10,000 posts simply means that you are now fully assimilated and your addiction to PC is now at it apex. our hold on you is now complete. **exit sign turns off**
We need a new forum area: Cranky Old Coots With Way Too Much Time On Their Hands. I can be the founding member Oh, I happen to know a thing or two about sheep
Uh oh, I'd better get posting. Tom and Tony are right behind me, and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that idea.
7429 to go for me. 10,000 seems so far off - like a tiny little pinpoint of light waaaaaaaaaaay far away on the horizon.
I only posted to see how long I have been a member and what my post count is today. Too lazy to check my profile page and this gets me one closer to 10,000 posts! <edit> I have been a member a year less than Tom and I have just over 1000 posts to make the 10,000 mark. I need to get a life! <end edit>