I'm in the 150,000+ club, too - I'm nearing 158k miles. I pre-ordered the car online and picked it up March 2012. Leaking rear shocks were replaced under warranty around 70k... other than that and tires, everything else component-wise is basically original. I'm still on my second set of tires - the original 15in Yokohama Avids lasted till 72k miles, and they were replaced by 17in Continental Control Contact Sport tiles (205/50/17) on Lexus Ct220h rims. These tires are currently at 4/32nd so I can probably get another 15k or more out of the tires at the rate I'm going. The miles on the car are primarily freeway commute miles - still have 80% on brake pads. I've had the transmission fluid replaced at 60k miles and 120k miles. The car still rides and looks as new, and I love it. I purchased the car primarily for carpool lane access here in CA - the program is currently set to expire Jan 1, 2019 unless its extended further. I may be in the market for a hydrogen fuel-cell car should 1st gen Toyota plug-in hybrids no longer be eligible for carpool lane access come 1/1/19 - but I do not like the look of the Mirai or Honda's Clarity. My EV percentage is at 22% and the car consistently charges to a range of 13.7 - 14.3 miles, and I typically charge twice a day - once at home, and once at work.