 07 touring package #6 with 7700 miles on it. Most of driving is around town, but when I am on the freeway I try to stay under 65. I have checked milage at every filling. I am averaging 46 MPG. Seems to get better milage in the warmer weather, (heater maybe?) I live in Oregon and its been colder than usual this winter One question: Seems the A/C runs cold even with the motor shut off at stoplites, etc. , does the compressor run off the battery?
Don't forget the brake booster. The air conditioner runs off the big high voltage battery while all the other accessories run on the 12 volt system. The air conditioner changes speed to meet cooling demand too, like the best "inverter" home air conditioners. This means it only works as hard as it needs to and doesn't cycle on and off to control the temperature.
Thanks for all the responses. I think I will take my Prius into the dealer and run it for codes and I still only get 35 for so mpg. I had the prius classic for 130,000 miles and 6 years and got mid 40's. I now have 3,000 and the gas mileage is nowhere where you all are getting.
I also have a 2008 touring that does not get over 45 mpg in the city and about 43 on the highway without wind. Perhaps the wider tires account for the poorer mileage compared to the non touring models.
What speed do you drive on the highway? How long do you drive on the highway? What temperature has the weather been outside while on the highway? How many miles on your car? What is your current tire pressure (front and back)?
As I stated in my original post, I've owned a 2002 Prius for 130,000 plus miles. I'm quite familar with the Prius and how to drive it, the effects of terrain, etc. To answer your question I drive 60 miles (55 of which are on Interstate) at 65 mph. Two traffic lights, I don't floor it at green lights. Terrain is mostly flat. Oil, tire pressure are in specs. I use regular unleaded gasoline and still get low 30's with 3,000 miles on the new 2008 touring prius. Air temps have been in the 60's & 70's, so I assume that is no the problem. Thanks for any thoughts on this problem.
I seem to recall reading a recent post of someone getting lower mpgs (like yours) and the issue might have been the battery. Something about the vehicle going from fully charged to nearly discharged in a matter of seconds. I do know that people have seen decreased mpgs when the oil is overfilled (hence why I asked) and further decreased mpgs when a tire or multiple tires are under inflated (most folks seem to like them up around 40 psi). Air temperature and mph seem to indicate that you should be getting around 45-50 mpg, so I now better understand your concern. Let us know what the dealer/repair shop has to say....
I have an appointment for Monday at the dealer and will post their findings. It's just so frustrating getting a new Prius and having problems right off the bat.