You can argue about the intervals all your want; but the only way to be sure - is to test it! You'll be kicking yourself; if you pop that head gasket at 149K miles - when you could've preventived it with a $100 coolant change 49K miles ago. Hey, your car, your money....
The 150k mile interval is for the inverter coolant. Or 15 years. Whichever comes first. In the States. Engine coolant is 100k miles, or 10 years, whichever comes first Too, I've got a hunch it's something else blowing the head gaskets. At least mostly.
Thank you all for your response and info. Pardon my ADHD, Ok to recap since I’m at 130k I MUST do immediate: spark plugs Inverter coolant soon: Transmission fluid am I understanding that correctly ?
Have a look at the table-format compilations I posted in #14, and decide what you want to do? Considering what Toyota USA is recommending: By miles you’re overdue for spark plugs (120k miles or 12 years). EXCEPT, and I have overlooked this in the schedule, Toyota says to delay spark plug replacement if you’re in California, just off the top of my head, it might be until 150k miles or 15 years, whichever comes first. If you care, look it up in the official publication to verify. Up to you if you want to follow that variation. Either way should be ok; the plugs have proven very durable. Toyota has also revised the replacement plug spec, to a slightly hotter plug (a little better at burning off deposits). For inverter coolant, Toyota USA says 150k miles or 15 years, whichever comes first. By either measure you’re NOT overdue. But again, you’re free to change it sooner. Can’t recall if I’ve mentioned: Toyota Canada makes no distinction between the two coolant circuit change intervals, says to do both at ~100k miles or 10 years. I’m in Canada, changed both at the 10 year mark, odo kms was around 90k I think. For transaxle fluid change, neither Toyota USA nor Toyota Canada has anything to say, which maybe “infers” it never needs changing. They may have made one exception, involving towing? Which they say you shouldn’t do. FWIW: I changed ours around one year mark, with odo around 15k kms.
thank you for that clarity. I did read conflicting posts and did talk to a hybrid mechanic specialist recommending that 130k on spark plugs is fine specially if I don't tow, which I don't.
One thing I was remiss on, in the US schedule, while the regular spark plug change is 120k miles or 12 years (whichever comes first), there's this: AFAIK, there's nothing different about the California plugs, which kind of begs questions. Forget if I mentioned: the original plugs are Denso SC20HR11, but a few years back Toyota revised that to a slightly hotter plug: Denso SC16HR11. There's a Toyota box and part no if you buy from dealership, but that's the plug inside. >>>Addendum: see most of the above has already been covered. Anyway, a few extra pictures.<<<
Those were CARB California Air Resource Board states at the time where the warranty was 10 to 15 years or 150,000 miles for anything remotely connected to emissions. Now there are about 15 CARB states. So if it had a 150,000 mile warranty it had to last that long. Obviously they last 150,000 in other states as well. The CARB emissions warranty period is 15 years or 150,000 miles, except the HV battery which was covered for 10 years or 150,000 miles. So some gen3s are still covered.