Well, having done a lot of driving in the past week, I can report that the Blizzaks are phenomenal! Hug the road, and stop beautifully! Spent the afternoon parked outside a friend's house - their hard-standing had 3-4" frozen snow, then rain then freezing rain, then overnight temps of mid 20s, when it was time to leave, the Blizzaks just dug in, and away we went, no slippage, or flashing traction-control light! I'm totally sold on them!
Sounds like it. I do fine but I fight traction control the whole way haha. I'm running Yokohama all seasons from the dealer though.
I have 2012 Prius and recently encountered a heavy wet snow of 3 to 4" for the first time since I've owned the Prius. This was approximately 1/2 mile in my driveway. The Traction Control light came on numerous times and I think was preventing me from accelerating to gain momentum. I barely made it out of the driveway. Does anyone know if Traction Control can be turned off and if so, how? I haven't found a way to do it, as yet, in the owners manual.
In vehicles without a switch for turning Traction Control off, I'd say don't go looking for a way. It is possible, by putting the car in "inspection mode", but that's strictly for use in the shop, for maintenance related reasons. Using this mode on the road, spinning your tires etc, could damage the transaxle. Maybe look into snow tires?
I've had the Prius through a couple winters now and I've actually been impressed at how well the Prius handles in the snow. I'm right near you as well so I see the same exact snow fall as you. I'm not afraid to gun it at stops as I feel the traction control does a fairly good job and rarely am I consistently spinning.