What a racous zoo that would be! Penguins, polar bears and all those cats! I hadn't thought they'd all sound off at once. I was thinking the sound might activate when the cursor was over the avatar. If the animation could be done this way, maybe the sound could too?
I look at your avatar, Jack, and your face is a cipher. I imagine a soft susurrus. If you look at my avatar, can you hear the gears whirling?
What you suggest can already be done. However I doubt many (any) forums allow swf files to be uploaded for avatars. Let's just say I've never seen it.
Only the sound of tires moving over pavement. Oh, wait. This is winter-time. The sound of wasting gas!
Not to mention whatever bizarre sound Kiloran's weird jumpy creature things would make. Probably scare the hell out of everybody..... Which brings to mind an idea one of my coworkers suggested: adding a horizontally-moving red light to the front grill of my car, i.e. the Cylon look. Then I could change my avatar to a shot of it, with that ominous sound... Whirr whirr... whirr whirr... whirr whirr...
This quite slipped by me at the time. But yes, you have. A My-T-Fine one, too. Wonder if there's an old black-and-white of Jay Silverheels kicking around the net?
Well, I've re-read all the posts. Those members whose avatars have actually been nominated are the following: maggieddd Bill Merchant Boxster... Kiloran aka007ii hdrygas DANNY XLR8 madler flujo tag As I ponder the avatars, I see no logical "categories". Therefore, unless there's a last-minute spate of nominees, what I propose to do is: 1. put up all 11 nominees in one contest; 2. if no nominee gets an absolute majority (51%) of the total number of votes cast by a specified deadline, hold a second-round run-off between the top two vote getters. If there's a tie for either the first and/or second-largest number of votes, those entries would be included, too---so there could be a few more than the Top Two in a second round. In this case, could be a third round, too. <_< Tentatively, I'll put up the contest late Wed. night the 14th. Members would have until midnight EST Mon. the 19th to vote. If there's a run-off, it'll be put up late Tues. night the 20th, with voting ending by midnight EST the 23rd. Speak now or forever hold your nose.
susurrus A soft whispering or rustling sound (Webster's II) Thanks, Bill. Haven't had to look up a word I'd actually never heard before in ages. And no, it's more of a sloshing sound I hear with yours. B)
Smells good to me. But then, I've already nominated my favorite. Now I'm just posting alot of off-topic junk. I say go for Wed night and follow your own rules. This is your contest, after all. Will you be posting the images as well? I'm guessing you'll start a new thread, since this one seems to have a mind of its own......
But it's been entertaining and Jack 06 - this new avatar of your is much better than the old one's you've had! A plea for a new thread with pics!
Well, ok, since no one else will do it, I guess I will nominate my own avatar. Such is vanity. It will serve me right if I get as many votes as Cher in the Priusex poll.
1. [attachmentid=1403] 2. [attachmentid=1402] 3. [attachmentid=1401]4. [attachmentid=1400] 5. [attachmentid=1399] 6. [attachmentid=1398] 7. [attachmentid=1394] 8. [attachmentid=1395] 9. [attachmentid=1396] 10. [attachmentid=1397] 11. [attachmentid=1405] 12. [attachmentid=1404] 13.[attachmentid=1406] This is a test. DO NOT attempt to vote on this thread. A separate poll/thread will be put up by Thursday for voting. Thanks>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jack