FYI... you can easily find avatars by member name or number on bigdaddy's compiled page of them. At least in IE... not sure about other browsers. Just use "Edit > Find (on This Page)..." I noticed only a couple of us have actually voted so far. I guess everyone else is still ruminating.....
You guys know that you can view all member avitars from the "My Controls/Edit Avitar Settings" Then, as if you are going to pick a new avitar choose "Base Gallery" (default) from the drop box and click the Go button. Of course that means that anyone here can use anyones avatar. I think I'll be Bill for a day. :lol: Does that make me a hacker???? No big deal. Anyone can save an avatar to thier desktop and upload it as thier own anyway. BrianTheDog: Thanks for the mention. I was just thinking of changing mine. If I do I'll make it into a 2 frame animated GIF so as not to loose my current one.
You're welcome, Bill. I mean, aka007ii..... Yeah, I knew about looking at the gallery, but not all those are being used. If you check out bigdaddy's page, you can scroll thru all the ones that are in use by members. Even tho the rules don't state to vote for one in use, that's what I decided to do instead of looking at all available. Now I have to go start a "Bring back Christine" thread..........
I didn't know about the base gallary, but I don't believe everyone's avatar is there. Lot's of folks link to external websites for their avatars. To recap, here is link to the the avatar gallary I created, last update was Monday, I believe. I have a little program that visit everyones home page and grabs their name and link to their avatar and shoves into a web page. The alternative collection is which was my entry over on the calendar cover thread. Those are the avatars of everyone as of Thanksgiving Day and mapped to a photo I snapped of the power button of my car. It is the low res version.
OK, I've studied and ruminated, and my vote goes to: Tag Partially because I think he has one of the coolest Prius-related avatars; partially because his avatars (I seem to remember a different avatar back in early 2004, but I could be screwy) have been imbued, in my mind, with the balanced counsel and hilarious sense of humor of his postings. I look down the page, and say, "Hey, it's a Tag -- better read that." Honorable Mention for Tony Schaeffer. I may never meet him in person, but I always think of him as looking like Zapp. (Also, my Linux workstation is named Zapp, and has a big headshot of the Saviour of the Universe pasted to it.)
You could break it into categories: 1. Animation 2. Original art by owner 3. Cats/Dogs 4. Prius pics 5. Misc not mentioned above.
Thanks, Bookrats. But now I'm wondering if you have me confused with someone else. :lol: Bill Merchant, perhaps?
I'm thinking of two, possibly three categories---followed by a "Super Bowl". :huh: BUT: no go on Prius pics. Just look at 'em all. Your criteria, please? AND: as for cats, forget that, too. It's like Priuses, only more personal. You think I want to get run off PC for some dimwit idea I had? But, POSSIBLY... "animals of the non-penguin persuasion"? We'll see.
Christine's Back!! Yeah, she looks furious! Maybe she didn't like being replaced for a day. But she should be happy that you've given her more expression..... Nice job!!
You've never heard of the hirsute gardener named Hairy Potter? You need to get out more. I won't be so vain as to nominate my own avatar, but I'd like to point out that at least I now have one.
I think it's also Danny's license plate: :lol: [Broken External Image]:
This has been a fun thread so far. But I'd like to point out three things: 1) 79 posts are in this thread (including this one). 2) 29 people have posted in this thread. 3) 14 people have actually nominated their favorite avatar. Now, I point this out only because it would be even more fun to see some more votes. Don'tcha think? B) BTW, here are the votes so far: maggieddd's penguins - 3 (tho she's changed it now...) Bill Merchant's hybrid face - 2 Kiloran's weird jumpy creature things - 2 Boxter's "LOL/OMG/Wth" gas sign - 1 aka007ii's Christine - 1 (redesigned!) [you] - 1 XLR8's drinkin' dog - 1 madler's "my other car" - 1 Flujo's "Yeah, it's got a Hemi" - 1 tag's green Prius - 1 C'mon, folks... this is an important, democratic issue here!!! Okay, maybe not.....