I have yet to vote. I have always liked Danny's avatar because I wish I could have custom printing on my (POWER) button. Avatars that I can think of off the top of my head that have NEVER changed in the last year: Evan Bookrats Mine tag There is something comforting in seeing the same avatar with the same name month after month. I have thought on occasions of changing mine, but it reflects the very sensual medical condition I have: sexlexia.
I can't decide, but think engunneer 4559, or efusco 3, or tag 10 stand out in the prius space. As for just darn entertaining and recognizable as avatars that represent the personality of thier posts, there is lee 9797, presto 4937, windstrings 8706 and victor 1777. DanMan and Bill Merchant are the two celebrities of the site. If we ever have a float in the Macy's Parade, these two guys get to ride and do the royal wave. And I like the few folks on the board that keep their avatars on the move. Keeps it fresh.
Hmmm. I suspect it's not so much getting slapped that they like, as falling face first in the freezing slush. They are penguins, after all. But either way, you've answered my question, and I'm satisfied that there is no cruelty here and i don't need to report you to PETA. And in this case, I vote for Maggie (that is, maggieddd)'s avatar. BTW, for those who have not been here long enough to remember, I would like to point out that I was the first member of PriusChat to use a cat as an avatar. I feel like I started a minor fad. I think I deserve an honorable mention for that.
daniel... here is a "*" to recognize your avatar in its role of trailblazer in the cat avatar rights for all. however... i still have to select "[you]" as the best avatar especially the best Priuschat avatar. if you are new, you will not understand the significance of the word "you" but for those veterans among us, i think we all have some fond, some not so fond, but definitely have SOME memories of the you tag and its role in the earlier days of Priuschat.com im not sure if [you] created the avatar and corresponding user name because of the reaction from the uninitiated newbie here when the "you" tag was still enabled, and unless he or she fesses up, we may never know and i for one am not sure if the "you" tag was still in use on June 25, 2005. now, it has crossed my mind that the "you" tag was disabled because [you] registered... if that is the case, maybe the "[you]" avatar should be voted as the most imfamous avatar...
I sure wish Danny would turn the 'you' tag on, at least for the holiday season. That would really liven up the boards this holiday season, what with everyone with extra time on their hands. Damn, [you]'s hand are really good looking. I wonder if I've seem them before, I think [you] is a hand model. [you] sure knows a lot about avatars, don't you think? --bigdaddy
Whew! And all along I thought TonyPShaefer was masquerading as the [you] tag. I'm glad it wasn't him. He already has so much going for him. Danny you are the best! Wait a minute.... is my inner monologue posting again?....
Thanks for the compilation, bigdaddy!! Okay, I'm just ruminating here..... Always loved Danny's (#2), Bill Merchant's (#5776), windstrings's (#8706 -- tomla #6619 uses it, too), Seaside Harry's "Don't Panic" (#7946), and aka007ii's (#8174). Chas (#456) could be the freakiest. Sensible Bob's (#3887) is hilarious! Gotta say dreichla's legs intrigue me (#4116).... Love the cool effect on Harper's (#4378). Flujo's (#5793) "HEMI" cracks me up. Pinnball (#6791) with the HAL avatar. Boxter's (#6970) LOL/OMG/Wth is great!! Suggestion for another category: Cutest Cat Avatar (Sorry daniel, but I'd have to vote for either victor #1777 or pepa #2042 on that one..... Nope, I'd go with crazydave #2539... Ack!) And maybe another category: Most Creative License-plate Avatar... Okay, back to voting. What to do... Okay, here's my vote: Flujo (#5793)... "YEAH, IT'S GOT A HEMI!" Why? Because 'round these parts, thar's many a Hemi that keep ridin' my arse! ("Don't Panic" is a close second, tho.)
That was a good one. I would have nominated Rancid13's avatar if she still had the dancing Napoleon Dynamite on. My vote is for kiloran. Those critters are mesmerizing. :blink: