Natural gas price had crashed as low as low can be before COVID19 so hard to imagine price could go any lower, but anything is possible I suppose.
futures is what 30 cents a gallon? that’s price parity with natural gas and there are liquid fuel stations (just not as many as the coal natural gas hybrid stations)
Don’t Believe The Oil Bulls | Oil price may fall to $10 a barrel as world runs out of storage space | Business | The Guardian
I am not a power plant expert, but there may be some peak shaving units that run on diesel...I think I'd be scared to run on gasoline due to vapor pressure difference. But diesel price may not fall as low due to increased use on the high seas instead of bunker fuels. well I saw 56 cents for RBOB yesterday.
Those run on diesel or other fuel oils. The smaller ones might even be reciprocating engines, making gasoline a no go. Diesel has dropped farther than gasoline here.
I'm guessing that a coal plant doesn't have a NG pipeline large enough running into it in the first place. And the same for gasoline. And both would require a burner/spreader similar to what is in your BBQ Although, if converted, it might be better to use NG than coal, you wouldn't get the same efficiency NG gets in a typical plant. Typically a modern NG plant is a combined cycle gas turbine...exhausting to the air. While a coal plant heats water to make steam to run a steam turbine...and condenses and recycles the water. They are completely different thermodynamic processes...the steam process being much less efficient no matter the heat source. Mike
OMG I think I see 87 cents in Virginia now. Not for me, we live in the high cost reformulated fuel zone. I am too lazy but when I get a chance, I will find and post my orig $1 prediction, 4 years ago or so, based on the idea of crude oil price wars.
You know we still got half a tank in our new RAV4H from the dealer's fill up. I could probably make it to Cumberland, wherever that is, to fill up.
I guess Congress blocked the idea - heard in this thread first - of re-filling the Strategic Petroleum Reserve on the belief we should not be helping the oil industry.
I think the lowest I saw on Saturday was $1.639. Somebody locally mentioned a reopened station selling for $1.339
Might wind up being good for us in the long run, even though there are about 535 Congress Critters that need to be added to the unemployment roles. When we first talked about stuffing crude into salt domes, the spot price was probably >$30. Lowest price I've seen in person is $1.24. Gas Buddy is having a tough time keeping up.....
So is that just clumsiness, or is that somebody trying to help the oil industry by... making it look like buying while cheap is helpful? Wouldn't it help them a lot more to buy later when prices are back up?
It's west of Richmond. A nice drive along highway 60 though, or for you, a nice scenic drive along 15. You'd make it there on your first tank.