That must be specific to your region. In my area, prices can and do change at any time of any day. I've seen my nearest Safeway change it three times in a single day -- only because I drove past it enough times that day to see it. Don't take that as an upper limit.
proper 0w16 won’t be the same grade and standard AKA Real 0w16 is not SN+ GF5, it will be totally different and not recommended to mix with SN oils Sadly the standard is taking 5+ years to finalize when next gen oil does come out expect 0w8 green oils to be the next step. here it is illegal to change prices that often (not saying they don’t anyway, but some have been fined) also our prices have been mostly going up the last several weeks until yesterday but most stations haven’t reduced prices yet)
Dang, yesterday we were at $1.65 for E10 and this morning it's at $1.53 for E10. We're in free fall. Definitely going to put off filling up the Prime. Heck, I might save 15 cents on the whole tank.
Out here on the best coast we are still above $3 even at Arco's (they sell top tier gas at the lowest prices). We'll see if prices begin to subside. Not that it matters much to me and my at least 140 mpg I'm achieving over 20k miles.
I misremembered. They did not want it confused with 15W . The SAE 16 Viscosity Grade -
24 hours: Noon yesterday we were at $1.65 for E10 This morning it's at $1.53 for E10. Noon today it $1.47 for E-10 Wow
Left out of that blurb is the chemistry and add pack changes that will occur with SP oils the viscosity is only half the story LSDP protection is critical now, oil is much different today than even a few years back
My idea is they should go back and refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. I think they have been pumping it down to pay for the federal deficit. That would be smart probably.