I asked about that. Dealer said they will not do patches or any type of repair, only replacements. They do this regardless of where the puncture is or what's wrong with the tire. The warranty has got to be backed by Toyota, because it's valid and honored at any Toyota dealer in the US. iPhone ?
NICE!! Question on the dealer roof rack. Is it easy to remove and replace? Or is it pretty much always there. I sometime wish I had one, but not very often.
Not sure the dealers will offer that to us Brits. Mine is a leaser, but somebody else in UK may butt in and correct me.
I'm a little puzzled: AFAIK there's no Toyota warranty on the OEM tires, there's manufacturing defect warranty only, and that's by the tire manufacturer. I picked up a (tiny) finishing nail on one of our OEM Michelin Pilot's maybe 18 months after purchase, in late 2010. Dealership was adamant it could not be repaired, to close too the edge of tread for a kosher repair: the kind that combines a plug with internal disc-shaped patch. I decided to invest in decent plug-repair kit, repaired the OEM while the snow tires were on the car. Still using the repaired tire, it's closing in on eight years old, from time of manufacture (tire manufacture date), so I might replace them all next spring.
These are not OEM tires. The OEM tires were replaced a couple months ago with a set purchased and installed at the dealership. Any road hazard damage will result in a new tire if I bring the car into any Toyota dealership in the US, within the warranty period of 75,000 miles (miles on the tires, not the total mileage on the car). So far, in 20,000 miles of driving on the new tires, I've picked up 2 nails; both times, the dealership replaced the tires. I did have to pay for installation, but not the tires. iPhone ?
I keep forgetting: you're REALLY piling on the miles. Is your tire warranty prorated, ie you have to pay for the tread depth you've used? Or no charge at all? The latter's a really good deal.
No prorating...it's a free replacement, up to 75,000 miles on the tire. I do pay for installation though. But even with that, it's turned out to be a great deal, with no hassles whatsoever. iPhone ?
Maybe I missed it somewhere in the thread, but how much did that great tire warranty cost? (I always refuse those warranties, because I never have flats. Hope I just didn't jinx myself...) And what if a guy doesn't have a spare, and they are 200 miles away from the nearest Toyota dealer? That's an expensive tow. Does the warranty cover the tow cost? LOL! How long do you plan on keeping your Prius? How many miles do you expect to get out of it? Looks good for having so many miles. Wow, how many cars have you owned in your lifetime... about 18? The Military must pay pretty good. I can barely afford ONE!
I just put it on yesterday. Now that I've done it, I'm sure I could take it off in 5-10 minutes and reinstall it in 10-15. I'm leaving it on this week to see how bad the MPG impact is. So far, all I've noticed is a little wind noise from it, which is to be expected. iPhone ?
The tire warranty was free...all I did was buy the tires at the dealership and have them installed there. The price was higher than online retailers, but the dealer price included mounting, balancing, and installation. Plus, it was a "buy 3, get 1 free" promotion. iPhone ?
$30. Mounted, balanced, installed. I'm kinda surprised people are keying in on the tire warranty thing, but I'm just glad that it's worked out well and I haven't had to deal with going to a separate shop to get the tire fixed. I got the tires at the dealership simply because I drive so much and end up visiting the dealer frequently for service, I didn't want to have to take the car to a separate shop for tires...that'd be even more time taken up out of my schedule.
Because road hazard warranty from almost everybody else has been to either patch the tire, or prorate the tire if the damage is irreparable. I wonder if that warranty applies to the OEM tires that came with the car.
Toyota warranty explicitly refers to the tire vendor warranty they provide. My Bridgestone warranty seems to explicitly exclude OEM tires. (???)
O/P had stated that the warranty as for replacement tyres he bought from the dealer and not the OEM's