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It's been almost a year and I'm glad to say I have had no /!\ since my last fix with the TCU pin 13 fix. Many of rain and snow storms. Hope this...
16 days later........ I consider the last attempt a failure. /!\ came back. Seemed to take longer this time for this to come back on though....
Its been less then a week since i did the work. Couple of rain storms, to include a 3 hour drive today in a non-stop torrential downpour with no...
Well, its been a few months since I last posted. The warning remained off for a couple of weeks through rain and snow. Ultimately it returned...
Had a four day stretch within the past week of constistent wet rainy conditions above freezing and can say with confidence that the P Con Main...
My 2004 is doing the same thing now. Starting is fine. It's not until i start driving around in wet weather that this starts. The alarm becomes...
It is that same knock. It starts with the intense knock and then fades away quickly. Again, this only happens durring those big temp changes. If...
I have something simular when I start my 01. Only it lasts about five seconds on startup. Seems to only happen when there has been a signigicant...
If it's the common p0420 code your check engine light is referring to, the cheapest step would be to replace the upstream o2 sensor. This would...
Well, I purchased the standard subscription for a 2 day access and the information was right where you said it would be. :) Thanks again Chap...
Thanks for responding Chap. It appears to be my last resort for the info. So if I subscribe for the access-would the standard access get me the...
I've seen a few posts regarding this topic, tiptoeing around the manual procedure without the use of the thht. The use of a paper clip on a few...