I thought about that but 100% is taking a long time to drop compared to E10 and I only use 100% in my generator. We're only talking about $1 savings total at best if I wait. I think it will go up some as soon as we get the summer blend. I can't confirm if it's here yet or not. I'd prefer to have the summer blend.
Went to a top Tier OnCue station so it's a tad higher and filled up my generator can with 100% E0 @ $1.899. Not bad for 100% E85 $1.699 E10 $1.239 E0 87 octane $1.899 E0 89 octane $2.099 E0 91 octane $2.299 E10 was $1.21 across the street at 7-11. I'll take the Top Tier gas for that difference.
True except in times of extreme and fast fluctuation. The E0 price will eventually track back to its normal difference but it's much slower to do so especially when it's going down. It's very quick to go up though. Amazing, eh?
What a wild smorgasbord of gasoline flavors you have there! I would go crazy testing each for density and MPG. E0 banned here so we got E10-RFG in 3 flavors each equal on MPG and energy Wonder why E0 is more expensive?
E0 provides the most energy and therefore the best MPG. The price difference is mostly demand. in this area we have nearly as many E0 stations as ones without. The decision you have to make is the price break. For instance my Prime is capable of getting a lot more MPG out of that extra BTU in the E0 vs the E10. My 4Runner is not. Its only going to go up so much no matter what you burn in it. Because of that I put E10 in the 4Runner because of the price difference.
Typically, supply and demand renders the price we pay, apart from added taxes. Even so, with everyone having no place to go due to virus Hysteria, the supply will continue to glut. How low can it go .
Wondering when I'll need gas again. Probably in May if we take another big trip. After 328 miles this tank, I've reduced the gas DTE by 11 miles. Actual L/100km is probably well under 0.1 but that's apparently as low as it goes. Almost as bad as the artificial 199.9 on the mpg reading.
I picked up some today just in case. People were grabbing almost as fast as the shelves were being stocked.
I just dumped my "sta-bil-ized" Ethanol Free into my Subaru. I keep a five-gallon can around in the winter in the event had a power outage and I need to run the generator. Having said that, I don't think I've ever needed any more than a half-gallon or so of it during the last decade. But....just in case....I think I may go and refill the can on Wednesday. May even take my second five-gallon can usually reserved for saw gas and fill it up, also. And, yes, I know I will probably be dumping it all in the Subaru in another month or three...
To be "honest to God," truthful....Despite the fact that I HAVE worked on the Prius. Changed the 12v. Changed the water pump, the transaxle fluid, Cleaned the throttle body and MAF and a host of other minor-ish repairs, the Prius still scares me. It is sort of like a guy who gets into a relationship with a woman that has a very protective dog. I like the car. I respect the car, but am afraid of interacting too much with it. It is my wife's daily driver. I only touch it when I have to mess with the car. I'm old school, though the Subaru's CVT and fuel injection and boxer engine also give me concern. Carbs and chokes are nasty, tempermental little beasts, but I understand them....sort of like...opps....nearly got myself in trouble....And, yes, sometimes I miss replacing tubes and adjusting the vertical and horizontal hold on the TV
It also makes it difficult for allergy sufferers to ascertain if they should get tested for COVID -19. Even a mild reaction to pollen can mimic early symptoms (mildly scratchy throat and occasional dry cough, with or without nasal congestion). If the mild symptoms do not progress, then it's probably OK. But just to be safe, I use Vick's VapoCOOL (one quick spray to the back of my mouth/throat). The topical anesthesia knocks out the itchy throat. If it doesn't come back after four hours, then I know it's an allergic reaction. It also stops any coughing, so that you don't make a sore throat even worse (i.e. helps to keep the respiratory tract less susceptible to infection).
This is where I am with my 4-season allergies - I'm forever on a maintenance dose of Claritin. Some people at work might misinterpret allergies for flu these days. I have to be hyper careful at work to protect myself, customers and co-workers alike. Anyways, to keep this thread on track, gasoline just below $2 a U.S. gallon at the moment. I'm happy I have a dual fuel vehicle right now - gas and electric, just in case, you know, the zombie Apocalypse becomes real.
Yes. You don't want the give your customers/co-workers the heebie-jeebies, only to have the boss suggest you self-quarantine when it's not necessary. If you get a fever, that's probably when you should get it tested. The CDC recommends you go seek medical attention if you experience any of the emergency symptoms: "If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately. Emergency warning signs include*: Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath Persistent pain or pressure in the chest New confusion or inability to arouse Bluish lips or face *This list is not all inclusive. Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning." Quote excerpted from: Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) | CDC *********** And before I forget: Lowest gas prices in (rural) Suffolk Va: $1.93 per gallon Lowest gas prices in the Tidewater Va area: $1.95 per gallon
We don't even have a plug-in and we can't use up our first tankful in our new RAV4H...could have kept limping around in a 06 Prius with a dead batt at this rate of social involvement But the RAV4 gave me 93 score for gentle driving on the way home from the grocery store. Nice steady driving it said. So much more pleasant than our Canon printer, always yelling at us..