Separate names with a comma.
July 11, 2015 Just an update. I had a new head unit installed in my Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) June 24/15. To date I haven't had...
June 22, 2015 Further to my previous postings and last post June 12, 2015, I received word the new Nav System for my Prius v (lowercase v for the...
June 12, 2015 Some good news --- and some bad news... Took my 2015 Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) back to the service department...
HI Medel; I'll have to wait for the grandkids to do it for me but it is similar to this link. [MEDIA]
June 9, 2015 The saga continues. After sending a lengthy e mail message with the service advisor I have been dealing with plus a follow up...
Thanks for the suggestion, however, I have already given them that information and number but they claim they do not have that particular...
June 8, 2015 This is a follow up to a previous post of mine regarding the Nav Screen freezing. As requested I took my new Prius v (lowercase v...
May 30, 2015 I have a new 2015 Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) --- a little over a month old, with less than 3000 Km (1864miles) on...