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17 hours and counting

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by galaxee, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    One thing I'm learning by talking to in-the-trenches auto techs is
    that they are some of the most under-celebrated people out there.
    Many of them are really sharp guys with amazing problem solving
    abilities, merely one example of which we're talking about here...
    and in many settings, they're in the bays 10 or 12 hours a day
    pulling $20/hr doing brake jobs and oil changes. This is one
    reason I want to help them get to the point where they can confidently
    hang that "we fix HYBRIDS!" banner out front at their shop and have
    Prius and Civic and Escape and Highlander owners flocking to their
    doors. But the other hard lesson I'm learning is that everyone's
    so heads-down in their day-to-day, despite all the talk about a
    crying need for more good diag technicians, that nobody's buying.
    We just tried to pull together a class for the end of this month,
    and only 3 people could come up with a firm commitment so we had
    to cancel.
    With all the dealer horror stories going on, including this one,
    you'd think that the industry would be over-eager to learn what they
    need to and spread the load out a little. Especially in the
    northeast, which is overrun with Priuses by now. I would love to
    think that all of US here could help, by urging our trusted local
    techs toward the right TRAINING on this stuff. There's really not
    that much to it, at least as far as knowing how to work on the cars
    safely, and if they want to dig in and learn principles behind
    motor control, inverters, battery management, etc there are DAYS,
    nay, MONTHS, of good learning to be had. With EVs on the horizon,
    this stuff is even more important. *I* want to see the industry
    succeed on this, but I'm not sure how to bootstrap that process.
  2. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    we've decided to write up a "pitch" for this new job description. then discuss with the service coordinator, who says he's behind DH on this, but the limitation is the dealership owner.

    then off to talk to the big man himself, to present the pitch.

    basically, it's going to be how this position would be good for customer satisfaction, local reputation among hybrid owners, and bottom line. and in all that, DH doesn't have to get completely screwed to do it.
  3. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Well I wish you guys the best in this. If proposed right good things may come. :)
  4. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    I wish you the best of luck in your proposals, galaxee and DH - it sounds like at least somebody there is on your side. Forgive me for offering unsolicited advice, but I wonder if the dealership owner hasn't already told you what you're worth to him. He's not going to appreciate your good idea nearly as much as the competition, who also gets to steal what's left of the "big man's" service department. Slap me if you think I'm out of line, but I think you're worth more to the competition. Decide where you think you'd like to work the most, and take your proposal there first. Tell them where and how hard you work now, what you're good at, what you can do in your sleep, and how much more money they could make with you and your idea. Then go back to the big guy and see if he'll match the offer. If he does, you've got your choice. If he doesn't, you've got your answer.
  5. eagle33199

    eagle33199 Platinum Member

    Mar 2, 2006
    2015 Prius v wagon
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hobbit @ Mar 23 2007, 07:10 PM) [snapback]411217[/snapback]</div>

    I completely agree there Hobbit - there should be more of an industry drive for this sort of training. However, you're working against a severe conflict of interest. Where do these dealers make the most of their money? By nickel and dime-ing you on repair service, or by selling the expensive cars? Currently hybrids are very much in demand, so the dealers are focusing on getting them on and off the lots as quickly as they can. They don't see a need to pay for tech training, have their techs out of the office for days on end for the training, or potentially having to pay them more due to their new expertise.

    These dealerships aren't hurting for lack of work - in general, i'll bet their techs have more than enough work to do. Why take on an extra load when you're already at capacity?

    Eventually i think we'll reach a tipping point - hybrids will be getting older and older, and thus needing more and more work done on them. With their popularity, conventional cars will decrease while hybrids increase in numbers. eventually the dealerships will start to have an empty bay or two in their shop, and they'll see the intelligence and business desire to have their techs trained on hybrids.

    So, Hobbit, i would say your job isn't to convince the techs for the need of this training - it's to convince the dealers. It's a much, much harder job, but we're all pulling for you to succeed.
  6. fshagan

    fshagan Senior Member

    Aug 24, 2005
    Noneofyourbusiness, CA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Mar 23 2007, 08:03 PM) [snapback]411342[/snapback]</div>
    Best of luck on this. I think that's the right approach to take at first, but it might not be the last step he has to take.

    I know how the flat rate system works, and a tech who works hard at repairs can make some serious money with it (my brother has been with VOA for the past 30 years). The problem is that the dealers will try to leverage that system for free supervisory labor.

    I think he needs to back up the proposal with a scaling back of the hours he works "for free", so the service writer knows he is serious. The service manager may be "on his side" when he is with him, but also "on managements side" when he is not with him. You might have to have some outside commitments over the next two weeks that he simply cannot miss to help him cause a bit of pain for the manager. Your DH may also have a passion for customer service that makes it very hard for him to walk away and realize a customer will ultimately suffer, but that might be needed to prove his point.

    The state Labor Board frowns on misapplications of the "exempt" or "piece work" work rules, and will force the dealership to pay him back overtime under the state's hourly rules if they find in his favor. I suspect your DH would recoil at the thought of suing or going to the labor board, but you should be informed and know your options.

    My understanding is that if his job description includes non-piece work duties, i.e., shop supervision, non-flat rate inspections, training of other techs, etc., then they have to pay him for that time. But if his job description does not include those, it might be hard to say that he is compelled to do the "off clock" duties. He may be "filling the gap", but without proof that the dealership expects him to do so, it might be hard to get them to agree to pay him overtime.

    Here are some websites I use (in a different industry) for the California laws:

    California department of industrial relations: http://www.dir.ca.gov/ The "interpetations" manual is about 2mb and is at http://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/dlsemanual/dlse%5Fenfcmanual.pdf (see section for specifics on how they should calculate overtime pay if he is due it).

    You might ask and see if anyone has any info on it for California at http://www.laborlawtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=2 ... I've scanned that forum in the past for opinions on labor laws.

    I don't know these folks, but they have an informative website with some info on California law:
  7. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    the management isn't expecting this out of him... it's the other techs and writers who apparently need a leader and a diagnostic/hybrid expert. and being the good natured fellow he is, he won't say no to a co-worker in need.

    we discussed the saying-no issue to no end the other night. i seriously think he would go bankrupt himself before turning down a friend in need. yeah, we need to work on those priorities.

    overtime is not an issue. there is no such thing as overtime in this world. we have sued a previous employer through the DWD in wisconsin. most obnoxious 11 months ever... we got maybe 1/3 of what was really owed in the end.

    so it comes down to either they give him the position here, people here get the idea and leave the man alone to make his money, he leaves and finds a shop where nobody knows what a wealth of information he is and people leave him alone, or who knows.

    he really, really does not want to leave. he seriously enjoys where he works. it is one of the few places he's worked that has not conflicted with his personal code of ethics. and that's saying a whole lot, because the man has the highest ethical standards of i think anyone i've ever met. i think it's just that there's some major misunderstanding going on here, and that he is happy to give and give until he's got no more rather than take a stand.

    he may be getting a light-duty order from his doctor as well, which would also push the issue. haven't heard anything back from the tests they did last week yet.