Can anyone confirm that's the part number? As I live in England isn't really a choice for me so I have to go the dealers.
Hi Yaumeister, I am 99.99% sure that 42603-52030 is the correct part number: 1. See aldo's prior thread/post and photos: 2. And when I go to any Toyota parts site and enter part # 42603-52030 for a 2004 Toyota Prius (Toyota's parts database has its own mind -- and a crazy one at that, e.g., notwithstanding that this center cap was on the US Standard Prius for model years 2004 through 2009, you won't find it on the parts database unless you type in that you're looking for parts for model year 2004, 2005 or 2006), the center caps show up. Try it yourself. Go to or any Toyota parts site, and search part # 42603-52030 for a 2004 Toyota Prius -- the center caps will appear. * * * * * * * BTW, for the longest time, the UK/EU Prius' wheel was the same 16" wheel that was on the US "Touring Edition" (same wheel as in aldo's photo). The center cap in question fits both the Prius 15" and 16" wheels. Good luck.
I must be in a super minority. I don't think the 15inch wheel covers look all that bad. IMO they look a lot like the 17 inch wheels. I'm just a little shocked at the tidal wave of hate for the covers. Maybe they aren't the best, but they don't seem all that bad to me. I think I could live with them.
Ok.. thats the exact same as mine... I know they have allot of parts, but if they had their search engines together better, I would have ordered more.. but I didn't dare.. they don't even have have 2010 as a choice! Maybe thats why they didn't cost 74.99 each!
To me.. they bring flashbacks of "hub covers".. or hub caps.. they just look cheap to me rather than the expensive sporty looks of the spokes. I can talk myself into liking either.. they both look good.. but I like the spokes better. All the sports cars I can think of without going and looking, have nice spoke type wheels of some sort... none have covers that I can remember... to each his own.
To someone who cares (obsessed) about their wheels the caps just won't do. But to someone who doesn't really notice the difference, you are blessed. Don't worry about it and you'll save money and be happy longer.
FAT CHANCE! I think the caps make the wheel look bigger but I don't like the design that well. Look into some after market caps. I have seen quite an assortment
Wait a minute. Let me clean my glasses. OH yah.... I see a big difference. My V rims are better than those caps. I like the caps off with the center cap configuration. I could have saved a few thousand with a IV or III. But then I would have standard headlights instead of the LED. Big difference driving on the back roads.
Its for the GenII to increase stablization primarily in back where its a bit flimsy without it, thus increasing ability to turn without the "wiggle" the car sometimes makes during strong wind gusts etc.. there are tons of post on the topic. The 2010 has major improvements with a solid bar and beam all the way across in the same area of that prior weakness on the GenII so its not needed and would do nothing.