Thats nice to explain your circumstances, but your too late.. I think you have already been hung out to dry, lynched, executed, and shot! :lol:
A very reasonable point, Doctors of today you will never see in your home making a house call... the paramedics "are" the street doctors! Doctors in the hospital have to make decisions all the time that are not marked out in stone as to the right and wrong.. they make judgement calls. Hey.. thats why they call it "practicing" medicine!
First, sorry to hear the bad news. Second, never, but never, allow yourself to drive when you are under severe emotional stress. Get a neighbor or friend or an uninvolved family member to drive you. Orcatch a cab. When under stress, your judgement center is bombarded by adrenaline and other hormones and you will take risks you would otherwise not even consider. Equate stress to alcohol and make good decisions about driving when under the influence of either.
That's great advice, Spunky. And if there ever is a similar situation I'll do my best to remember it. I've learned a lot from this entire experience - mostly from how my father is coping with his new life. Now there is a man worth emulating!