However, if you are replacing the 12V battery because your Prius is exhibiting weird electrical behavior, then you will want to let the ECUs power down, and not use a second power source to maintain voltage on the 12V bus.
GuamKelly, When you put the new 12 volt in your car did you experience a "new car" smell coming through the rear vent? Ryan
Not that I recall, Ryan. My newly installed Wet Okoles make it smell a bit like a Dive Shop, though (a not unpleasant association!).
I agree that the charging rate necessary to keep the soc healthy is insufficient, especially coupled with peoples penchants for adding sound systems and leaving door ajar or just listening to the radio in acc mode while waiting for the spouse or kids. My battery is six years old now and getting minimally more healthy since I disconnected all unnecessary lights, ie: doors, trunk. I never use the interior light as it is not too bright anyway. I think the most sensible, economical solution is to just buy the largest Ah that physically fits and modify the post. Probably a motorcycle or lawn mower battery would work fine for 40-50 bucks.